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Shoutcasts and Podcasts

Results 1-5 of 5
Shoutcast Multi-server stats
Many online radio stations have more than one server for their audio, whether they are used for relaying the original stream or re-encoding the bitrate or audio format for different listeners. This script is simple to set up and allows you to see how many listeners you have across all of your servers without having to go to each individual server Admin page. It also includes a simple bar chart for each server so that you can see how full it is.
(12 ratings)
SHOUTcast Management Interface
SMI is a free open source Shoutcast control panel providing a simple way to manage streams, users and other features via a web interface. Getting started is made easy via step-by-step web installation launched directly from the unpacked TGZ or ZIP distribution. Features include user based stream ownership, custom per server settings and media file management. Optional features are AutoDJ (IceCast) and graphical stats with MRTG. Still under development in beta stage.
(10 ratings)
Radio DJ Panel v3
This innovative script is designed for use in an Internet Radio environment. Its main function is to act as a link between the DJ's and the Radio Admin. It allows the Users/Admin to; add, edit, suspend, delete DJ's, edit the admin message, edit the news bulletin, view submitted contact forms from DJ's, promoto/demote DJ's, view server detail logs, alert users by ip, book timetable slots, send PM's to other DJ's/Staff, and much more! It also features a built in form so that users that are listening to the radio can submit song requests, competition entries, shoutouts, and etc. It also comes with a quick and easy installer file for your convenience! And all this comes 100% free, no strings attached! Requires PHP 4+ and 1 MySQL Database. Note that this script is no longer actively updated.
(84 ratings)
PodAdmin - Web-based Podcast Management
PodAdmin is a very simple web-based podcast management tool. Upload your new episode via web form, PodAdmin will then grab title and description from the ID3 tags and generate a new RSS feed on your website. Optionally you can specify the title and description if it is not embeded in your audio file. Then all you need to do is link to the generated RSS file. PodAdmin uses PHP and MySQL.
(6 ratings)
Zina is a graphical interface to your MP3 collection, a personal jukebox, an MP3 streamer, a Podcaster. It can run on its own, embedded into an existing website, or as a Drupal, Joomla or Wordpress module. It also includes an optional Flash player. It can also edit ID3 tags on writable file systems. It is similar to Andromeda, but released under the GNU General Public License.
(324 ratings)
Results 1-5 of 5