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Music Libraries

Results 41-50 of 50
Opial audio/video download management
Start your own mp3 audio/video download management with opial! The leader in Audio/Video management software. Show top 10 album/top 10 artist/top 10 downloads/top 10 weblinks/featured downloads/new 10 albums/new 10 searches/ new 10 emails/ Genres with covers/ download as zip/ show song details such as format/type/size/ rate songs/ all artist albums/ all albums songs/ post review on albums/ update advertisements for every album/ search by song/artist/album/add multiple songs/delete dead links/update emails template/ update options/ automatic generated meta tags for every album/easy template customisation. An xml/php/Mysql Package for everyone.:>
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 90.00
Opial Version 0.1
opial lets you create audio mp3/ram/rm/avi/mpg/wav/ai f or any other format audio/video downloads website, in 10 seconds you will be able to install opial on your webserver. Opial is perfect for small website to business network website.With opial you can show top 10 albums, top 10 artist, featured songs, new 10 searches, new 10 songs sent , genres with covers, add multiple songs, report dead audio links, update advertisements from admin panel, search by artist/album/song, edit email template from admin panel, list artist/albums by alphabets.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.95
iPool - music promotion and B2B distribution software
iPool is the multi-award winning, innovative software for the online promotional and B2B distribution of music. Make your music available to your media and business partners (such as journalists, radio stations, DJs, licensees, music downloads shops) around the world via the Internet. It is fast, easy and economic. iPool is the up and coming tool that can reduce your promotional and B2B distribution costs by over 90%. Or increase your range by a factor of at least 20 - without increasing your investment. The pioneering watermark technology also protects your music from illegal distribution. Current customers include more than 150 customers World-wide, including Warner Music, Roadrunner, VP Records, Nuclear Blast, Metal Blade and Kontor Records.
(36 ratings)
MiLyrics is a fully functional website where members can browse and search for lyrics to their favorite songs. Members can also add lyrics for songs that are not currently listed. Full description and feature list on website.
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Automatic Website Media Player
Think Winamp for the web. Lists and plays MP3, FLV and SWF files on your web site automatically. Use in existing HTML page or popup window. Comes in three flavors, Wimpy MP3 Player, Wimpy AV and Wimpy Button.
(32 ratings)
Price 19.95
kPlaylist is a PHP based music database that makes your music collection available via the Internet. With kPlaylist you manage audio and access your music (ogg, mp3, wav, wma, etc.) via a web based interface where you can stream music, upload, make playlists, share, search and download your music from anywhere by just using a webbrowser. kPlaylist is multiuser based and supports more than 30 languages. With kPlaylist you can share your music with friends, family and colleagues. Search for your music in the database and set up playlists of your taste or share them to others. Use kPlaylist to publish music and video samples on your website. Downsample your mp3 files, on-the-fly (using LAME) during streaming when you are on poor Internet connection.
(941 ratings)
Andromeda Streaming Jukebox (PHP)
Andromeda turns your collection of MP3s into a fully-featured streaming Web site with dynamic playlist generation. Many other formats are supported, including: WMA, OGG, MPG, AVI, WMV. It's great as a personal jukebox, on a local network, and over the Internet (bandwidth permitting). Additional features include skins, custom playlists, logons/accounts, and a search tool. Andromeda is also multilingual, speaking English, German, Swedish, Dutch, Spanish, and other languages. No database is required. Works with PHP-Nuke and Post Nuke as a module or an add-on. ASP and PHP versions are available.
(55 ratings)
getID3() is a PHP script that extracts all information from MP3s and other multimedia formats: MP3, Ogg Vorbis, WAV, AVI, MPEG-1 video, Windows Media (ASF / WMA / WMV), RealAudio & RealVideo, Monkey's Audio, Musepack / MPC, AIFF, AU, VOC, OptimFROG, WavPack, LPAC, MIDI, ZIP, BMP, PNG, GIF, JPG, and more! It parses info from these tags: ID3v1, ID3v2, Ogg Vorbis, Lyrics3 v1 & v2, RIFF (AVI, WAV, CD-audio, CART, BWF), APE, ReplayGain, PNG, GIF. It writes ID3v1, ID3v2, APEv2, VorbisComment tags.
(362 ratings)
The DVD Database Project
This PHP driven application will allow you to set up an CLUGS for your site. Basically its an easy way of sharing and exchanging DVDs (other media will follow) with your friends.
(9 ratings)
The G27 Project
G27 is a PHP/MySQL-based database system that allows musicians and bands to easily maintain a list of their gigs through their Web browser. Features include: Displays all upcoming gigs for the week, Lets users bring up a list of gigs by band/musician or by venue, and detailed information about the artist, venue, and a particular gig.
(9 ratings)
Results 41-50 of 50