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Results 1-5 of 5
Skynet Framework
posted byszczyglisinHTTP
Skynet Framework is powerful, easy to use GNU/GPL licensed remote control package and cluster-based network connections builder written in PHP. With Skynet you can create different instances of Skynet (called "clusters") and place them on different servers and then connects with them and sending data between them. Skynet clusters works on request-response architecture as peer-to-peer clusters. They can connects between itselfs, requesting data, responds for them and more. Skynet have self-replication and self-update mechanisms, so you can clone or update your clusters even by remote easy access. Event-listener architecture implemented in Skynet allows you to create your own Event Listeners with easy to use API and allow you to expand Skynet's capabilities according to your needs. Skynet can operate in two modes - as PHP script administrated by browser and in PHP CLI. Thanks to both of these features Skynet offers console interface for quick and easy commands sending.
(0 ratings)
posted byzent00inHTTP
Curly is a Web testing tool written in PHP. It can be used for automated testing of web applications and web services. It uses some functions of the PHP cURL library. Curly uses an XML API for defining and loading tests.
(3 ratings)
posted byalighieri_minHTTP
Kwik-e-marK is a very simple and easy-to-use benchmark class that lets you test the execution time of your php script. It's very easy to split the code into many parts, which can be marked green or red in the report as a reminder (optimized or not) and even excluded from the total execution time. This tool can both output a simple total execution time or a complete report with comments for every code portion, in a popup that includes a button for script re-execution. Under unix system, the script also outputs the memory used. Visit the official web site for the online user guide.
(12 ratings)
HTTP WebDAV Client
Net_HTTP_Client is an almost complete HTTP Client, implementing all HTTP methods and a subset of WebDAV (web publishing protocol). Features: handles data posting, handles HTTP/1.1 persistent connections, connexion through HTTP proxies supported, and possibility to add any header. Supported methods are: Head, Get, Post, Put, Move, Copy, MkCol, Delete, PropFind, Lock, and Unlock.
(3 ratings)
HTTP Post Class
posted byclassesinHTTP
A PHP class that posts an array of data to a given URL using rfc2616 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1.
(6 ratings)
Results 1-5 of 5