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News Publishing

Collection of commercial and free PHP news publishing scripts. These scripts allows you to start your own news web site by providing an interface to add, edit and delete news items easily.
Results 61-80 of 131
Ballywho! is a simple solution that helps you stay in touch with your customers. Built-in tools help you create signup forms that you can embed on your website, design beautiful, re-usable custom email newsletters, track clicks and signups, and automatically manage your bounces and unsubscribes.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
PHP Articles
This script automates the task of displaying daily updated, royalty free articles on your web site. The articles are displayed on your site using PHP so search engines just love them! There are JavaScript versions out their that visually do the same thing, however search engines do not process Java code and therefore do not parse the articles. As usual, the script is template based, will the configuration settings in the single file. No database is required, and it supports PHP version 4.01+. By default, all articles are shown regardless if they have an associated image. Beyond installing the script, the only thing you need is an account with Content Infusion. The account is free, and the setup is immediate. By using the script, you are also bound to the Content Infusion agreement when you sign up.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
Kmita Site News
Kmita Site News is an advanced News Publishing and Management System. It is designed to simplify publishing of News without any programming. News can be added quickly and easily using the WYSIWYG [What You See Is What You Get] editor. We simplified the way News section can be added to your website making it very easy to use for the non-technical users.
(87 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
GentleSource News Script
News Script allows you to write articles for your website. It features a WYSIWYG editor which makes writing an article easy and it supports search engine friendly URLs. The script is completely template driven and includes an installation routine. It can be included in existing websites. Some other features are: Emoticons/Smileys, text modules, content replace, content syndication (RSS, Atom), blog mode. Additional modules allow you to convert links automatically into affiliate links.
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
Xpression News
Xpression News is a powerful yet easy to use news management system that can be set up on your website in less than two minutes. It can be integrated into an existent website layout or used independently. Xpression News RC2 features user friendly URLs, RSS Feeds, Podcasts, comment boards protected against spam messages, fully customizable design, multilingual interface, powerful news editor (WYSIWYG), automatic archiving of news items, picture manager with resize functions, icon manager, user manager with unlimited number of access levels. Xpression News comes with an efficient caching system making it very fast to run
(247 ratings)
News Publishing Content Management System
The JPowered News Publishing Content Management System makes it easy for non-technical users to update and manage articles, press releases, news stories, headlines, and editorials. No HTML or programming knowledge is required, the system enables almost anyone to add a powerful News Content system to any web or intranet site. Main Features Summary Full WYSIWYG editor for both Article Summary and Full Body Text Very Easy to install with an 'Installation Wizard' doing most of the work. Multiple and Multiple Category Levels Completely Customizable design with WYSIWYG Font and Color selectors. Full Image management Front End Visitor Experience Latest News Listings Category Browsing Simple Search and Advanced Search News Summary Displays Full News Article Display Fully customizable Scrolling News Headlines box which can be applied anywhere within a site.
(0 ratings)
Ez News Manager
A simple php news management system runs without MySQL. Features include: Easily integratable to any website. Password protected admin panel. User friendly interface. Admin options include Adding, Editing, Deleting news. Admin can limit the number of news record to store in database. Works with flat file database. Picture can be included with news. Admin can adjust number of listings per page. And much more!
(19 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Pre News Manager
Pre News Manager is online news publishing system. Very easy to manage and integration. Powerful online news management system with user friendly control panel. Include news box to any where in your website and integrate news manager in only one step. Upload latest news with images and advertisements. Include HEADLINES page to any where in your website and news will automatically updated to that page. Subscribe for latest and breaking news. Submit articles, news latest stories and many more. Add your own news categories. Also can be use for private news website.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 45.00
AlstraSoft Article Manager Pro
Sick and tired of generic article management system? Article Manager Pro not only offers you a powerful and template driven news publishing script that allows you to run your own article, news portal or magazine site but our unique SenseIt technology will automatically perform AdSense optimization to ensure that the Adsense ads are more clickable, turning your site into a cashcow. Other features include easy to use, advance WYSIWYG editor with spellcheck, RSS feeds, SEO friendly static pages and unlimited categories & articles.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Article Publisher PRO
Article Publisher Pro is a proven, fast, and reliable news/article management system. With unique and advanced features;such as an RSS article extractor and easy change to the site "look" through CSS definitions and HTML templates, you'll be up and running quickly with this script. The WYSIWYG editor allows authors to write articles with a professional appearance without requiring any HTML knowledge to. The comprehensive admin control panel allows you to manage the site easily, including flexible placement of Google Adsense blocks, creation of newsletters and management of subscribers, controlling the size of uploaded images, and much more. All regularly updated to provide a solid, secure content management system to meet your needs. Try our fully-functional online demo and see for yourself!
(22 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.95
@1 News & Image Expander PRO
Post collapsible Javascripts news and thumbnails on your home page and manage the news via a web-based interface.
(12 ratings)
Wri-Thor gives users the opportunity of adding news, pages, contents in an easy environment (just filling an online form). It generates HTML pages which are fully spiderable by Search engines.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.50
rssgen is written in PHP and does not require a database as the information is written directly to an XML file. You can create new headlines, modify exiting ones, or preview what they will look like. Just download, unzip, and run! No setup required.
(12 ratings)
Webous EasyNews
Simple news engine to run on your site. News are added by editors and are shown on the site. News can be added "for future" - if you set news date to the date in future, it will appear on the site only when its day comes. Every news can have image, attachments, related links section. News script can be called from SSI page for easy integration with the site. Features: * 100% web-based back-end * various attachments can be added to the news * image/image url can be assigned to news * template driven front-end (smarty template engine) * "future" news feature * easy update of language file (via webinterface) * news archive feature * auto installer script * easy writers adding * php&mysql technology * script manual available with each copy (manual also available online) * SSI integration * Source PHP Code is Not Encrypted
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
RSSReader Class
With this class you can easliy customize the tags it reads and recognizes so that you can read different types of RSS Lists.
(6 ratings)
DreamNews Manager ::: insert news block into your HTML or other pages
DreamNews ::: simple to use news builder for you HTML or dynamic website. You can easily add your own news block on your html or dynamic website to make it very interactive and dynamic. You can customize the news design - colors, fonts, font sizes, background colors. And you can even upload images to your news posts, make it as scrolling news and etc. WYSIWYG editor (works in Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher) - for news content. In addition, DreamNews supports RSS XML standard so you will have this hi-end technology on your site too! [ONLINE DEMO] CHECK FOR DISCOUNTS!
(114 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.25
Functions:1.News administration -you can add news -you can delete news -you can edit news 2.Languages 3.You can change news appearance 4.Archive ( 1 2 3 4 etc.) 5.You can change number of news on one page
(9 ratings)
QLnews 1.2 is advanced news publishing system based on files :) Functions: 1.you can add users ( admin or newsman); 2.you can edit and delete users 3.you can add emoticons ; 4.you can delete emoticons ; 5.you can add news; 6.you can delete and edit news ; 7.long and short text ; 8.you can comment news; 9.you can delete comments ; 10.you can create your own theme of news ; 11.avatars ; 12.languages( so far: polish, english, german, spanish); 13.you can choose number of news on main page; 14.comments counter;
(6 ratings)
qliteNews or "quick" and "lite" news allows you to post, edit, modify news easily with no other fancy options! You can easily edit this script and easy to learn from
(3 ratings)
SoSo News Express Pro
You are running a news website. In one day, you recognize that the database has been huge and it is too difficult to manage. The website is slow and users take much time to access, also the database is sometimes down. If you are in this situation, you should have a look at SoSo News Express. There are many modern technologies built-in: Cache Engine makes your website much faster, Template Engine help you to run website with multi templates and languages, Formating articles with WYSIWYG Editor is so easy and convenient, Multi-Level Access makes your Admin Control Panel more secure,... and many other features which you can discover yourself.
(123 ratings)
PriceUSD 295.00
Results 61-80 of 131