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News Publishing

Collection of commercial and free PHP news publishing scripts. These scripts allows you to start your own news web site by providing an interface to add, edit and delete news items easily.
Results 101-120 of 131
13 News
This script uses mysql to store news posts, comments and archives. It has a very easy to use control panel for editing/deleting news and comments. Installing is very easy, you just type in your database information and run an install file and your read to start posting! Every attribute of the news can be easily edited with 1 file. A live demo can be seen at http://jakez.net/test/news.php
(3 ratings)
Cute News
A powerful news management system that uses flat files. Very easy to use and integrate into existing website. You'll need less than 3 minutes to get it working on your server. Features: powerful comments system, WYSIWYG, avatars, own smilies, search function, flood protection, easy to manage multy-templates, time adjustment, backup function, IP banning, online admin panel and 3 different user levels, preview function, archives that can be organized, optional full-story, many add-ons available, password protected names in comments, cute skins, 'remember me' - function. The script comes with auto-installer.
(33927 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
SilverNews is a powerful news publishing system written in PHP featuring a fulltext search engine, attachments, a comment system, user profiles, a memberlist, news categories, smilies and more... The easy-to-use admin control panel allows you to customize every single aspect of SilverNews to suit your needs within a few minutes, providing you with absolute control over templates, the style sheet, numerous system settings, and much more. Moreover you are able to create several user accounts with individual permission. SilverNews comes with an installation script, making setting up the script as fast and as easy as possible. SilverNews is available in English, German and Dutch.
(21 ratings)
TRG News Script
The TRG News Script is an easily customizable news posting script. By simply pasting a small block of code on your page, the TRG News Script will display your newly posted material there. This script requires an SQL database.
(9 ratings)
news7 is a PHP/mySQL driven news system that easily integrates into your web site by including a single line of code. Powerful admin tools to add/edit/delete news & users make the process of adding dynamic news to your web site even simpler. Plus there's an easy to use installation system to ease the process.
(3 ratings)
Moc Designs PHP News
A PHP-SQL powered, dynamic, news editor and displayer. Adding news on your website is done through a web-page form, saving you the time of editing your news page and then uploading the news page again. Free to use given that mocdesigns footer must remain intact without modification.
(3 ratings)
VirtuaNews is an advanced content management system allowing you to easily add content to your site. The script is very fast, very customizable, entirely template driven, advanced permission system and much more.
(72 ratings)
PriceUSD 60.00
A fairly simple php script meant to enable one to update a web page with short to medium long pieces of text, without having to use an HTML editor and ftp client. Useful for blogs, travelogs, siteupdate notes, homepage news, changed visiting hours, etc. The script accepts plain text, automatically converting returns to breaks or full fledged html so you can embed images and links when needed. Uses a MySQL database for storage. New in v1.3: security fixes, comments must now be approved before they appear, cosmetic changes in admin interface, minor bugfixes all over the board.
(6 ratings)
NePHP Publisher Enterprise Edition
NePublish Server is an ideal solution for web publishing like an online magazine or media websites. It works also as Content Management System that are easy to install and manage.
(1760 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Sitenews is an all in one solution for posting news messages on your site. Instead of having to type each news item in HTML, you can go to your sitenews admin section and type it into a very easy to understand input screen and it will appear on your site. Other neat functions are that you can manage the users who have access to the admin and manage all news items with functions like add, edit and delete. You can also edit the colors, fonts, etc in easy config files.
(0 ratings)
Nucleus is a tool to maintain one or more weblogs. It's written in PHP4 and requires a MySQL database. Features: one or more weblogs, multiple authors, categories, commenting system and karma votes, fully tweakable through skins and templates, plugin system, archives, search, file upload, drafts, IP banning, XML-RPC server implementation of the Blogger API/metaWeblog API, easy installation, RSS syndication, backup/restore, and more.
(678 ratings)
Pivot is a tool to create weblogs (and to some extent other dynamic websites), written in PHP. Pivot is easy to setup, easier to maintain and even easier to work with. Features: Template based- Fully adaptable to your wishes; Language packs supported; Easy to upload and include pictures with your log-entries; comment system that remembers your visitors; Automagic Archiving by week or month; Uses style sheets extensively, so moderation will be much easier using a recent browser (IE5+ / Mozilla / Firebird / Safari 1+ / Opera 7+); Wysiwyg editor or plain editor; All data is stored using a solid flat files structure. No MySQL or other databases are required, just plain PHP..
(607 ratings)
EvoNews is a free php/mysql-based multi-use news posting system. It supports multple users and includes various features to help you mangage your site news.
(0 ratings)
Tutti Nova
Tuttinova is a web-news management application. Its goals are simplicity, security, and easy integration into any web site or larger php project. Also features user levels and XML input/output. Tutti Nova is written in PHP4 and uses MySQL on backend.
(3 ratings)
Absolut Engine
Absolut Engine is an advanced news publishing system. Strong support for Search Engine Optimization / SEO / clean URLs. It features 3 layer access (admin/chief/editor), article posting, editing and deleting, surveys and discussions. Absolut Engine includes a powerful image managing tool for uploading, deleting and listing the uploaded images. It also includes article discussion manager and file upload manager to add files easily to articles. It is easily expandable, fully configurable and easy to use even for inexperienced users. Requires MySQL. An online demo available on the author's site.
(161 ratings)
Article Manager 2.1 - interactivetools.com
The world's best supported software, designed for YOU, the overworked webmaster! With more features than any other solution, Article Manager gives you absolutely everything you need to manage your very own article driven website. *** Create thousands - or TENS of thousands - of articles. *** No Limitations. Make a headlines file to include in your other pages, create extra RSS feeds, publish an entire duplicate version of your site for hand-held devices, display your articles in text-only formats...it's up to you! *** Upload an unlimited number of images or file attachments to each of your articles. *** Looks exactly like YOUR website. *** No limitations on data. Create tens of thousands of articles, tons of categories, and hundreds of users. *** Cross Browser WYSIWYG. *** Unlimited Free Support. Free Upgrades. Incomparable 90-day, no hassle, money back guarantee. *** TRY THE FREE ONLINE DEMO NOW!
(79 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.95
posted byminNews Publishing
b2 is a set of scripts designed to ease the process of publishing news to your homepage, or weblog. It features add/edit/delete posts, a search function, post categories, readers' comments, lead-in, multi-user management (self-registration), bookmarklets and sidebars posting, GreyMatter and Blogger importer scripts, an XMLRPC interface (Blogger API), ping to weblogs.com (and cafelog.com), in-context preview, file/image upload, RSS syndication, and a templating system that makes it possible to output the data in any format (an online template/file editor is included). It also allows you to post entries via email. Requires PHP 4.0.5 and MySQL.
(1709 ratings)
iBWd News
iBWd News is an easy to install and use news posting script. Just fill in config.php, run install.php and you're done. Supports unlimited number of users.
(72 ratings)
Keld: PHP-MySQL News Script
Keld is a PHP/MySQL based news script similar to NewsPro. Unlike NewsPro, Keld is database-driven, and written in PHP. It features multiple users, types of users, and customizable news layouts.
(3 ratings)
Ad Fundum Integratable News Script (AINS) is a php-script for submitting news. Its main goals are easy integration into existing designs, ease of use and stability.
(0 ratings)
Results 101-120 of 131