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Results 21-40 of 49
Booking System
This script will be very useful for photographers, golf clubs, or any other businesses offering reservations for customers!
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.00
ContactManager 1.0
The application is Multi-user ready so more than one person can create an account and store their own contacts. Please see the live preview to see it in action.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
PG Event Registration Software
PG Events is a powerful web-based solution for creating a multifunctional Event Registration and Event Management website. It`s a perfect system for creating an events portal or for companies organizing trainings, seminars, conferences, reunions and more. The software can meet your event registration needs in many aspects: managing attendees and event registrations, accepting payments, administrating web-site. PG event management software automatically collects registration information and payments from your site users. You can sit back while your site visitors create profiles, browse upcoming event details, check available packages, pay online, receive automated statuses, notices and alerts. PG Events software includes a wide range of features to promote an event and manage all associated material (notifications, languages, info pages, site news and banners). The event registration software is a fast and easy way to launch your own web-site or e-business!
(14 ratings)
The administrator can create staff members whom will help adding and editing customers. administrator can grant staffs different levels of administration. Administrator can also create other administrators with full right. Search customer by Last name, First name, or Tracking #. Every customer has an account balance which shows all the debits and credits recorded in the customer account. This section is use to record all types of payments related to the business. Every customer has thier own individual balance. Administrator can edit, add, and change transactions easily.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
Simple open source to-do list script written in PHP and jQuery. Fast and easy task management in AJAX style. Uses mysql or sqlite database.
(24 ratings)
Letzlink - Cover Image
Letzlink is a simple application written by Rootserver.lu to manage in a single place weblinks login names and passwords. Letzlink was primarily written to run on local applications ( like Xampp ) or in LAN Systems. Letzlink includes Print and PDF Manager and is designed to run without any Database. Released under Creative Commons GPLV2.
(26 ratings)
poAppointment Script
poAppointment is an appointment site that lets business owners manage their clients' appointments online. Written in PHP and contains many great features. Clients can request new appointments which are recorded in admin panel for approval or cancellation. All appointments can be exported to Excel. Clients can add, edit, remove, contact information, change password, and many more features. Administrator has total control of the appointment site and he/she can add working hours, type of service, and rate of charges. It is a great script for those that want to extend their business a new level with online appointment manager. The script has three level of login: client, staff, and administrator. The new version accept payment online thought Paypal. The administrator can opt to accept payments only online or online and at the date of the appointment in person.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.99
M-Ariza Maintenance Follow-up Web Application
M-Ariza is a open source and freeware programmed and developed by our company of Mask Production. And it is a Maintenance Follow-up Web Application. Advantages of M-Ariza: 1. PHP & Linux Its code based on PHP. As you know PHP is open source and anonymous programming language. PHP assembler is works on most using operating systems We mean Windows and Linux. You can use the Linux operation systems without any payment. Or you can use this script on Windows Operation systems but Windows licences are always paid. 2. Web based Web based applications supports multi-users. It mains if you have more than one office or computer you will not spend your valuable time to transport meintenance documents. So you need a web server and your user have to connect your location thats all.
(6 ratings)
online scheduling
A Plus Appointment is an online scheduling, appointment booking with billing, client management and support system. can be used on the Web sites of companies for booking appointments online, with built in help desk, FAQ, News systems admin can provide support and information to the clients. It includes a user-friendly backend to keep track of clients, appointment staffs / Departments activities. Customers can reserve an appointment with a staff member via the Company's homepage, view the existing appointments and pay for the bill with several payment options.
(25 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
posted bygollinOrganizers
SimpleVault is a web-based tool that allows you to manage passwords or other secret information in a safe way. All secret information is encrypted using strong encryption algorithms. SimpleVault is particularly useful if you want to share secret information within a working group with trusted members.
(9 ratings)
Online Contact Manager
posted byericinOrganizers
Online Contact Manager (formerly known as EContact PRO) is an ultimate online database system that allows you to store and retrieve contact information anywhere - anytime! You'll also be able to easily send emails to contacts with the built-in email client. Online Contact Manager features Sorting, Mass Emails, Group Support, MS Outlook Synchronization, Birthday Reminder, Data Export (CSV/TAB/HTML), Preference Control, Full Data Manipulation Interfaces, 30+ Customizable Fields and much more. There is also specially designed PDA interface allows you to use EContact PRO through your PDA/Cell.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.95
PHP Address Book
A simple, web based address book: Addresses, e-Mails, phone numbers & birthdays. vCard and CSV export support. Homepages guessed from e-Mail. Locations linked to "Google Maps". Android and iPhone attached over ActiveSync/Exchange interface. Fully UTF-8 compliant, including the Excel-Export functions. Based on PHP and MySQL. A login procedure for protection is included. Translation in over 20 languages available (e.g.: English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Dutch, Portuguese and many more)
(275 ratings)
The Address Book Reloaded
This is a PHP addressbook web application to store contact details of employees/customers in utf8 format on an intranet or website. Features: login/user accounts, email harvesting protection, Google Maps, distributed management of contacts, PDF address book generation, plugins, styles, SSL-Certificate authority management. Stores portraits of contacts, addresses, emails, phones, VoIP/sip, webs, mms and media info, occupation, function, projects and free style info as HTML notes. URI links for automatic VoIP dialing with skype or sip clients. Requirements: Webserver with PHP >=4.1 or 5 support, MySQL >= V4.1 as server, Firefox or IE as client. This is occasionally a Top 100 project at sourceforge. Visit the demo at: http://tab-2.sourceforge. net (but be patient with the sorceforge servers some errors occur with non delivered files or session info)
(6 ratings)
SMA-DB is a Database to manage yours and see or loan your friends movies and software. Equiped with an auto-complete function it is easy to add movies, software or audio to the database. Works fine with modern browsers on PC, Mac or PDA (like Pocket Internet Explorer) too.
(3 ratings)
Simple Customer
Simple Customer is an open-source online customer database that allows you to easily manage your clients and customers along with adding notes and tasks & multiple contacts. Built with php, Simple Customer is light-weight and easily extensible. Keeping track of your customers & clients has never been easier. Features: Customer & Client Management Calendar Add Notes/Tasks to Customers Multiple User-Levels (Admin/Publisher...) Multiple Contacts per Customer listing Advanced Search & Admin Options Lightweight (55kb) Export list to CSV file
(21 ratings)
PasswordSafe is a free PHP script that will allow you to manage all of your account passwords and other sensitive data. You will only need to remember one master password, and that in turn will give you access to all of the data that you store. Your data will be securely encrypted using industry standard AES 256 encryption, which ensures that only you will be able to access your data. This is the same type of encryption that the US goverment has selected for use when encrypting classified data! Installed on a webserver, you will be able to access your encrypted data from any modern browser, anywhere in the world.
(6 ratings)
TaskDriver 1.3
TaskDriver 1.3 is a unique task assignment based application developed specifically to meet today's tough corporate standards of task assignment and tracking. TaskDriver is an browser based thin client built with PHP/MySQL technologies. It contains built-in authentication, Manager/Assignee relationship and easy deadline tracking.
(24 ratings)
This software enables you to manage all your recipes with ease. Adding, editing, printing and searching for recipes is simple and fast. You can make your own ebook. Features : Web Based; Add / Remove Recipe Category; Add / Remove Recipe in Category; Search recipe in title, ingredient, method; Export to E-book (format PDF); Make US Index Card 4x6 and 5x8 (format PDF); Printer Friendly. Demo Available for free.
(10 ratings)
My DataBook
posted byMeAlexinOrganizers
My DataBook is a personal organizer/planner. Features include eMail reminders, calendar, journal, appointments, and contacts. The great thing about this script is that it is powerful, yet very simple. Anyone with a little php experience could make countless enhancements to the script. Download away! *This great script was created by Toby over at theadminshop.com. He dropped the GPLd version to pursue a commercial script.
(19 ratings)
Online Appointment Scheduling
The online appointment planner is a tool based on PHP and MySQL that can be used on the Web sites of companies for booking appointments online. The script allows customers to reserve an appointment with a staff member via the Company's homepage. Appointment and customer data can be edited in the administration area by the operator. The scripts allows you to create an arbitrary number of appointment areas. Users and operators can be assigned to one or all appointment areas.
(15 ratings)
PriceUSD 129.00
Results 21-40 of 49