Polls & Voting
AJOX(ajax) Poll Script
posted byjoxinPolls & Voting
Ajax Poll Script utilizing php mysql and the ajax technology thats why i called it Ajox Poll. :). User can create unlimited poll and upto maximum of 10 option per poll in the backend panel included in this app. Can easily be customized templates and design. check the screen shots below.
Social Web
posted byseomanojinPolls & Voting
Social website provided by the truworth is a best service which can help you in developing a social network of news and stories. Your sites user can submit new stories and latest news on that social website. Other users can review these stories and news and post comment or rating on these posts. Users can also add other users with them. News and stories posted on the website can be seen by the today, week, month and year. That sit also have the tag cloud feature.
PriceUSD 120.00
Myspace Increaser Package, MIP PRO
posted byrootinPolls & Voting
Myspace Increaser Package a must for all myspace artists looking to increase profile views and song, video plays. A popular Myspace artist page must have at least 5000 profile views a day and about 6000 plays. That is the average! Record companies are constantly on Myspace charts looking for artists that are not only talented but also show evidence of popularity within the page. The amount of song plays and number of profile views play such a huge part for your success.
PriceUSD 19.95
PHP Smart Picture Rater
posted byphpsourceinPolls & Voting
PHP Picture Rater is a picture rating website where people can post pictures for other's to rate and post comments on. It also features an email system for members to communicate through the website.
A search utility is also present to search through profiles by specifying the gender and age.
The admin area allows to specify settings like the need for approval for the uploaded pictures and user management.
PriceUSD 19.99
Poll counter
posted byXantusinPolls & Voting
This script allows you to ask your visitors on there opinion about a veriaty of subject. It can be used on multiple pages without the need of a database! Can be setup to remember to ips of the visitors who have voted to prevent them from voting twice.
PHPPoll - Easy Poll Creator
posted byocnodinPolls & Voting
Create stunning, 100% customized polls with text/images, in minutes. Fully Customize and format your polls, Redirect voters, Brand your poll, Create text polls, image polls or text and image polls.
Create 3 Types of Polls: Single answer radio buttons, multiple answer check boxes and drop-down menus.
Fully Customize and format your polls: Colors, fonts, sizes, borders, paragraphs; everything!
Select any of the built-in themes. Use as is, or modify to your liking.
Visit PHPPoll.net for a full feature list.
PriceUSD 9.95
DCO Poll Maker
posted bydotcomonomicsinPolls & Voting
DCO Poll Maker allows you to setup multiple polls and then easily put that poll on any page you like. It has a backend admin area to allow you to create, edit, delete and view results of your polls as well. Easy peezy!
Vote4Me - voting php script
posted byjailbird2inPolls & Voting
Vote 4 Me is a classic voting PHP script designed for webmasters who need a fast, reliable, flexible and easy-to-use voting with membership system software. Script have powerfull admin area with many advanced features and detailed home page statistics tracking (button image, link description, impressions, hits, in hits and out hits). Script laso have advanced state of the art members area! Please check demo script for all features and options script comes with! Easy to use php script: submit your site, edit your Listing, upload your button, place code on your site, all counted hits and impressions are votes. The code you place on your site will show buttons from other members, including a tagline link back to this site. When a members button shows on your site, that members listing gets a impression, if clicked on, that member gets a click. If a person clicks on the tagline, your listing gets a In Hit...
PriceUSD 21.00
PHP Store Picture Rating
posted byphpstore123inPolls & Voting
New site with front end features including,
Rate photos of members. Email a picture to a friend. Top 10 Guys and Girls Displayed. Newest Added Displayed. Top 10 Overall Displayed. Report Abuse. Comment on photos. Add Pictures To Favorites. Upload multiple pictures. Edit Profile. Send messages. View Profiles. Search photos by age and gender.
The Admin Features include,
Send Newsletter. Google Adsense Integration. Update/Edit Logo via Admin. Add Welcome Text via Admin. Area for banner rotations to advertise your other sites. Edit/Add Photo Settings. Require Users to enter Validation code after signup for account activation Optional. Approve Pictures Uploaded Automatically Optional. Approve Comments posted automatically Optional. Edit Email Templates. Backup Database.
PriceUSD 49.99
posted byowentechinPolls & Voting
OwenPoll is a very flexible poll management software with great features:
*Create polls at any time
*Run multiple polls at the same time
*Unlimited possible answers for each poll. (You can add them at any time).
*Edit any poll at any time without having to restart the poll
*Show poll as select box or option button
*Show percentage and actual number of votes or show percentage only
*Show results graphically
*Show result graphs horizontally or vertically
*Choose colour for each response's bar graph
*Choose colours of poll header, background, footer and text
*Prevent double voting using cookies, IP addresses, both or none (allow)
*Runs entirely on your web site (does not take away your visitors)
*Close poll to prevent further voting
*Admin can easily delete any poll and it's choices (and votes).
*Administration area is password protected
*Uses PHP and MySQL
*Complete easy-to-follow installation instructions provided
*Free Support through our forum
*Source code provided
*OwenPoll is FREE
Survey Force Deluxe
posted byElearningforceinPolls & Voting
Survey Force Deluxe is an advanced Joomla! survey component designed to create online surveys or polls and even build troubleshooter.
* 8 various question types with flexible question rules and a number of useful options
* 2 predefined templates CSS of those you can modify. The templates are adaptive to mobile devices
* Front-end authoring
* Customizable final page
* Possibility to create email survey invitations
* Advanced permissions option
* Integration with JomSocial and Community Builder
* Compatibility with Joomla! 1.5 - 2.5, 3x
Find more features on our site!
PriceUSD 69.00
posted byhostgadgetinPolls & Voting
K-Rate is one of the most advanced and feature rich HotOrNot type of scripts in the market. It provides all the standard features - image submission and voting as well as more advanced features like creation of member profiles and profile search.
Dating oriented photo rating script,
forums, chat, personal blogs, private messaging system,
Video Upload (YouTube) NEW,
Slide Show NEW,
Paid memberships option,
Extremely customizable image rating script,
Loaded with unique features,
Profile search system,
Paid memberships can be offered as well - Integration with 2CheckOut and PayPal,
Free downloadable 15 day trial.
Multi Polls
posted bywebbdomaininPolls & Voting
A multi languages database driven poll. Englsh, Arabic, Farsi (persian), Kurdi, Ordu and many other languages. You can set the settings used in your poll through the Administer Area. Select numbers of answer options and customize question and answers of your poll. Set background of poll to match the exact style of your website. Set the time for the cookie based blocking so the users can not vote again during this time.
Change any part of the sources and text to fit your needs and language. Easy to install, read userguid.doc in poll.zip to install the script step by step. Log in to demo admin area here with username: admin and password: admin.
If you have any questions, or are having difficulty installing the petition, we would be happy to help.
PriceUSD 75.00
FormXP 2007, 5 in 1: Formmail + Survey + Poll + Tell-A-Friend + Mass Mailer
posted bywebmasterinPolls & Voting
FormXP 2007 is a 5 in 1 Ajax application which includes 1:Formmail Builder, 2:Survey Builder, 3:Poll Builder, 4:Tell-A-Friend, 5:Mass Mailer. We used Ajax technology to make FormXP works like a standalone desktop application than a typical web page. The look of your Formmail, Survey, Poll and Tell-A-Friend is easy to customize via CSS HTML template. Special features: It enables administrators to detect user�s country, city, region, based on the IP address, option to display CAPTCHA security image code to prevent spam automated submissions. SAVE TIME and MONEY with FormXP 2007 - 5 in 1 today. System requirements: PHP 4.x or higher and MySQL 3.x or higher.
PriceUSD 59.95
Creating a simple file based polling script
posted byphptoys2inPolls & Voting
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple, file based polling system where you can easy setup new polls. No database is required for this script and you only have to edit one config file.
Micro Polling System
posted byphptoys2inPolls & Voting
Micro Polling System is a simple file based PHP polling script with easy installation and setup. You only need to edit one text file which maintains the question and the answers as well.
Poll, Quiz, Voting script generator
posted byJosebaBinPolls & Voting
User must choose a question and all the possible answers (up to 10). A script will be generated which must be included in the users page. Votes are saved to individual text pages which are generated by the script.
Ryan's District Poll System(SE)
posted byryansdistrictinPolls & Voting
Here are the discrition as i have on the download page This is an amazing piece of work
This will allow you to add a poll to your site it can be added any where in your site emails and newsletters You can put it in anyway you want. This system is made especially to be integrated in your site in a way that it can be put in any corner in your site and its completely editable.
You have control to modify any thing because all the system is built upon easy to edit variables where any person with no programming experience can edit In this package it got simple automatic installation system ( read the readme.txt file for important details)
PHP & Ajax Rating System
posted bydavidezquivelinPolls & Voting
PHP and Ajax web rating system. Allow the users to rate your pages, items or articles using original images as rating values. The voting system doesn't requires reloading the page, and you can insert as rating items as you want on a single page. Also, you can put the same voting item on different pages and share the votes. The images are shown with nice rollover effects. The rating system prevents fraudulent votes by using IP filters.
PriceUSD 9.90
AlstraSoft Video Share Enterprise
posted bydtraxinPolls & Voting
Video Share Enterprise is the ultimate solution for starting your video sharing and uploading community just like Youtube and MySpace Videos allowing your members to vote videos/profiles and polling. Video Share is our enterprise level software that offers a powerful and feature rich solution combining both video sharing and social networking into one package. Features include: template based, built-in flash player for video streaming, integrated paypal payment system, upload video, messaging system, embeddable video player, real-time video conversion, video/profile rating, playlist, groups, setup video channels, friend lists, advertiser and polling plug-ins as well as an advance admin interface
PriceUSD 99.00