Portal Systems
Collection of commercial and free PHP portal scripts. These scripts allow you to start a community portal site with features like news management, discussion and commenting and ability to easily add other features through add-ons and modules.
Advanced Recipes Portal Script
posted bysoftbizinPortal Systems
Most Downloaded Recipes Script to launch your cookery site. Own a great looking high end recipe site TODAY. No technical knowledge required. Powerful admin panel. Free installation. Free support. Free live demo. Explore all features NOW. Top features include (1) Free technical support (2) Free installation (3) Change site colors icons right from admin panel (4) Unlimited recipes and recipe categories (5) Automatic recipe of the day feature (6) Rate recipes (7) Favorite recipe list (8) Email recipe (9) Print recipes (10) 100s of customizable parameters in admin panel (11) Recipe discussion board (12) Great great earning potential (13) Inbuild ad manager (14) Unlimited ad slots and unlimited banner (15) ZERO recurring cost (16) And lots more. FULL FREE ONLINE DEMO. Now FREE installation and support. Download the script now!
Built2Go PHP Search & Link Portal
posted bybuilt2goinPortal Systems
Built2Go offers a fully developed PHP searchable link directory system integrated with a variety of well designed web templates for the ultimate in polished appearance and full functionality. The Built2Go search and link portal enables you to have your own mini yahoo or niche link directory. Now you too can accept organized link submissions, sponsored listings targeted to specific categories, and allow your users to rate and review the links in your own ready to use index. The Built2Go Search & Link portal system also contains a full user control area as well as a complete administration area with full control over users, categories, listings and prices.
PriceUSD 69.95
The Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence,Berkeley University, CA
posted byblack_indianinPortal Systems
The PHP-Nuke Seti@Home Statistic Block displays all user data (returned WUs, registered since etc.) and the Seti@Home totals (WUs, CPU years, processors, platforms, users etc.),
Note: The webserver / php must be configured to process the php fopen cmd (phpinfo: allow_url_fopen), otherwise do not use this block.
Recipes Script
posted bydoscriptinPortal Systems
Recipes Script is a highly Advanced and Powerful PHP script to run your own recipes site. It is the quickest tool for even webmasters with minimal knowledge of HTML to launch their very own unique high end recipe portal (site). Script is built with focus on increase ease of users and profits of webmasters.
PriceUSD 85.00
posted bywebmaticinPortal Systems
Webmatic is a revolutionary system for the dinamic creation (directly online) of your website or webportal.
With the webmatic control panel (editor) it is possible to manage all the contents of a whole website without known any kind of programming language or HTML language.
To use Webmatic you need simply a web service that support the PHP language and the MySQL database.
With webmatic you can:
Create and manage a newsletter Create and manage the news for your website Create and manage a F.A.Q. section (Frequently Asked Question) Create a page with the horoscope Create and manage a search engine Create a directories section Create photo albums Create a page for users registration (with users login control panel) Create and manage users groups Differentiate the access level in the website for the users and the administrators Create a page of "suggest website to your friends"
Create a contact page Create a guestbook page Create online survey Create one
posted bymarioinPortal Systems
EasyDynamicPages could be a Web Portal System, news system, personal or
business site. The goal is to have an automated web site not
only to distribute news and items but also easily to
create and edit dynamic web pages (DynamicPages) without knowledge of html,
php or whether you need to develop websites. Each user can submit news,
comments, discuss articles and more. Registered users and administrators can
additionally create and modify DynamicPages. Plugins included with the install
are BookMarks manager, E-Calendar, E-Publish, E-card and E-gallery systems and
Yahoo-like E-Classifier system. Features: design/content separation, web
admin, user-customizable theme management, SiteConfig manager, PageEdit
manager, Search engine, Left/Right blocks system, editor to add news and for
content management, modular DynamicPages structure, system self-install and
more. Written in PHP, works on windows, unix, linux and requires PHP, Apache
and MySQL.
Bitrix Site Manager - Professional Edition
posted bybitrixinPortal Systems
Bitrix Site Manager is the industry's most secure website management and e-marketing solution delivering extreme value in performance, functionality, and ease-of-use. This is the best fit for a variety of application including corporate and community sites, eCommerce and news services. API and source code allow for easy integration with third-party software. The product does not require in-depth knowledge: orchestrate online business from A to Z with a browser using a user-friendly interface.
PriceUSD 1,499.00
Composr CMS
posted byChris GrahaminPortal Systems
A CMS with many social media features for sophisticated sites. Composr supports many types of content (galleries, news/newsletters, etc.) - and integrating rich media and advertising into them. Social features include forums, member blogs, chat rooms, wiki, and content commenting/rating. Composr lets you decide exactly how your site will look and behave. Features are plentiful, well integrated, and optional. Out-of-the-box your site will meet the highest accessibility and professional standards.
Lithium 4
posted bySindelinPortal Systems
Script for creation of a site of portal type. Does not requires any SQL database (all data are stored in text files). Features - viewing and post news on categories, comments, skins (fast change of design), modules, addons for modules, clean (friendly)URLs without Apache's mod_rewrite. Programming language is PHP (Object Oriented style). Requires at least PHP 4.1 and disabled safe mode.
posted byinfoinPortal Systems
GuppY is a small web portal, meant to be easy to use for the end user and does not require a database to run. GuppY offers a full and secured administration interface to manage the look & feel of your web site as well as the content of the different headings of your site. GuppY offers the standard functionalities of a web portal: news, papers, links, downloads, photos displaying, guestbook, forum, FAQ, poll, visits counter, etc... GuppY has been ported to almost all existing languages.
Version 3.0 update - major new features:
- Possibility to "skin" your GuppY, i.e. to apply a graphic theme
- A newsletter is from now on available, with the management of the registered people
- Possibility to publish on your site, in the "RSS" standard format, the news coming from other sites
- Two new more ergonomic dynamic menus have been added
- The forum comes with an anti-flood system, to prevent the repeated posting of the same message. In addition, you have an option to batch-archive your forum, in order to improve the performances of this last one when it begins to be consistent
- A new monitoring module enables you to control the accesses to your site, by consulting the logbook
- A plug-ins management has been added, which will make it possible for the voluntary and interested developers to code more easily modules for GuppY
Read the details of all improvements on the GuppY website!
JCDex Lite 2.0 for UBB.Threads �
posted byJCS100inPortal Systems
Intergrated index page for the ubb.threads forums. Combines news, popular topics, top posters, forum stats etc.. UBB� is a trademark of Infopop and used with permission.
posted byMach2DesignsinPortal Systems
e107 is a website system written in PHP and mySQL. It installs a completely dynamic website on your server allowing you to create a interactive website with news and forums, which can all be edited via the secure administration backend.
Plugins included with the install are chatbox, poll system, forum, RSS Feeds, headline retrieval, more are included and are ready to download on e107Coders.org.
e107 is completely themable and the only limitation is your imagination. 13 themes are included with more to download at the many theme sites around. PHP 4.1+ is required, the system self installs after asking you a few simple questions and testing your server for compatibility. Code is XHTML Strict compliant, however third party themes/plugins may not be valid.
Realtime support available in IRC channel #e107 on freenode.net. Also the support team are active in the forums on e107.org.
posted byrifatinPortal Systems
tekno.Portal is a dynamic content management system that includes categorized article posting, news posting (headlines), download manager, links manager, newsletter, polls, comment writing to articles, etc. This first release version supports only Turkish language.
posted byinfoinPortal Systems
Drupal is an open-source platform and content management system for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features and services including user administration, publishing workflow, discussion capabilities, news aggregation, metadata functionalities using controlled vocabularies and XML publishing for content sharing purposes. Equipped with a powerful blend of features and configurability, Drupal can support a diverse range of web projects ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven sites.
Due to its modular design Drupal is flexible and easy to adapt or extend. The Drupal platform, written in PHP and utilizing a database back end (e.g. MySQL or PostgreSQL database) provides APIs that facilitate the development of building blocks (modules) that seamlessly integrate with each other.
posted byphpwebberinPortal Systems
phpWebSite provides a complete web site content management solution. All client output is valid XHTML 1.0 and meets the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative requirements. Currently features: blog posting, web page creation, bulletin board, version control and approval, form generator, user management with granulated item administration, calendar, rss feeds, user-customizable theme support and more.
posted bydeekayeninPortal Systems
Thatware is the slashdot-like engine system that runs the Web site, atthat.com. It currently features news posting, discussion board, poll booth, user registration, and more. Thatware is written in PHP and uses a MySQL database on backend.
posted byphpslash-usersinPortal Systems
PHPSlash is a php port of Slash, a Perl-based database-driven news and message board system which runs the popular storytelling website Slashdot.org. It is a comprehensive package that features story posting, replaying, poll booth, story archive, Web-based administration, user management and much more for creating a storytelling discussion community on your site. It uses MySQL on backend for all the data handling.