Website Builders
The Ultimate Wordpress Sitebuilder
posted bysourcedealerinWebsite Builders
The Ultimate Wordpress Sitebuilder for $98
With Pressfabric you create professional Wordpress sites in 1 click. Select one of the many build-in themes or drag and drop your own professional theme. Our system has even a full membership system integrated so you can let your customers signup and create their own website.
We deliver you all the functionalities you'll ever need a site to have. Big collections of commercial themes, premium plugins, site creation systems, cool functionalities, membership solutions and many more. Take a look for yourself...
Our Product Use Cool Commercial Stuff
With Pressfabric you get almost every Woothemes theme for free! Your customers will love this cause nothing has to be installed anymore.
Only $98
PriceUSD 98.00
Mobile Site Builder
posted byScriptDirinWebsite Builders
The resulting website will be optimised on all major mobile devices (iPhone, Android phones, Windows Mobile, Blackberry etc).
It works like a CMS where you can create your pages, define your pages title and content, organise them into categories and more. It also support items that can be your products or your portfolio for example, and that can display in a page to showcase your work.
This app also integrate a way for you to display your Facebook page feed directly into your mobile website, and also an ability to integrate YouTube videos channels.
Features Include:
- A CMS to create your mobile website without touching any code
- Create an unlimited number of pages
- Define your pages title and content (HTML tags supported)
- Supports categories to organise your pages and to layout your site
- Supports items display in order to showcase your work or products
- Contact page to enable visitors to send you a message
- And more...
PriceUSD 21.00
Website Maker Script | Website Builder Community Php
posted bywebsitemakerscriptinWebsite Builders
Buy this script to run your own website maker / builder service. The script is in php and allows users to make their own website automatically by filling in the blanks. This cutting-edge script includes a powerful logo design maker and allows you to create & upload your own design templates that users can choose from. Visit the website to purchase and see it in action. Install within minutes and you'll be up and running by tomorrow!
PriceUSD 99.00
idev-WebsiteBuilder 1.0, Website Builder Software
posted bylistenmirndtinWebsite Builders
An easy way to create your website. This website builder is easy enough that inexperienced web designers will be able to create a website from start to finish (just install and add content). Yet powerful and customizable enough that experienced webmasters and programmers will appreciate both time saved and streamlined organization features which will make management of a website easy down the road. Easy to customize: Choose from our pre-made templates or create your own. It is easy to add your own header and footer, or adjust the color scheme.
PriceUSD 29.95
Ajaxel CMS - for all kind of online projects!
posted byajaxelinWebsite Builders
Ajaxel - (AJAX element) is the fast and convenient desktop user friendly CMS. With this CMS you will be able to create website, CRM, intranet or another big or small online project. Why is it so good? The answer lies in a rapid change in the site through the windows desktop, double click on the shortcut menu and enable the web master to add or edit content quickly and conveniently. Contains a lot of modules and convenient structure, user-friendly links, not only looks beautiful on the outside but inside that makes the system pleasant for programmers.
PriceEUR 25.00
Pointter PHP CMS Content Management System
posted bypangramsoftinWebsite Builders
Pointter PHP Content Management System Version 1.6 is an advanced, fast and user friendly CMS Software that can be used to build simple websites or professional websites with product categorization, product blogs, member login and AJAX live search modules. Beside the new Web 2.0 sleek design, the script has been validated as perfect by The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)'s XHTML 1.0 and CSS Level 2.1 standards. The script provides the user to create unlimited static page boxes, static pages, main categories, sub categories and product pages. The system is very flexible and every box, category, static page and product page can be edited, moved, deleted and their page position can be changed. The script uses modular system and category box module, most viewed box module, newly added box module, member box module, today box module and AJAX live search module can be turned on/off and edited.
posted byScriptDirinWebsite Builders
The Inclusion application starter script will allow you to rapidly design websites around content. There’s no need to create the same familiar structures over and over again. There’s no need to copy and paste your navigation. There’s no need for a database. It’s easy to customize and even easier to install.
Inclusion is meant for designer/implementers that are tired of the old game of: copy, paste, make a change, copy, paste, ad infinitum. It’s five new steps to making your beautiful designs work on the web without headaches.
PriceUSD 8.00
posted byjulia-concrete5inWebsite Builders
Concrete5 lets content creators edit their websites easily without the need to access a central administration interface. A wide variety of content types are supporting through Concrete's block's infrastructure, which makes it easy for developers to extend the system for their clients. A unique and attractive UI makes it so that Concrete5 will appeal to technical and non-technical users alike, and makes picking up the system easy. Beyond this attractive interface lies a powerful framework, a flexible and secure permissions model, and a great platform for PHP-based web applications.