Real Estate
Builder Website Script - i-Netsolution
posted byinetsolution04inReal Estate
The contribution of builders and developers in development of a society or in fact a city can’t be ignored. Their pivotal entrepreneurial skills and innovative engineering techniques besides smart allocations , always pave way for innovative industrial and societal arrangements leading to a great interactive atmosphere among the citizens. This Builder Website Script is our earnest approach to facilitate these great minds in carrying out their business much easily. Because we have witnessed numerous great entrepreneurs unable to undertake great projects due to the lack of internet based solutions which could provide them a vast exposure to the market besides providing them with the required authenticity. This Script, which looks after all those necessities, has been designed utilizing PHP and Mysql so that a secured atmosphere can be provided besides the necessary advantages of a Corporate Style Website.
PriceUSD 99.00
Bus Booking Script - i-Netsolution
posted byinetsolution04inReal Estate
We are the pioneers in introducing the Online Ticket Booking Software which is a powerful ticket booking web application for create routes with start, end and stop destination.Bus Booking Script is developed using customizable.
PriceUSD 99.00
Six In One Real Estate Template – i-Netsolution
posted byinetsolution04inReal Estate
We have developed six different models of responsive templates for real-estate industry, which is suitable for real-estate agencies, corporate companies, builders, Independent realtors and apartment developers. This Realestate Template Solution provided by us is designed developer friendly and is highly customizable with minimal PHP knowledge. You can choose the look of your website from our design templates or we can create the custom design as per your demands. As per the National Association of Realtors (NAR) research 85% of the real-estate- deals start from the internet so, you can capture the billions of customer's through your website.
PriceUSD 49.00
i-Netsolution - Vacation Rental Script
posted byinetsolution04inReal Estate
Increased sense of exploring the nature, knowledge of multiple travelling destinations, awareness of spiritual destinations, easy mode of conveyance, and the joy of exploring life has increased the number of travelers moving across the globe. We have designed this Vacation Rental Script to assist the Rental Property owners ranging from Villa owners, Apartment owners, and Room owners, who facilitate these explorers in their mission by providing needful accommodation as per their choice of preference. This Holiday Rental Script with provisions for Multi-Currency supports travelers by providing Online Reservation/Booking in their language of choice and currency by Integrated Payment Gateways. Developed using latest technologies, this SEO friendly Vacational Classifieds Script with Responsive Design will surely assist you in expanding your business besides providing a secured atmosphere.
PriceUSD 99.00
i-Netsolution - Realtor Script
posted byinetsolution04inReal Estate
The Realtor Script is an easy to use Commercial Property Listing Script, which lets you create and manage a real estate listing website of your own. This script can serve you in another way as a Realtor Agency Script, comes pre-loaded with Feature-rich, SEO-friendly, and easy to use interface along with a protected admin area to create, edit, and delete new listings with multiple images. This script can also be utilized as a Real Estate Website for Agents, and is developed in PHP, Mysql, and Ajax ensuring a hacker-free and spam-free environment. The user-friendly design permits anyone to operate the script without any technical knowledge. The developer friendly design permits you to customize the script easily with minimal PHP Knowledge, and if you desire, we could provide you with the customization services.
PriceUSD 49.00
i-Netsolution – Classified Rental Script
posted byinetsolution04inReal Estate
Whatever be the reason, the necessity of a readymade rental property as per individual requirements has become an unavoidable necessity. Entrepreneurs who could liaise with various agents or property owners willing to rent properties can do a lot in this regard by facilitating both the property owner & the guest.
PriceUSD 99.00
i-Netsolution – Four In One Realestate Script
posted byinetsolution04inReal Estate
The Four-in- One Real Estate Script is a Real Estate Classifieds Listing Script, which is filled with advanced features necessitated by the current trend in the modern real estate industry. This Real Estate Classifieds Script has premium features available to you in the most economical price. The specialized features include Real Estate Agencies Website Theme, SEO Friendly URL, Responsive Design, and XML Support. You can have a look at the four Different Designs available with us and can transform your preferred design based on your interest and your business concept. Coded for easy customization, you can customize it with your developers. We can setup your website within 24 hours from your purchase.
PriceUSD 49.00
i-Netsolution – Open Source Real-Estate Script
posted byinetsolution04inReal Estate
Open Source Real-Estate PHP Script allows you to launch a powerful and professional real estate website to list properties.
This PHP Real Estate Script which has Open Source Real Estate Readymade Script comes with radiant profile edit features that help its users in adding their property details and images in an efficient manner within this website. This Open Source Real Estate Agency Script comes with the following specialized features:
Easy to use application
Improved photo gallery
Enhanced listing features
Easy to use contact form
Advanced Search System
PriceUSD 49.00
i-Netsolution – Magicbricks Script Clone
posted byinetsolution04inReal Estate
Magicbricks Script Clone / Readymade PHP Makaan Clone Script is a Real Estate Script designed considering the needs of people who are in search of a cost effective property listing software with multiple listing options.
This script with multiple categories of property listing (residential, commercial properties, plots, individual houses, apartments, property resale (to name a few)) incorporated, will find their buyers at the earliest. Designed in the most user-friendly manner, this script facilitates an individual to locate the property of his/her choice, with least required search tags but with a smarter display of results. In other words, through this Dynamic Real Estate Script, you can not only review, submit, and advertise various portfolios of residential and commercial properties, but also has the options to extend your business to a new set of boundaries.
PriceUSD 99.00
i-Netsolution – Real Estate Clasified Script
posted byinetsolution04inReal Estate
Are you in the real estate business and looking for an Open Source Real Estate Classified Script?? Well, if you are looking for an industrial standard Real Estate Classifieds Script with a responsive design and supporting multiple-languages, then you can stop your search!! Real estate business is growing leaps and bounds and this version of our PHP Classifieds Ads Script is the best script solution for your online real estate business.
User friendly – As per market research and considering feedback given by our business analyst team, our Open Source Real Estate Agency Script is developed in such a way that even the entrepreneurs who do not possess much technical knowledge can manage the entire system with ease.
PriceUSD 149.00
i-Netsolution – Apartment Management Script
posted byinetsolution04inReal Estate
If you are the proud owner of numerous apartments or properties, we understand it is very difficult to maintain day-to- day activities, expense details, tenant control, leases, service requests, etc. This Residential Apartment Management Script is the finest product available for effective management of your property details. This script can, not only effectively manage the property as a Commercial Property Maintenance Script but also will be 100% supportive to the apartment association members.
With this added version of Residential Rental Property Script you can sit back, relax, and let the website manage all the data for you. The script designed user-friendly lets you to manage the website very easily that too without much technical knowledge.
PriceUSD 149.00
I-Netsolution - PHP Real Estate Script
posted byinetsolution04inReal Estate
PHP Real Estate Script is a Real Estate Websites Script, urbanized in PHP and Mysql, mainly designed for real estate companies to promote their properties. Its user-friendly design enables you to be the owner of a Real Estate Listing Script. This Php Property Portal Script has the most essential adaptability and simplicity necessary for any Realty Classifieds Scripts or Property Owner Websites. This Open Source Real Estate Agency Script comes with quality-rich, simple to use interface with secluded admin area to make, edit, and delete new listings with multiple images. Without any technical knowledge, anyone can operate and sustain our Makaan clone script. The lighter design optimizes the web page display while screening of multiple properties and stage searches.
PriceUSD 199.00
Property Rental Manager
posted byPowerPHPScriptsinReal Estate
Property Rental Manager is a full featured, flexible, responsive PHP/MySQL script that allows you to manage the rental of your house, cottage, condo, etc.... The script allows your visitors to view a real time calendar of availability and make rental requests. The back end admin functions allow you to manage all aspects of your site (front end text, images, calendar, image gallery, etc...). Google Maps integration is also supported for your property address.
PriceUSD 29.99
Eminent - Property Management System
posted bynoblesoftinReal Estate
Eminent is the perfect script for any type of real estate or property/vacation rental business. It helps to list your properties online and professionally record and manage reservations as well as the reports. It is a great user friendly product as it covers aspects of the industry and has beautiful interface design.
Are you looking to build a:
Property Listing Website
Vacation Rental / Lodging Website
Hotel Booking Website
PriceUSD 40.00
Property Listing Script, Real Estate Script , Airbnb clone script , Realtor software
posted byphpscriptsmallinReal Estate
If you would like to start your Real Estate websites then you need not worry about that ,you are in the right place. This Readymade Real Estate Script has quality-rich and simple to use interface with secluded admin area. You can make, edit, and delete any listings with multiple images. Without technical knowledge anyone can sustain our Makaan clone script. It consumes less space, and operates fast when screening multiple properties and the stage searches.
We have 11+ Different types of PHP Real Estate Script like Six in One HTML Realestate Design , Advanced Real Estate Script , Open source real-estate script , Property listing script , PHP Classifieds Rental Script , Airbnb Clone Script, PHP Realestate Script and Realtor Script etc.
For More Details:
PriceUSD 49.00
Instant Real Estate Search Engine
posted byvidalinReal Estate
Instant Real Estate Search Engine is a Real Estate aggregator that searches multiple Real Estate sites including: eBay, Craigslist, Yakaz, Oodle,Realty Bargains, Mitula,Kijiji Add Extra RSS feeds), and more all at once. You can browse Real Estate by Category or Location as well as being able to Search Real Estate in realtime. Furthermore the site is user-friendly, responsive, and customizable for any niche you can think. Best of all is that you can even make Money in a few ways like:
Affiliate support for eBay
Google Adsense, or any other advertising network you wish to use.
Support for Trovit API soon!
Installation is very simple, just one configuration file to tailor your very own custom jobsite for any niche, there is no database needed.
Once you configured everthing, you can sit down, relax, run your website on auto-pilot and even make money!.
PriceUSD 29.00
PHP Real Estate Script
posted by2daybizsinReal Estate
It is easy to use real estate listing script which lets you hold a real estate listing website. Our PHP real estate script has the essential adaptability and simplicity necessary for property owner websites.
This Vacation rental script comes with quality-rich, simple to use interface with secluded admin area to make, edit, and delete new listings with multiple images. Without technical in order anyone can sustain our Makaan clone script. It is a light weight situates keeps operating fast when screening multiple properties and the stage searches.
PriceUSD 49.00
Vacation Rental Script / software - WebZerox
posted byWebZeroxinReal Estate
Webzerox offers the most successful and famous business concept of providing BNB (Bed and Breakfast) on rental basis. To check the working and efficiency of a system and script which is like Airbnb website try our online demo.
Start any business be it Vacation Rental or Web Based Reservation System, Vacation & Holiday Rentals, Office & Meeting Rentals, Hotels / Accommodation, Online Reservations, Real Estate, Car Rentals, Bike Rentals, Boat Rentals, Pet Boarding, Event Bookings, Tours, Equipment Rentals, Book Rentals, Lesson Bookings, Restaurant Bookings, Meal Sharing, Food Delivery, Hire a Chef, Appointments, Personal Trainer Finders, Dating, Freelance Jobs, Micro Services, Online Marketplace, etc.
Buy now and make the most out of it.
PriceUSD 249.00
Realtor Script
posted bypinginfotechinReal Estate
Real estate or property listing websites in minutes with our new responsive real estate theme for WordPress.
Modern, SEO friendly real estate theme for WordPress ideal for real estate agents, property services or listing property for sale or rent.
This theme runs on top of our new responsive framework which means you get optimized code perfect for display on multiple devices.
Mobile: +91-9841300660
PriceUSD 49.00
WL Real Estate Software (PHP Real Estate Software)
posted bywebsitesloft.cominReal Estate
HomeBuilder is a Premium Real Estate Software (Based on Wordpress) with a clean and simple interface. Theme is very simple to use and and get up running with just a click of button. It allows you to create dynamic listing of your real estate property in the form of blog with no hassle.
Once you put the Listings in the categories, the visitors can easily search between the various listings directly from the Home Page. The Theme allows you to build your site for listing the properties in an instant. The HomeBuilder Theme features a unique menus style which makes your website stand out of the crowd.
Also the Properties can be listed in 2 different layout and includes a contact page separately and on the Home Page as well.
PriceUSD 7.50