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Search Engines

Collection of commercial and free PHP search engines scripts. Some of these scripts are aimed at adding an internal search functionality to your site while others will help you start your own custom search engines like Google, Yahoo and Buzz.
Results 21-40 of 86
ReSense - Automatic International Recipes Search Engine
Not Need Database. API System. Build With Bootstrap. Responsive Design. Fast Loading Page. SEO Friendly. User Friendly. 1 Million recipes aggregated from multiple sources. 100k+ Classifications based on Food Genome & ReSense Algorithms. 10 Billion+ Data Points to deliver relevant recipes to user. Social Share Plugin. Facebook Comment plugin. Subscribe our newsletter Plugin. Best layout space for ADS
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Site Search Engine PHP-Ajax
This is Site Search engine script that uses MySQL to store your website's indexed pages, to add Search Functionality to Your Web Site. It is build with PHP and JavaScript, the search results are loaded via Ajax. The search system combine MySQL full text with SQL regexp, and words weight according to their location in the HTML elements, to determine the relevance of the search results. It can be included in any web site.
(49 ratings)
SEO Book Training Program
Free SEO Tools. The SEO Book Training Program benefits include: - Over 100 training modules covering topics such as keyword research, link building & many more! - Exclusive community & forum access. - Members only videos and tools. - Every order comes risk free and with the best selling SEO Book as a free bonus!
(21 ratings)
Sowoo is a search engine script. Sowoo searches content for Web images, videos and Interesting. Sowoo use as your own search engine. Sowoo ist ein Suchmaschinen Script. Sowoo sucht nach Web Bildern Videos und Interessanten Inhalten. Sowoo als deine eigene Suchmaschine verwenden.
(9 ratings)
PriceEUR 149.00
Meta Keywords Snipper
One of the most important steps in SEO is to get relevant keywords. There is many ways to start a list of relevant keywords, one of them is to “steal” the keywords from competition.
(21 ratings)
Google page rank checker script in php
Google ranks all webpages between 0 - 10. These ranks will be used while displaying search results. This script will tell you google rank for any given webpage.
(15 ratings)
Ajax, HTML and PHP meta search engine; web, image, video, news and weather
Cragglist meta search engine script is powered by Google, Youtube, Bing, Freegeoip, Worldweatheronline, Autocompletplus api, (xml ,json). This script include Web, Images, Videos, News and Weather. Weather auto locates users location using IP.
(42 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Bulk SEO URLs audit - sitemap scan
Tired of checking manually the SEO stats of each webpage of your website? Bulk SEO URLs audit script is for you ! Bulk SEO URLs audit script will perform the necessary tests and collect the main SEO stats (title, description, header, opengraph protocol NEW, webpage content, links, images, external files,...) The report page is very easy to read : if the element is optimized for SEO, the element is highlighted in green. If not, the element is highlighted in red. You do not need to be a SEO expert to use this script
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Free Stuff & Coupon Aggregator Search Engine
Freebie Geni is a Fully Automated Free Stuff Aggregator Search Engine written in PHP/Ajax script utilizing Ajax Google Feed API to collect multiple data feeds from major Free Stuff websites and weblogs in different countries. Auto-filled with thousands of Free Stuff instantly! No big databases, no nightly spidering Free Stuff, because it searches these job boards in real-time through RSS feeds. You can extra Free Stuff Engine RSS Feeds to get more Free Stuff listed. Get your own Mega Free Stuff Site online in minutes and earn Money! The script runs out of the box! Just upload the files and setup the script through the admin panel where you change several settings to fit your needs. Change the Adsense-codes to earn money right away. Furthermore the script is absolutely simple to use and tailored specifically for any webmaster to use, from the newbie to the professional and everyone else in between.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 140.00
SEO BOOST script
SEO BOOST is perfect for automatically displaying searched keywords in pages on your website (or blog posts) ! You can use the powerful backend options: - Get detailed information about what are the best keywords that drive traffic to your web site and find out which keywords are popular or in trend. This way, you can easily adapt your content to include those keywords and increase your blog traffic. - You'll have the complete list of keywords user use to get to your home page and to your blog post, which then you can use to optimize your web site.
(30 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Rank Checker
This PHP based rank checker script enables to check the current website ranking for any keyword in major search engines that are, Google, Yahoo, and Bing. You can set the script to crawl Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) to certain limit, for example, to check keywords in first 10 pages. Script also have option to put proxies so that IP not get blocked.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
Google SERP Preview Tool
This tool will display Google ads country-wise for any keyword or website. Google Ads can also be filtered by the geographic location ( or country ) of the visitor. If this tool fails to display ads for a particular keyword or web domain, chances are that it is a restricted keyword or the domain is not part of the AdSense program. Google ads can be restricted on domains and web pages that include adult or mature, gambling-related, copyrighted, violent, or hateful content.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
Site Search Pro
[ EASY SETUP ]: It takes a minute to set it up. -- [ PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT, FLASH files support ]: Search PDF and other documents content. No need for any plug-ins. It works right out-of-the-box. [ INDEXING SCHEDULE ]: re-index your website with any time interval. [ MULTIPLE WEBSITES INDEXING ]: Yes, it will index multiple websites. And yes it's stable and you will be able to get custom search forms for each of your website. [ DETAILED STATISTIC AND REPORTS ]: Track your search logs and analyze them. [ MULTI-LANGUAGE SUPPORT ]: Over 40 world encodings supported including Asian, European, Arabic, Chinese and other languages. [ DYNAMIC PAGES SUPPORT ]: PHP, ASP, CGI, PERL, XML, FLASH, .NET, CFM, JSP we support them all! [ PRIORITY SUPPORT ]: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! [ FREE UPDATES ]: Send us your comments, we love it! Get free updates based on your feedback. Check out our FREE ONLINE DEMO now!
(68 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
PDF Search Engine
- Lightweight, just a few files, nothing to configure just place it under FTP and it will start working - No API key is required to run it - jQuery/AJAX Based PDF Document Preview (powered by Google) - Google search based - Pagination at each 4 results retrieved (not configurable) note : queries are daily based limited but we do not know exactly the daily queries limit.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
PHPDevel Search Engine
PHP/MySQL driven search engine and site health monitoring script. The script includes crawler that follows links found on your website(s) and adds web pages to search engine database. You can add search functionality to static website. Add search functionality to dynamic website that uses several web scripts with separate databases. Search several websites from one place. Check your site for broken links and other SEO problems.
(64 ratings)
Devel Search Engine Php Script
PHP search engine and site monitoring script. Use the script to add search functionality to your website. Search several websites from one place. Check site for broken links and other SEO problems.
(21 ratings)
EZ Search Engine Pinger
It is a tool that allows users to submit multiple sitemaps to search engines automatically. This is a great app for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) enthusiasts or anyone that is tired of having to manually resubmit their sitemap to search engines just because something was changed. How it works is by sending a message to a search engines “ping tool” to tell it to crawl the website again. Currently there are only two major independent search engines (which is pretty much 2 out of 3) that still support sitemap pinging. The third major independent search engine (Ask.com or AskJeeves.com) shut down their ping tool last month because they “now utilize a crawling method of adding new content to our search index”. Back in November 2011, Yahoo! also shut down their ping tool (aka Site Explorer) and they are no longer a independent search engine because their search results are now powered by Bing.
(18 ratings)
Lyric Bot Lyrics Search Engine Script is a fast lyrics search engine that generates lyrics on the fly. It doesn't use a database which make it light on the server and it is always updated automatically every few hours without a cron job!
(25 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
GogooooSE - Superior Fulltext Search Engine Script
GogooooSE is based on amazing SQLite3 database engine with build-in FT3 fulltext extension that is based on some Google guys work (and used internally in numbers of Google projects!). With this script you can implement totally amazing zero configuration search functionality to your website only by upload and run script on server. This search script is based on two perfect Gogo classes (GogoSearch & GogoSpider) that you can implement anywhere in your site code. Simply include GogoSE.php to your project and use this classes on your website and you’re done! It couldn’t be easier!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 18.00
Multiple Search Engine Script
Do you want to run your own multiple search engine hub? Well, our advanced search engine script uses ajax technology to integrate the worlds biggest websites into one easy to use website. You can search through the best search engines, blog portals, social networks, video sites and torrent hubs.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.99
Results 21-40 of 86