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Search Engines

Collection of commercial and free PHP search engines scripts. Some of these scripts are aimed at adding an internal search functionality to your site while others will help you start your own custom search engines like Google, Yahoo and Buzz.
Results 41-60 of 86
App Store Search Engine - AppsGeni
AppsGeni (iTunes Aggregator) is an iTunes App Store Search Engine affiliate script, auto-filled with thousands of Apps instantly! Run your Own Niche AppsStore and make money through TradeDoubler or LinkShare affiliate program App Detail pages, for better SEO and longer visitor times Runs completely on Auto-pilot! SEO, Adsense, XHTML, CSS Optimized templates Works on iPhone and Android Make $$$ money with Adsense,TradeDoubler,LinkShare Easy to Setup and Modify! Fast & Easy to use! AppsGeni does not use a database, no cron jobs, nightly spidering jobs! AppsGeni searches iTunes Search API realtime. Get your own AppStore online in minutes and earn Money! The script runs out of the box! Edit the config file, Change the Adsense-codes to earn money right away and upload the script to your server! Furthermore the script is absolutely simple to use and tailored specifically for any webmaster to use, from the newbie to the professional and everyone else in between.
(18 ratings)
PriceUSD 17.00
Yahoo Search API Client (BOSS)
This package can be used to perform Web searches using the Yahoo BOSS (Build your Own Search Service) API. It can send HTTP requests to the Yahoo BOSS API Web server to perform searches for Web pages, images and news. The class can cache the results in local files to avoid the overhead of sending requests to perform previously made searches.
(18 ratings)
Ajax search form
It has an elegant, simple and clean HTML Template. Easy to integrate and you can use it on your site in minutes.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
PHP Search Engine
Simply upload the search.php file and make a form on your website like below and you’re done! It couldn’t be easier!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Live Search - Searchengine for your Website
The Search Engine for your Website. You can use Live Search for smaller and medium websites. A database is not needed. The website will be crawled from the defined baseurl. The links will be collected and the content cached – so future searches are faster. Already succeeded searches are stored in files too to increase search speed. The textparts with the found searchstrings are cropped in the search results so only the part with the searchstring is displayed (like displaying the results on Google) Various options help you to handle Live Search. A Search Word Cloud is available too.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
PHP Search Engine
This search tool is perfect if you want a quick an easy way to search your dynamic websites. Simply upload the PHP files and make a form on your website like below and you're done! It couldn't be easier! Search engine results can be styled using CSS. Remember this is a custom search script that do not relies on Google indexing.
(15 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Complete Torrent Search Script
* Torrent Search Script version 2.01, release date: May 23 2011 * Automated Cron Jobs for new torrents from PirateBay * All torrent's user rating (AJAX) & comments (very good antispam), search whisperer (AJAX) * Most searched torrents, tags, news, latest comments * Sorting by name, category, size, seeds, leechs and life * User settings of torrents per page * RSS in all categories and searching * Database contains over 100k torrents in 400 categories * This torrent script have a very good Search Engine Optimization * Your server must support PHP5, JS, XML, MySQL, (Cron) * Premium web template, 100% valid xhtml source * One config file for easy installation
(13 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Anypage SEO Admin
Password secured administration area where you can add new page (you don’t actually create a page for your website – you just add existing page to your administration so that you could edit meta data on it.) Script will show warnings in warnings section if it finds something wrong like – duplicate titles / descriptions, too long titles or descriptions, empty titles / descriptions/ keywords.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Video Search Engine Script
You can start running your video search engine within minutes. Our 100% automated video search engine script that FETCHES results directly from websites like YouTube.com. Google ADSENSE is pre-loaded on prime locations on the script so you get a higher through click rate. All you have to do is change the advert code! This script has the potential to make LOTS of money!
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
Job Search Engine Script
2daybiz job search engine script eliminates your worry about searching for an employer. Our search engine software is an extensive and powerful script written in PHP that launches your own jobs search portal. It has a potential to fix results from 300 major jobsites in 18 countries & thereby indexing nearly 80,000 jobs per day. This fixed list can be indexed by category, location, positions or relevance in addition it can also be utilized as a job site. We provide you with the new features of major employment sites which enable the administrator to take full control over the website, structure and content management, detailed user management, and statistics Our job search script is built with a focus on increased ease for users and webmasters together. Get rid of worrying about your competitors, since fixing 80,000 new pages every day from major employment sites.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 250.00
Rapid Search Engine Script
Run your own file search engine website? Our updated file script has NEW features including now searching Rapidshare, Megaupload, Megashares, Badongo, FileFront, SaveFile. Rapid search engine is 100% AUTOMATED so does not require any work or effort. You can search for ANY file type or file extension, there's so many download you are bound to find what your looking for! Fully CUSTOMIZABLE to your needs. Change the layout, colours, design ect within a few minutes. These file search engines are really popular with visitors, and attracts lots of traffic. You need almost NO promotion to become really huge!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.99
Answer Search Engine Script - 100% Automated
Set up your very own answers website. Our automated answer search engine allows you search 'yahoo answers' database for the answer to any question. The script indexes THOUSANDS of pages. Each result page is 100% pure content which is great for 'indexing' in google. This means more traffic and earnings for you! Our script is SEO optimized with dynamic META keywords so that the script does all the work for you! You can customise the layout, colours and design really easily.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.99
Multiple PDF Search Engine
Launch PDF search engine now. This script will generate many document format like pdf, txt, excel, word etc. PDF search engine is curl base script, it mean that it grabbing other website and bring it to download or view to your visitor. It's The largest and powerfull PDF search engine. With only 5 mb space you can make the largest PDF search website, it's not contain any database, PDF search engine script has made suitable for seo.
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.99
Gr8 Multiple Search Engine Script
Gr8 Multiple Search Script allows you to search same keyword in multiple sites on single window you don't need to open all sites just using tabs you can search your keywords. Category base sites so you can search web, videos, images, blogs, music, lyrics, downloads, books, social bookmark etc. you can add/edit/delete new category & sites as you need using admin area. Adsense ready you can add your Ads code from admin. SEO Friendly.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Yahoo Answers Search Script
Set up your very own answers website. Our automated answer search engine allows you search ‘yahoo answers’ database for the answer to any question. The script indexs thousands of pages. Each result page is 100% pure content which is great for ‘indexing’ in google. This means more traffic and earnings for you!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 17.00
Flickr Search
Features: -Configurable default search term(s). -Configurable image size output. -Multi queries and tags can be handled.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
ScriptGeni Exclusive PHP Search Engine Scripts
ScriptGeni is an interesting company providing an effective service for our clients to get the latest Out-of-The-Box Internet Money Making Affiliate Software and Web 2.0 PHP Scripts of the most popular websites like Trulia.com, Indeed.com, Popurls.com, Alltop.com, Autotrader.com, eBay, Amazon and many more. Scriptgeni.com services include a wide variety of specific internet and mobile solutions that will help you to improve your rich internet experience and start building your own Internet Company StartUp.
(167 ratings)
Boscripts Job Search
Fast and easy solution! PHP Job search engine. Queries Indeed.com for job listing results. No database needed, all job listings live. Highly relevant Adsense ads per search plus targeted Indeed.com job ads on every search. Mod-rewrite, easy simple installation.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
Baby Names Search Engine database
NameGeni is a Baby Name Search Engine written in PHP and using a Mysql database, responsive mobile theme, filled with 40770 first names for boys and girls with meanings, origins and many more detailed information. Get your own Name Search Engine online in minutes and earn Money! The script is absolutely simple to use and tailored specifically for any webmaster to use, from the newbie to the professional and everyone else in between.
(15 ratings)
PriceUSD 21.00
PHP & Ajax Search in Website
PHP & Ajax Search in Website is a search engine that allows to realize searches within static websites. It comes with several setup options and uses AJAX technology to communicate with the server, which avoids the sometimes cumbersome loading of a Search Results page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 26.00
Results 41-60 of 86