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Search Engines

Collection of commercial and free PHP search engines scripts. Some of these scripts are aimed at adding an internal search functionality to your site while others will help you start your own custom search engines like Google, Yahoo and Buzz.
Results 61-80 of 86
dSearchr is a simple one file directory file searcher written in PHP. It is highly customizable, and super easy to incorporate with your website.
(30 ratings)
Obolynx PHP Torrent Script
This PHP script allows your users to search millions of torrent files from Isohunt, Mininova, BTJunkie, TorrentReactor, Seedpeer and Sumotorrent. This script also boasts a admin backend to give you complete control, all from your own website. Features: Torrent Search (From Isohunt, Mininova, BTJunkie, TorrentReactor, Seedpeer and Sumotorrent). Save and record: searches, ip addresses, time and date to MySQL database. Tag Cloud from past searches. Support for multiple languages which are user changeable if enabled. Support for multiple themes which are user changeable if enabled. Admin Backend. One click torrent downloads available. Add prefix to torrent downloads Easy to edit navigation Ability to enter ad code, such as adbrite, adsense... Edit languages and phrases View and delete past searches
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.00
Free Stuff & Coupon Aggregator Search Engine
Freebie Geni is a Fully Automated Free Stuff Aggregator Search Engine written in PHP/Ajax script utilizing Ajax Google Feed API to collect multiple data feeds from major Free Stuff websites and weblogs in different countries. Auto-filled with thousands of Free Stuff instantly! No big databases, no nightly spidering Free Stuff, because it searches these job boards in real-time through RSS feeds. You can extra Free Stuff Engine RSS Feeds to get more Free Stuff listed. Get your own Mega Free Stuff Site online in minutes and earn Money! The script runs out of the box! Just upload the files and setup the script through the admin panel where you change several settings to fit your needs. Change the Adsense-codes to earn money right away. Furthermore the script is absolutely simple to use and tailored specifically for any webmaster to use, from the newbie to the professional and everyone else in between.
(25 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Job Search Engine Aggregator job script
JobGeni.com is a new job search engine aggregator that supports several languages. What it does is to grab multiple RSS data feeds in real time from job boards spanning seventeen different countries, and present the jobs it has found to the user instantly. The main advantage of such an approach is that the jobs have a bigger degree of relevancy, as every single posting is up-to-date. This is what happens when you don't resort to a database (that can become obsolete within days), but rather to live feeds from all over the WWW. And such an approach has another distinctive merit: if you want to broaden the scope of JobGeni manually, you can do so by adding more RSS feeds in order to get even more results to choose from.
(63 ratings)
PriceUSD 129.00
ES Job Search Engine
We have developed ES Job Search Engine! In one simple search, ES Job Search Engine gives your job seekers free access to millions of employment opportunities from many job websites, job boards, newspapers, associations and company career pages. It is very easy to use: just install it and your job search site is ready. ES Job Search Engine contains five areas: Admin area, Advertiser Area, Publisher Area, Member Area, Search(front-end) area and many useful features: advanced XML/RSS/HTML data and pages parser which allows to add new data feeds in visual mode, quick and advanced job search, search jobs by categories, search jobs by location with distance around location, my jobs list, job alerts , fully customizable layout, payment gateways support, build in cache system, users management tools, site settings, payment request, ip firewall, detailed statistic, jobroll, job search boxes, publisher XML feed and etc.
(48 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.00
PHP Google Page Rank,Alexa Rank,DMOZ Listing,Search Engine Backlink Checker
Google Page Rank,Alexa Rank,DMOZ Listing,Google,Yahoo,MSN, Altavista,Alltheweb Backlink Checker
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
job site script like Naukri, Monster, Times Jobs etc.,
http://www.i-netsolution. com/ Buying i Net job site script eliminates your worry about searching for an employer. It has a potential to fix results from 300 major jobsites in 18 countries & thereby indexing nearly 80,000 jobs per day. Get rid of worrying about your competitors, since fixing 80,000 new pages every day from major employment sites http://www.i-netsolution. com/
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 300.00
Google ban checker PHP script
This handy PHP script will allow you to check if a website is banned from Google. Just enter a domain name and see if it is included in the Google index.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Keyword density checker PHP Script
This PHP Script will allow you to (surprise!) check the keyword density of a website. Just enter a page and you will get a breakdown of single, double and triple word combinations and the keyword densities of them. Other features of the script: - Specify the minimum word length to consider - Specify the minimum number of occurencies - Include or exclude metatags - Built in stop word list - Image verification to prevent spamming
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Search engine keyword position check PHP Script
his great PHP script checks the position of your website in search engines for several keywords at once. Just enter your list of keywords, choose the search engine to check with (Google, MSN and Yahoo are supported) and within a few seconds you will get your website's position.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Search engine domain position PHP Script
With this tool, you can specify a list of domains and it will check their position within the search results for a specific keyword combination. This way you can easily compare how your competition ranks for your keywords. This tool supports Google, MSN and Yahoo search engines.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Search engine position PHP script
With this PHP script you can check the position of your website within the search results of Google, MSN and Yahoo for a specific keyword. The main advantage of this script is that you can check the search engine position in all three search engines at once.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Search engine spider simulator PHP script
With this search engine spider script you will be able to take a look at your site with the eyes of a search engine spider. It is very helpful to see what the search engines can read and what not and in which order as this is relevant for the SEO. But not only that, this PHP script is packed with much more features that allow to get a general overview of the specified page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Free PHP Video Search
Free PHP Video Search Script allows you to search for videos from the largest video sites (youtube, metacafe, dailymotion and revver). Easy to install. You only need to edit a config file and upload the script. Features: * Free of charge * PHP 5 * Without Database * XHTML & CSS * Friendly URL - Mod_rewrite * Search on Youtube, Metacafe, DailyMotion, Revver * Thumbnails * Integrated Ads * Multiple indexed pages * Languages: English, Spanish * Full customizable: you can edit keywords.
(35 ratings)
Search Keywords
This class can be used to retrieve the search words entered by an user in a search engine site that lead the user to the current page. The class can parse the HTTP_REFERER CGI variable if present. Then it can detect which search engine site lead the user to the current page, and extract the search words. Currently the following engines are supported: - Google - Yahoo - MSN - AllTheWeb - LookSmart - AskJeeves
(12 ratings)
guaranix Rank
The main reason why Google become the most popular search engine is the fact that it was able to provide the most relevant results to the user searches. Google search results are sorted using an algorithm named page rank. It takes in account the number of ingoing and outgoing links to each page. This class provides a pure PHP implementation of the Google page rank algorithm. It follows the paper written originally by Larry Page, Sergei Brin and others.
(9 ratings)
ES Professional Pay Per Click (PPC) Search Engine
We have developed ES Professional Pay Per Click (PPC) Search Engine! ES PPC provides you a quick and easy way to start your own search engine and earn money by displaying relevant sponsored results taken from external Pay Per Click feeds or your own sponsors. Do you wanted to have your own Website Portal or Google? Your dream comes true with your own PPC system! Just upload files to your server, install ES PPC script, and promote your own search system. The advertisers can come and pay you money for the ads you'll place there. ES PPC system contains four areas: Admin area, Advertiser Area, Affiliate area and Search area. It programmed using PHP programming language and MySQL database, which make it very productive. High scalability and flexibility allow to configure it according to clients needs.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 299.00
Simplified Search Engine Content
Simplified Search Engine content creates fully automated web sites that rank you higher for search terms. It features automatic content generation, automatic blog and ping, automatic trackback links, sitemap building, ip cloaking, and much more. Simply enter in a handful of main keywords, then let the software build your pages, get links, and find two more levels of keywords increasing your chances of finding a new niche market. Use this to build MFA Made for Adsense sites, or use the powerful ip based cloaking to redirect traffic to your other web sites and affiliate partners.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
PHP Flat File Search Script
This is the original free php flat file search engine script written by Holger Eichert that is no longer available for download off his site. I take no credit for developing this script but I want to make it available to web developers as it has been an immense help to me. I am providing all files as I had originally downloaded them which includes leaving Holger Eichert's copyright and licensing agreement intact within the script. Performs a real time, full text site search across static web files (rather than a database) and returns a link and an extract of each file that contains content that matches the search query. Features include: Customizable template; English or Deutsche configuration; Specify which directories to search and/or skip; Specify which file extensions to search and/or skip; Control the number of search results displayed on the page.
(50 ratings)
Maian Search
Simple search engine, Easily add pages/descriptions/keywor ds, Searches multiple keywords, Search import tool to import multiple pages from any directory, Specify target frame for links, Specify skip words to filter out common words, Log search keywords, Add search box to any page via simple HTML code, Uses the Savant template engine.
(42 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 86