Captcha Scripts
A Captcha is a challenge-response image or text field that is usually placed at the end of forms to ensure that submissions are not from bots. For more information, please refer to our php captcha scripts post.
identiPIC photo CAPTCHA
posted byinfoinCaptcha Scripts
This CAPTCHA uses pictures instead of characters. The user is invited to identify a picture (or pictures) to proceed. It can be used on any web form. It doesn't use a database. It is extremely simple to install with very minimal code. It stops spambots and the like because they cannot tell what a picture is of. Includes free, friendly support.
Captcha ZDR - powerfull captcha tool
posted byzdrsoftinCaptcha Scripts
This is simple, complete and powerfull captcha tool written in PHP for protecting your web FORMS from spammers.Under GPL.
A good solution for this is to use an random code that is generated by a script the code will be displayed as an image so only a person could read the image and type the number. "Captcha ZDR" offers several methods of captcha protection, different fonts, string protection, calculation protection (sum and deduction), noise in image, string symbols are hard for reading from spamer machines. * 8 unique backgronds for captcha image.
* Easy to install in your web pages.
* No DataBase required.
* Hard Protection
$_SESSION['captcha'] variable contain RIGHT result from CAPTCHA image.
You can use example.php and example_submit.php for more information.
Advanced Textual Confirmation: install CAPTCHA in 1 minute.
posted byoleparinCaptcha Scripts
Advanced Textual Confirmation is an universal antispam for forums, blogs, contact forms, and others. It is a smart textual CAPTCHA, which challenges site visitors only once, and then disappears. To install, no database required, no graphical libraries required, just insert one line into your script.
Math Captcha image validation
posted bywebmasterinCaptcha Scripts
With all the Captcha decoders these days, its impossible to build a solid Captcha image validator with a string. The solution? Have a captcha that asks simple math addition questions! Decoders are not very good at breaking these.
This tutorial will show you how to make a basic math CAPTCHA validtion form.
This requires that you have the GD library for PHP installed to work.
posted byeasi baseinCaptcha Scripts
easiCaptcha is a captcha that you can add to your web forms easily and quickly, it consists of 2 php scripts, a decrypt loader folder and a configuration file that you can use to adjust easiCaptcha's preferences if you feel you want to. You need no knowledge of scripting, in fact it can be as simple as dropping the scripts and loader folder into your form directory on your server and adding two lines of php to your form.
easiCaptcha now comes with easiCaptchaM which is an additional script that uses a math question rather than an image, so now you can pick from one type of captcha or another.
PriceUSD 12.00
posted byinfoinCaptcha Scripts
This PHP script creates an image with a security code (known as "captcha") that can be used to protect e.g. your guestbook from spam. It requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher with session support and GD library.
posted byshoguninCaptcha Scripts
Security code image generator and verifier. Requires GD support (most modern PHP installations) and mySQL. No image caching required. Configurable fonts, colors and captcha lengths.
Human Pictcha
posted byzzeeinCaptcha Scripts
ZZEE Human Pictcha is a protection in a form of an image (a captcha), which can be embedded inside your web forms, and which will filter out various forum spam, guestbook spam, form spam, signup spam, password attacks, etc. It is a library and a set of tools and examples for PHP and can be used with Perl as well. Human Pictcha is fairly easy to install and embed into your existing PHP or Perl forms. You can download a free demo version to see if it is compatible with your web site and how easy to use it in your forms. Human Pictcha comes with the full open source, which is a big advantage. - For PHP or Perl forms - Easy to setup and maintain - Full open source - Compatible with the typical webserver setup - Secure and hard to defeat by OCR - You can tune it to match your website looks - Complete documentation - Image code can consist of digits and letters or only digits - Trial download available - Online demo available
PriceUSD 49.00
Securimage PHP CAPTCHA
posted byd010inCaptcha Scripts
Securimage is an open-source free PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes to protect forms from spam and abuse. It can be easily added into existing forms on your website to provide protection from spam bots. It can run on most any webserver as long as you have PHP installed, and GD support within PHP. Securimage does everything from generating the CAPTCHA images to validating the typed code. Audible codes can be streamed to the browser with Flash for the vision impaired.