Site Navigation
Free PAV Mega Menu OpenCart Extension
posted bycmsmart1inSite Navigation
You can display your menu system flexibly and beautifully by displaying the menu items in columns, add style for each menu item and column, assign any widget such as product, video, image, banner, etc to the Megamenu.
The powerful admin panel with visual configuration will make the Megamenu building never easier, what you change is what you see.
PHP pagination with ellipsis
posted byschwarzennegerinSite Navigation
Pagination script that displays a subset of pagination links and ellipsis to allow visitor to navigate through hundreds of pagination links using a simple and compact interface; aka Digg style pagination. The result looks like this:
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] ... [100]
Sitemap Generator with directory scan
posted bySEO_ToolsinSite Navigation
Many PHP sitemap generator exclude static files in the XML Sitemap ! With this script, you can generate a XML sitemap with all the files you want to include. You just need to indicate the directory to scan….and that’s it ! The script will automatically scan/crawl the directory and add all the files. Also, if you want the sitemap to be build periodically (daily, weekly, etc), you can set up a cron job so that your sitemap will update automatically. Useful if you have auto-created files (automatic reports, logs,...)
PriceUSD 8.00
PHP vCategory Script
posted bymediasoftproinSite Navigation
Advance script for generating any level categories, navigations and directory listing in php. Main feature includes
-> Bootstrap 3.0 compatible
-> Support generating any level parent child ul / li listings.
-> Support single or advance multi column directory listings.
-> Fatest way to fetch records and generate simple to more complex directory listings.
-> Direct approach for fetching data instead of using slow recursive approach.
-> Support almost any type of dynamic menus, dropdowns, directory listings, navigations
-> Fully customizable through css styles
Generic Pager
posted byklarkusinSite Navigation
This class can be used to browse listings of entries split in multiple pages.
It takes as parameters the total number of list entries, the limit of entries to display per page and the number of current page.
The class can generate a HTML list with links to browse the listing pages, optionally with links to the previous, next, first and last pages.
The text labels and the CSS classes of the links are configurable.
Flexi Pagination Class+ 9 CSS beautiful styles
posted byScriptDirinSite Navigation
With this script you can in easy way create full functionally, clear and beautiful pagination bar on your project. Basic implementation is only 2 line of code!!
HTML standards support (bar is created using ul / li html tag)
css style easy to add and modifiable by using pagerCss.css file
9 predefined beautiful style created by me
SEO friendly : all links have title attribute that you can insert
Free to modify: first ,next, previus last button text , css, count of page before, after current page , link title ,GET[] value name
Easy Implementation
Highly Customizable
Cross Browser Compatible (support all browser that support html 4 and css 2.1)
Well documented .php example with manual
PriceUSD 3.00
Smart Dispatcher
posted bynoisyscannerinSite Navigation
Smart Dispatcher is a simple and tiny dispatcher that will absorb all incoming traffic and send it to the right page. it's meant to tidy up the URLs so they look a little something like this:
Smart Dispatches uses regular expressions to match the URLs so there's really no limit on what you can do with them. For more information visit the GitHub page at
PHP Simple PageNav
posted byScriptDirinSite Navigation
You can easily create a simple paging functions, and styles can be modified easily to arbitrarily change the site into a consistent style, support for MySQL, PostgreSQL … and other databases, as long as they support PHP ’s In principle, the database can be compatible.
PriceUSD 5.00
Pagination Class 3.0
posted byScriptDirinSite Navigation
The class is called after I set 4 attributes: table, where field, template to display, page number.
It is checked if other attributes are set when the class is called. if attributes are set, class initializes the variables with these values, if attributes are not set, it initializes the variables with values from settings file.
then select rows from database
PriceUSD 6.00
PHP TreeMenu
posted byleumas2sorfinSite Navigation
The ApPHP TreeMenu is a PHP script that generates multilevel tree menu control. It was specially designed for web developers. Tree menu is one of the most popular and commonly used navigation controls and it allows you to set up and use in no time.
It has a collapsible vertical tree listing, that resembles the Windows Explorer folder view. It also makes it easier for visitors of your website to find things, makes its look more professional and helps to organize large amount of data into hierarchical order with as many nodes and sub-levels as you need. Expandable elements can be used as links, or they can be just expanded. The sub-menus are opened and closed by a mouse click.
The code is object-oriented with two classes: the TreeMenu class creates the tree structure and the Node class is used for each menu item. Simple CSS defines the look of the tree and can be changed with ease.
ApPHP Tabs - AJAX Enabled PHP script for generating multilevel tab menu control
posted byleumas2sorfinSite Navigation
The ApPHP Tabs is a simple PHP script that generates multilevel tab menu control which consists of nice-looking tabs. It may be useful for web developers who appreciate their time and do not want to waste it on boring work but instead focus on really challenging tasks. It takes you only few seconds to add or remove a tab. You can use the script to organize your website navigation system. It was written according to object-oriented principles and is very simple to install, implement, use and modify.
PriceUSD 17.49
php easy :: one-level site menu builder script
posted byaaleksanyantsinSite Navigation
One-Level Site Menu Builder Script is intended to build your 1-level site menu on-the-fly according to menu titles/links array defined within the script. Now you do not have to write different HTML code for each page to highlight the current page in the menu, simply include the menu builder via php include() directive script and it will identify and highlight the appropriate menu item by itself. The function can be easily customized to modify the output layout.
KoolTabs - Powerful PHP Tab Menu
posted bykoolphp.netinSite Navigation
Fast rendering, Flexible CSS Style and Search Engine Friendly make KoolTabs the great PHP Tab Menu solution for your website navigation system. Features: (1) Rendering with minimal XHTML (2) Search Engine Friendly (3) Support multiple levels tab menu (4) Powerful server-side interface (5) Object creatable with XML (6) Excellent event-handle at client-side (7) Design is changeable with template technique (8) CSS style is easy to customize.
KoolSlideMenu - Excellent PHP Menu
posted bykoolphp.netinSite Navigation
KoolSlideMenu is very Easy-to-Use PHP Slide Menu. Based on Semantic rendering, Advanced CSS together with natural Sliding effect, Kool SlideMenu is Super Fast in rendering, Highly Appearance-Customizable and Elegant Behaviors, all making it stand out to be Excellent Choice for your Site Navigation. Some highlighted features are: (1)Semantic Rendering for minimal HTML. (2)Search-Engine Friendly. (3)Simple PHP interface. (4)Rich client-side API to control. (5)Full-set of client-side event handles. (6)Support multiple level of parent and child. (7)Highly customizable CSS styles and template. (8)Support building menu with XML.
KoolTreeView - Great PHP TreeView with Ajax Capability
posted bykoolphp.netinSite Navigation
KoolTreeView is an Excellent Treeview control for PHP, combining Highly-Efficient rendering and AJAX Loading On-Demand support for Superior Performance. Some of highlighted features are: (1)Rendering Thousand tree nodes in a second. (2)Very simple PHP interface. (3)Rich Client-side API. (4) Search-Engine Friendly. (5)Drag and Drop Behavior. (6)Edit Node Behavior. (7)Multiple-nodes Selection feature. (8)AJAX-based Loading On-Demand.(9) Highly customizable CSS styles. (10) Supported by experienced team.
PHP Tliste
posted byrblinSite Navigation
Php Tliste is a Treeview component with AJAX support (jQuery). With this you can add a treeview navigation (explorer style) to your site. This component is a freeware under license GPL.
Max's Navigation
posted byphpf1inSite Navigation
Max's Navigation System is very easy to use and flexible dynamic site navigation system. You only need to configure your site menus and submenus at one place and insert one line of code in all of your website. As result you will get pure CSS based menu system which supports submenus, rollover effects and shows your actual location on the navigation panel. No database is required. The appearance can be change via CSS. An example project is also included.
posted bybreghaninSite Navigation
SurgeMenu is a flexible, easily and highly customizable dynamic menu system that allows for very deeply nested, cascading, multi-tiered menus. It requires minimal PHP configuration time and uses standard CSS style definitions. SurgeMenu maintains its speed even with complex menus containing hundreds of items; run-time Javascript weighs in at under 6K, and heavily annotated source code comes in at 21K.
SurgeMenu is compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Netscape Navigator and others, and works with numerous complex web page layouts.
SurgeMenu allows for as many Javascripted menu actions as there are menu selections - from simple page navigation to anything else Javascript allows.
With detailed examples. Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License
FREE - PHP Add Favorites / Home Script
posted byremygp17inSite Navigation
Basic function but very usefull. The advantage of this script is that it call the current url dynamically. Just copy/paste this script and use it.
PHP DBTreeView
posted byrcardoninSite Navigation
PHP DBTreeView is a useful web control to display information in a tree like windows explorer. This component is designed to extract dynamic content from database, so that the tree content is updated step by step.
This project used the latest web technologies like Ajax (Javascript, DHTML, XMLHttpRequest) and PHP 5.
The use of this tool doesn't require Javascript knowlegde. You only have to be familiar with PHP 5. treeview/demo.php