Social Networking
Scripts for starting a social network site or services or adding social features to your site.
wall script 2.0
posted byjellalscarletinSocial Networking
Wall Script is a Social Networking Platform that consists of various features
-user profile
-custom login
-custom sign-up,
-status update,
-comment on status,
-Like and unlike status,
-share videos from youtube ,
vimeo , dailymotion , collegehumor and metacafe on your wall,
-follow people,
-friends updates on wall,
-upload cover image
-photo update,
-web cam snap
and many more features.
Demo Login 1
- Email - [email protected]
Password - demodemo
PriceUSD 8.00
Auto Comment Facebook
posted byAutoresponder BotinSocial Networking
With Facebook Sharer PRO you can schedule your posts on your wall, Facebook fan pages and groups.
But you can also schedule custom campaigns that will auto comment any post, on any group you are member of.
It runs in background and this process works on auto-pilot 24x7, even when your computer is OFF.
PriceUSD 49.00
Facebook Like J-Query Script
posted byphpscriptsmallinSocial Networking
Facebook like button in web pages will bring lots of traffic to website. This Facebook like to download j query scripts let you get more likes and traffic for your fan page then to your website. In this simply click the like buttons below to be served your downloads. These particular buttons link to the same file and different like button URLs. Features of this Facebook Like to Download j Query script are as follows. You can Insert an unlimited number of buttons on a single page, Works with ANY download URL with redirect-after-like as a fall back, Cookies keep track of users that already clicked like for each download link, Can set locker messages, and custom message etc.
For More Details:
PriceUSD 9.00
Social Login Script
posted byphp_seoinSocial Networking
With the help of this script you can easily implement login with social media accounts functionality into your website. This script supports login with Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Google+. After authentication it shows user data such as name, email, date of birth, profile image, gender, location, etc. This script is working without any database and there is a single configuration file which contains all the API keys.
PriceUSD 30.00
Flippy ShoutIt - Bookmark Sharing Script
posted byflippyinSocial Networking
Flippy ShoutIt enables you to create an amazing and effective social booking marking site in any niche or multiple niches. We toke bits and pieces from top social bookmarking sites like dig and reddit to create this cool software. It takes less than 10 minutes to setup and run your own bookmarking site with Flippy ShoutIt. Try our demo and see what you can do with Flippy ShoutIt.
PriceUSD 25.00
Like To Download script
posted byphpscriptsmallinSocial Networking
This is the Facebook Like to Download Product link jQuery Script
Are you looking for more traffics to your site via Facebook? Then here is the solution
Facebook like button in web pages will bring lots of traffic to website. This Facebook like to download j query scripts let you get more likes and traffic for your fan page then to your website.
In this simply click the like buttons below to be served your downloads. These particular buttons link to the same file and different like button URLs. For more details contact us at +91-9790033533
PriceUSD 9.00
Social Reseller Script
posted byphpscriptsmallinSocial Networking
Social Re-Seller Script is like a complete business kept in a box and ready to explore! Our Social Re-seller script contains all the essential things to get started. Using our Social Re-Seller Script you can create a website to sell Face book fans, twitter followers and you-tube views through high social media packages. Our White label Social Media Reseller Script is responsive design which better suits for all the devices. You do not have to spend much time for creating the basic website and can buy it from us as a readymade script. We provide same day delivery and user-friendly admin. Using our script, the process of running this business becomes very easy and simple.
For More Details:
PriceUSD 39.00
Social Network Script
posted byphpscriptsmallinSocial Networking
Readymade Social Networking Software helps to search and find new friends; it also helps to create a group and have a group chat among the particular group. Social Community Script is also beneficial for Freelancers to search for a new project and keep them engaged with the employers. The admin can manage the users which are divided as members, companies, groups, events and jobs. It gives the entire information about the users joined. The admin can manage and customize the general settings of the website, change banner ads and view the statistics report and the feedback given by the users of the website.
For More Details:
PriceUSD 49.00
Dating script and software application.
posted byJohnVereeninSocial Networking
Create your own dating site is fast and easy with our dating script. Our PHP dating script is the best open source dating script that comes with full source codes, free dating templates, free setup and installation and lifetime support. If you are looking for white label dating platform, turn-key dating solution, out-of-the-box dating script, you have found it. We also offer mobile dating, speed dating, and video chat dating scripts and application
PriceUSD 89.00
Social Reseller Script
posted bypinginfotechinSocial Networking
Social Reseller Website -
This site supplies Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, YouTube Views & nstagram Followers. These services are currently very popular and the demand is growing every month!
Website Features
- A clean & beautiful design
- Professionally developed by a team of web professionals
- Includes an easy to use admin area
- Beginner friendly
Mobile: +91-9841300660
PriceUSD 39.00
Facebook Posts Getter
posted byNaijaProgrammerinSocial Networking
This class can read and display Facebook posts of a given profile.
It can obtain an OAuth authorization token for accessing the Facebook API on behalf of your application.
The class uses the token to retrieve the posts on a given Facebook profile.
The posts can be formatted and outputted or returned as a single string.
Social Media Script
posted bylurainSocial Networking
Social Media Script is an extensive and powerful PHP script manufacture by NCrypted. It contains simple coding formation, so by modifying as per your needs you can able to develop your unique social media platform.
PriceUSD 999.00
Social Network Script
posted bylurainSocial Networking
Social Network Script of NCrypted websites helps you to create your own social network portal which offers custom made features and advanced functionalities. People can effectively use it for personal and professional use.
PriceUSD 999.00
Viral Sweepstakes Software My Sweepstakes Pro
posted byBiMediainSocial Networking
The Most Powerful Sweepstakes Software! Grow your email list, increase Social Network, and generate sales by running your own sweepstakes & Contests with My Sweepstakes Pro.
PriceUSD 99.00
posted bypacketcodeinSocial Networking
A simple php social networking script designed using pathang framework. It has all the kool features to compete with the modern day social scripts. A clean responsive template, admin panel to customize the website, smooth jquery animation effects keeps the feedstack standing out the crowd.Above all its absolute freeware and open source licensed under GNU/GPL v2.
HumHub - Social Network Kit
posted byhumhubinSocial Networking
HumHub is a free social network software and framework built to give you the tools to make teamwork easy and successful.
It's lightweight, powerful and comes with an user-friendly interface. With HumHub you can create your own customized social network, social intranet or huge social enterprise application that really fits your needs.
Boost your business, support your customers, teach your students or organize your football club. It's on you.
Buy Sell Posts on Fanpages, Facebook Market
posted bysocialeoinSocial Networking
Buy Sell Posts, unique PHP script, Facebook Market for Buying and Selling Posts on Fanpages. Main modules (market - buy posts, ordered posts, posts validation, fanpages validation, sell posts, sold post, affiliate program). Admin Panel (orders mark as already paid, confirm orders, withdraw salaries, block fanpage, manage users).
PriceUSD 28.00
posted bytheprofileminSocial Networking
If you are like the rest of the online community, you likely have a bunch of social profiles like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and even Linkedin. Managing all of those profiles links and sharing has become a real hassle especially since it seems like a new social platform launches like every other day. PROFILEM is a social vcard website offering the most exclusive and innovative way to link all of your social profiles into one place and share a single URL with your friends and associates instead of separate URL’s.
Watch Our Concept here:
Account Status USER / VERIFIED
Social Profiles at one place
vCARD Download
Featured Links
Status Updates:Update your status, @username mentions, Report updates
Connections:Connected and Shared Users
Messages:Compose, Inbox and Sent
Users can send and recieve private messages.
Last Login
Social Share
Sitemap Enabled
PriceUSD 11.00
Chameleon Social Software
posted bychameleonsocialinSocial Networking
Smaller, more focused networks are becoming places where people actually listen. On the big social sites, a person’s network is often so big that there’s no real sense of community. When your feeds are drenched in a constant stream of mixed messages, it’s overwhelming. Because of the sheer number of posts, those that actually have any substance or meaning are lost in the undertow.
Niche social networks, that were built for specific, narrowed-down purposes allow for focus, community, and meaning to be restored to the online world. With a powerful zap of what feels like magic, new niche sites are bringing intelligence back to the social network.
PriceUSD 197.00
Views527 Script - Social Network Platform
posted byAskfmScriptinSocial Networking Script is a Social Network Platform similar with, allowing users to interact with each other by questions, anonymous questions, sending messages, comments, like, share questions, add and search friends, see live feed and so much more.
Now we know sites such as anonymous questions, rapidly gaining popularity and bring huge profits. By purchasing our script you will achieve great success and start earning big money on traffic and advertising!
PriceUSD 99.00