Usenet Gateway
Usenet Downloader
posted bynadir1915inUsenet Gateway
This package can be used to retrieve newsgroup articles from NNTP servers.
There is a generic NNTP class that can retrieve listings of groups, listing of group articles and the articles headers and bodies.
There are other classes that can retrieve listing of groups from several different sites and insert the listings on a MySQL database table.
Other classes can retrieve groups stored in the database and retrieve articles of those groups from the NNTP servers
posted bymetalheadinUsenet Gateway
Those scripts allow you to mirror a newsgroup in an SQL database. Users are able to browse newsgroups, reply to posts, start new threads and search postings. The posting facility can be password protected.
posted byhotscripts01inUsenet Gateway
nntp2rss provides a bridge to access newsgroups using an RSS reader. It assembles the latest few articles' subjects of one newsgroup into one feed.
Features: read any usegroup with the same script (group name is passed as a parameter);
put the latest 1 to 25 articles into the feed (also a parameter);
option to use Google Groups to view groups and article texts;
create RSS 0.91, 1.0, 2.0, PIE/NECHO and mbox feeds
MyNewsGroups :)
posted bytxarlyinUsenet Gateway
MyNewsGroups :) is a USENET news client with a completely Web-based interface. It is written in PHP4, and uses a database backend. Its main purpose is to mirror all messages from subcribed public newsgroups into a database, and add extra features such as saving articles per user, statistics on users, search functions, and so on. MyNewsGroups :) is aimed at people that have a Web site and want offer their users direct access to newsgroups of same subject.