User Authentication
Collection of commercial and free PHP user authentication scripts. These scripts allows you to add a member-only area on your site by offering user registration, login, and management.
Cookie Password Protection
posted byfbeinUser Authentication
Protect multiple pages with this script. You can have as many user names and passwords as you like and you can edit the login page, log out page and the page for invalid login names/passwords.
Umbrella Users
posted bycrash4o4inUser Authentication
User Authentication with built in mailing list. This program contains an easy installer, admin area, members area with members options such as profiles, mailing list password change. PHP, MYSQL required.
posted byrwjm_hansseninUser Authentication
AuthClassed is a class, written in PHP, to implement a simple authentification scheme for database-oriented webpages. Using AuthClassed is as simple as putting a single code line at the top of the webpage you would like to protect. AuthClassed supports userprivileges and usergroups.
Generic Access Control List
posted byipsoinUser Authentication
PHP Generic Access Control List (phpGACL) is a PHP/Perl class offering Web developers a simple, yet immensely powerful drop in permission system for their current web based applications.
posted bywolframinUser Authentication
PHP-Authentication works like the Tomcat authentication. You give the source to authenticate against (DB, file, XML-RPC, etc.) and the directories/files that shall be protected, and the class handles the rest. No including of any call to a class method on every page is necessary. You can also use it as if it was a standard Auth-class, using a call to "isLoggedIn" on every page that shall be protected.
Htaccess Class
posted bysven.wagenerinUser Authentication
The htaccess class lets you manage the htaccess functions of Apache Webservers. Without much knowledge of Apache, you can add/delete users, create/delete groups, and create .htaccess files using this class.
posted byagostinhoinUser Authentication
TopSecret is a PHP script to protect your pages from the unauthorized users. TopSecret uses a MySQL database to store the user/password data.
It works entirely based on the HTTP authentication provided by PHP 3 and 4. So, TopSecret is basically a security program. Don't use it to protect sensitive data, like financial data. It runs on Linux and Windows where PHP is installed as a service.
posted bynikolajusinUser Authentication
This is a PHP class for session management with database abstraction based on cookies and MySQL. Very easy to use and very useable. With this class, you may very quickly make user authentication with many features.
Five Star Membership Subscription Script
posted bymouselinUser Authentication
This PHP/MySQL/AJAX script automates site subscriptions through or any billing company. Tracks and deletes expired accounts. Allows webmasters to add, remove and display usernames/passwords in their .htpasswd files. Included is a registration script allowing users automated access to protected areas. Lost Password Retireval System is also included. User Control Panel allows users to update name, email, password, location and even upload their photo. Optional profile page for members. Captcha security image prevents spam bot attacks. Option to use .htaccess and/or login forms for protected files and directories. Script encrypts all passwords for increased security. Writes new member data to file on your server. New member receives customized email that contains registration information. Site owner also receives an email notification that contains registration information of each user. New features added frequently!
PriceUSD 125.00
Cascade Basic Authenticator
posted bydavidwinUser Authentication
This is a PHP 4 class for protecting web pages using your browser's built in Basic Authentication. This PHP 4 class is easily extensible to allow authentication information to be retrieved from external sources such as databases.
Password Sentry
posted byDaniel AbramsinUser Authentication
Password Sentry (PS) is a website password protection application that monitors logins to detect and block password sharing. PS employs cutting edge technology to block dictionary and brute force attacks: stop hackers from guessing passwords. Secure your website password protection with Password Sentry!
- Packed with features and advanced functionality.
- Password Sentry website password protection feature Works in both Basic Authentication and Form-Based Authentication (via AuthForm (AF) Plugin).
- Password Sentry website password protection feature Can be integrated in other apps to track logins.
- Password Sentry website password protection feature Password Sentry uses proprietary GeoTrackingTM technology to detect and block password sharing.
- Password Sentry website password protection feature Password Sentry can detect and block brute force and dictionary attacks via AuthForm (AF) Plugin.
- Password Sentry website password protection feature Password Sentry can detect and block Proxy and VPN accesses via ProxyVPN (PVPN) Plugin.
- Password Sentry website password protection feature Password Sentry can allow secure Single Sign-On (SSO) links between Password Sentry protected websites via InterLinking (IL) Plugin.
- Password Sentry website password protection feature Password Sentry can monitor downloading / bandwidth usage (including statistics and graphs) via BandwidthMonitor (BM) Plugin.
- Password Sentry website password protection feature Block user access by IP and/or Country.
- Password Sentry website password protection feature Web-based installer app or FREE installation by our professionals.
- Password Sentry website password protection feature Web-based admin control panel to administer PS and monitor users - including statistics and graphs.
- Password Sentry website password protection feature FREE lifetime technical support and updates.
Password Sentry is NOT an IP counter application. Password Sentry counts unique logins using geographical metrics. PS analyzes logins using PS::GeoTracking technology. Each user is geographically profiled. Their exact location is derived from their IP address: City, Region, Country, and Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude). User logins are then mapped, and the distance between logins analyzed for any given user. If a login is mapped outside the acceptible radius threshold (measured in miles, and defined via Control Panel Preferences), the user is suspended. This algorithm ensures that false positives (false suspensions) and false negatives (failing to identify password sharing) are negligible.
Demo PS AdminCP Username: admin-demo
Demo PS AdminCP Password: demo