User Management
Login Basic
posted byxDragonxinUser Management
Login Basic is a in PHP write User Login System, with SignUp, Login, Passforgot, user profiles with many special features.
Non-programmers can insert special placeholders directly into HTML code. Depending on the user status (logged in / offline), the placeholder can be used to show, hide HTML blocks. You can use it to display user information, generate links for the script. Show forms.
Programmers can take advantage of the full functionality, and even extend the script.
PriceEUR 9.00
posted byFreewebbuilderinUser Management
User Login & Management System is a PHP + MySQLi powered PHP script built up under the CodeIgniter framework(version 3.x), that allows the registration and management of users with admin panel to manage them. It is providing secure login, registration, user management, email templates, roles & permission, E-mail verification and Invite user via email.
Key Features
Built with CodeIgniter 3.x
HMVC architecture
User registration
User Login
Login with email
Password reset
Avatar and logo upload
E-Mail verification for new users
Manage Users
Invite new user for registration
Restrict Public User Registration
Manage User Types
Manage permissions
Assign permission to User Type
Built using AdminLTE
Bootstrap Responsive Theme
Email Templates for Forgot Password & Invite users
SMTP Email Setting
Site Logo & Title & Favicon Change settings
PriceUSD 25.00
posted bySbaginUser Management
UserFrosting is a web framework. Like other web frameworks, it offers a complete toolbox of programmatic components for building your application.
Unlike other frameworks, it's a fully-functioning user management application, right out of the box. And, its fully extendable so that you can easily create the custom features you need.
posted bycontact.phpregisterinUser Management
Full solution of user accounts management with social media authentication.This script comes with an administration section to manage user accounts and display charts.
Users can manage their account details, firstname, lastname, email and even multiple addresses.
This script comes as well with a full solution of Helpdesk. A user can open a ticket from his Personal Space and tickets are managed from the Administration part.
This solution is full responsive, well documented and read-to-use for your project.
A free sample version is available for download.
PriceUSD 75.00
Online Task/Issues Monitoring System
posted byemilyfeminUser Management
If you have a small to medium level company or a software house and you want to manage tasks or issues or projects then this is for you. Just get ths full source code and set it up on your own domain or subdomain and start using it. Add members and add tasks and then assign tasks to the members.
- Full free support
- Free Updates
- Customizeable Design
- Expendable Design & Code
- Responsive Design
- Includes Full Source Code
PriceUSD 39.99
posted bydavarravadinUser Management
UserApplePie v2 is based on Simple MVC Framework. Enables the use of plug-ins and increases security.
UserApplePie is a FREE open source user management system. Its intention is to make creating your own web site easy and full of features after install. It can be used as a gaming community website, employee management website, or a social media website.
Bootstrap Enabled!
Simple MVC Framework!
User Management!
Private Messages!
Built in forum!
CSRF Tokens updated!
Better Page Protection!
And Much more!
Zenbership Membership Software
posted bycastlampinUser Management
Zenbership is open source membership software with an advanced feature set designed to help small businesses, clubs, and organizations maximize their membership rosters. Features include:
- CRM w/ contact and account management.
- Membership management: custom database fields, forms, secure content, and a web-based member-self-service-portal.
- eCommerce: subscriptions&dues, a store front, invoices, promo codes, physical product sales & shipping.
- CMS allowing the sale of access to secure content.
- Customizable: themes, hooks and 3rd-party software integrations.
- Events: custom registration forms and multiple pricing options.
- Extensive reporting tools.
- Marketing tools: double opt-in email campaigns, automated campaigns, SMS, social media, and source tracking.
- an administrative dashboard: multiple users with built-in permissions, quick filtering, advanced criteria searches, and one-click exportable and printable data.
CIMembership – CodeIgniter Users Manager
posted by1stcoderinUser Management
CIMembership is a CodeIgniter 3.0.2 based, fully featured User Management System with variety of options, like user groups, user permissions, social logins, admin panel, HMVC, PHPass, reCAPTCHA,html emails, responsive & more.
1. Built with CodeIgniter 3.0.2
2. Extremely easy to install! Just run the Install Wizard
3. Based on codeigniter’s HMVC, hence easy to extend
4. Customizable user groups and permissions
5. Secure PHPass password algorithm
6. E-Mail Verification for new users
7. Password and Username retrieve pages
8. Resend activation link option
9. jQuery and PHP form validations
10. Built with Bootstrap
11. Remember login cookies
12. Login with social networks
13. New reCaptcha
14. HTML Emails
15. Powerful admin panel
16. Dashboard for admin panel users
17. General & social login settings
18. Create/edit users &user groups
19. Users can edit their profile
20. Session on database
21. Secure and always up-to-date codeigniter membership script on the web
PriceUSD 22.00
Share The Ride - A Carpool Rideshare Usercake User Management PHP Script
posted byjay1981inUser Management
- Search rides on country and date
- Results table with pager
- Add a ride
- Edit and delete a ride
- Send messages
- Languages: English, Spanish, French, German and Dutch
- Languages also in system messages and emails
- Login
- Register
- Lost password
- Update password
- Update user details
- Email templates (optional)
- Account activation (optional)
Login-Reg Users Management
posted bycodegrape.cominUser Management
Encok - Under Construction Pages, responsive, business coming soon / landing page / one page HTML5 template.
PriceUSD 15.00
Ekushey Project Manager CRM
posted byjoyontaroyinUser Management
Client management
Staff management
Staff account permissions
Project monitoring
Project staff assignment
Project task
Project document Google doc preview
Project timer
Project discussion
Payment report chart & graph within custom date range.
Client support ticket
Support ticket assign to staff
Private messaging
Email notification
Customizable email templates
Multi-currency support
Multi-language support
RTL support
One click contact:
Export data
Easy installation
Fantastic dashboard
PriceUSD 35.00
Client Expert - Client Management with SMS Notification
posted bycodegrape.cominUser Management
Complete Automation Solution for Web Developers Client Expert is a web-based application designed to simplify client management for Web Designers & Developers and other web-based service providers.
Manage clients, billing, documents, communication, products, services, downloadables and support - All with Client Expert.
PriceUSD 90.00
Payment processor script
posted byTheerthainUser Management
Become the next BIG online payment processor using this powerful
Payment processor script. Loaded with TON’s of features, this Payment processor script also comes with a Digital Download store !
PriceUSD 499.00
Secure PHP Login & Users Management Script
posted byXooScriptsinUser Management
Xoo Users is a hassle-free Social Media Sign-up & Login Script that allows you to authenticate and manage users in your website. It is actually under constant improvement, proactive bug fixing and it is the most preferred social media login script.
PriceUSD 16.00
TakeTwo: IP Ban w/ Time Limit
posted byTakeTwoinUser Management
This code will allow you to ban a specific IP for a predetermined period of time. For instance, if you only want to allow someone to access a page for one hour after their initial viewing, then this code will do the trick.
Maian Lockbox
posted bydavidinUser Management
Membership systems are a fantastic way to create regular income streams, so if you have regular content being updated and something to keep members interested you can be on your way to making some money.
Maian Lockbox makes it easy for you to run your own membership site. Each lockbox can have any data you want and is restricted to members only after payment. Packages can be set up to run subscription and fixed access time packages.
Need to have recurring payments for your content? No problem with Maian Lockbox. Need to set a fixed time access for someone? Say, 1 hour? No problem with Maian Lockbox.
Maian Lockbox has been written with ease of use in mind and is not over bloated with too many features. It has all the features you need to run an effective membership system.
PriceGBP 39.95
posted byJacobCZinUser Management
This API allows you to easily display user avatars by just calling fusntion avatar with username parameter.
Requirements: PHP 1+
Advanced polling script
posted bysibiinetinUser Management
ynamic generation of polls. No need for form designing or programming.
Administration for poll creation. The administrator can create polls with 2 to 6 possible answers choices.
Any number of Polls can be created and the last poll created will be enabled automatically.
The Poll will be generated instantly just by cutting and pasting the code desired location of your HTML file within your site.
Session cookie settings for avoiding multiple poll entries. Facility to restrict the user from taking the poll more than once.
PriceUSD 149.00
Solid PHP User Management System
posted byScriptDirinUser Management
This user system makes it possible to restrict pages and content to specific users, user groups or individual members. You can easily integrate this user system into your current website, or use the already “Pre-Made Website” which works almost out of the box – your just need to install it!
The Solid PHP User Management System, has been coded with “Object Oriented Programming” in mind, so when you want the user system to do something like checking if a user is logged in, you simply call whatever function you wish like this:
Where ”$usersystem” is the user system, and ”->IsLoggedIn()” is the function inside the user system you wish to call/execute. In this case, checking if the user is logged in or not.
This also makes it very easy to integrate into your own website. It couldn’t be easier!
PriceUSD 20.00