Web Fetching
Episode tracker
posted byar2rsawseeninWeb Fetching
This class can be used to get TV show episodes information from IMDB.
It can send HTTP requests to the unoficial IMDB API site Web server to retrieve several types of information.
The class can search for TV shows by a given or similar name, retrieve the list of show episodes of check for a given episode by title.
PHP Web Crawler
posted byBinPressinWeb Fetching
PHP Web Crawler is a software that searches for links in the web. It stores the links and some extra data in a database and shows them as HTML output.
PriceUSD 9.99
Gmail, Yahoo & Live contact inviter
posted bydjpateinWeb Fetching
Having trouble working with the oauth protocol and the differents contacts api ?
This is made for you !
Full-Text Content Extraction
posted bykeyvaninWeb Fetching
This is a free software project to help people extract content from web pages. It can extract content from a standard HTML page and return a 1-item feed or it can transform an existing feed into a full-text feed. A demo is available on the site, and source code is available to buy or download.
PriceEUR 20.00
Football News Aggregator
posted byrfbninWeb Fetching
This PHP script allow you to parse multiple feeds from different sources
into separate pages using SimplePie class. A fast and efficient way to
serve fresh content to your site as to provides the most up-to-date
information to the readers.
RSS 2 HTML - Only 3kb!
posted byBNCScriptsinWeb Fetching
BNC Free rss paser is a PHP script that converts data from RSS feeds to HTML. It displays it inside your webpage, exactly as if the content were part of you page. You can easily convert RSS feeds to HTML. Easily display news from other sites on your site
Zyb.com Contacts Importer
posted byarfeeninWeb Fetching
This class can be used to retrieve contacts of Zyb.com users.
It can send an HTTP request to the Zyb.com Web services API server to execute a command to retrieve the user contacts.
The class parses the response and returns it as an array.
Website Worth Calculator
posted bymali75850inWeb Fetching
Website worth calculator, calculates website value based on website ranking and daily visitors. Requires PHP and MySQL enabled server with .htaccess support on server. Main features include: Calculates Website worth, Google Pagerank, Alexa Rank, DMOZ listing, Google backlinks, Google link indexing, Yahoo backlinks, Yahoo indexing, Server location with Google maps and much more. Generates quick, accurate website estimates. Comes with installation guide and online installer. Optimised for search engines for better search rankings. Easily to add your own banner advertisement codes at the top and bottom of websites. Easily customizable template. Website itself comes with 2 built in templates. Compatible with all major browsers. 100% money back guarantee for installation issues.
PriceUSD 45.00
posted bySSilenceinWeb Fetching
rsslounge aggregator is a free web based rss feed reader
* Full-featured RSS Reader
* Supports Images and Photoblogs
* Set Priorities and filter visible Feeds and Items
* Easy Ajax based Interface
* Supports Ajax based and Cronjob updates
* Open plugin system for adding own datasources
* PHP 5.2.4 or higher
* Apache Webserver
Craiglist Fetcher
posted bymali75850inWeb Fetching
A simple PHP and mysql script that fetches all the listings of craiglist from specific category to mysql database. A listing already present is detected and is not added again. You can then use any script to display craiglist listings stored.
PriceUSD 15.00
Standard RSS to Full Content RSS
posted byturnkeyformsinWeb Fetching
Discover how to get full articles from any rss feeds like Yahoo, EzineArticles or other site which shares their rss content feeds. I’m sure You’ve already heard it hundred of times – content is a king but writing new content everyday is pain. Do You really want to loose so much time writing it while you can get it instantly and for free!
PriceUSD 25.00
Twitter Tweets by Geolocation
posted byluke.browninginWeb Fetching
This is a little function I wrote in PHP to get all tweets from a certain location. The place you want to search around is defined by longitude and latitude,you then tell the script how far around that point you would like to search in kilometres and how many results you would like returned.
The script is very simple and fully commented.
AJAX Google PR Checker
posted bymali75850inWeb Fetching
A simple AJAX based php script which checks google pagerank in real time as well as the code option to embed in to users webpage to show their pagerank on webpages. Requires nothing to configure, comes with online installer.
PriceUSD 25.00
posted byScriptDirinWeb Fetching
â– Check if a domainname is free. Supported extensions: be, biz, cn, com, edu, eu, in, info,mobi, name, net, nl, nu, org, tv, us
â– Get Google and Alexa rank for a domain
â– Indexed pages on Google, Bing and Yahoo
â– Count backlinks with Google and Yahoo
â– Whois information
â– Top keywords for a domain
PriceUSD 4.00
WebPage Downloader
posted byneknginWeb Fetching
This script will let people who visit your site download a webpage and save it as a .doc (Microsoft Word) or .html file. HTML files can be save with or without images.
Earthquake Finder
posted bymbmurrayinWeb Fetching
Script that takes and decrypts feeds from the USGS to display earthquake activity over the past week across the globe.
Customized database contains the locations which include latitude and longitude data. . Also, the php script is custom coded to decrypt the USGS feed and display the data in a readable format.
Users select a region, a location, distance from that location to search and magnitude quake. Results are then displayed, where users can view more detailed information on that quake as well as map it.
PriceUSD 13.95
zShare Video Embeder PHP Script
posted byaltafsayaniinWeb Fetching
zShare Video Embeder is simple to use script which you can use to embed zShare videos on the go and can share it with others or you can also embed in on your blog/website.
PriceUSD 20.00
RSS Multimedia Grabber
posted bymbmurrayinWeb Fetching
RSS Multimedia Grabber PHP script. Let this script crawl the web for rss feeds and display its contents. From the website users submit media rss feeds such as videos, games, pictures and flash. The site will then crawls all the sites and collects data.
Main Features:
* Dynamic - Users add RSS feeds to site
* Memberships - Can Add to Favorites
* View items by category
* When viewing items, they are viewed onsite
* Post comments about items
* mod_rewrite for seo
* Search RSS items by keyword
* Site statistics
* Admin determines time interval on web fetching either thru cron or manually
Admin Features:
* RSS Feeds - add, edit, delete, approve
* Categories - add, edit, delete
* Manage Users
* Manage RSS items
* Site Configuration : title, email, admin password, mod_rewrite
PriceUSD 22.95
URL Fetch - Extract Title, Description, and Keywords from URL
posted byforkayainWeb Fetching
This PHP script extracts Title, Description, and Keywords from specified URL. It is using Client URL (curl) library to retrieve the web page and DOMDocument class to traverse HTML.
UPDATED [2009-01-12] - Script has been updated to deal with poorly formatted websites.
Experts-Exchange Fetcher
posted bybiztigerinWeb Fetching
experts-exchange fetcher is a PHP class that takes a question as input and searches experts-exchange.com for the best match of the question and its answer. It retrieves the matching question title, the question description, the question code snippet (if any), the accepted solution, and the code snippet of the accepted solution.