Web Fetching
Google position ranking check checker
posted bysebzloginWeb Fetching
Here a script for your website which looks where your position is in google, or where your ads are if you work with adsense. Nice script which looks in every search page where your domain name is and compares this. This script is absolutely free! You only have to leave a link to my website!
Micro Meta Spider
posted byphptoys2inWeb Fetching
Micro Meta Spider is a small script to extract META data informations from the given URL. Just enter the requested website URL and the script will provide you all of the Meta informations of the html page.
phpFaber FeedExtractor - Automated RSS2HTML converter and FTP uploader.
posted byphpfaberinWeb Fetching
PHPFABER FeedExtractor allows you to do RSS into HTML converting as easy as possible. Using this script you can convert RSS feeds into HTML pages and store them on your website or several websites per time. You always will have fresh content there. Moreover, 100% automated data processing included. Set it once and keep your sites always updated without your participation. All files will be sent via FTP protocol by script. To secure your data all FTP settings will be encrypted. Easy and flexible interface helps you to start with the script in minutes. And you will be able to upload your first feed right after installation.
PriceUSD 49.95
posted byAliasXNeoinWeb Fetching
Compiles and ships HTTP Requets using PHP's pure sockets. Retrieves returned content and parses cookie and header information. Supports GZIP encoding.
Today's Joke
posted byNurAzijeinWeb Fetching
This is a very simple class that can be used to retrieve the today's joke from the jokes2go.com Web site.
It accesses the jokes2go.com site and retrieves the today's joke page. The page contents is clipped to extract the joke text, which is returned as string.
FREE Yahoo Catalog Parser
posted byonixsoftinWeb Fetching
This script will parse whole the Yahoo catalog and in result you will receive filled database with all links, domains, title and descriptions from yahoo catalog. Very easy customization and updating. Build you own catalog based on Yahoo data quickly and for free.
posted bymlyczbainWeb Fetching
RSS 2 CMS is a script that will import RSS feeds into a CMS of your choice. Among the supported CMS systems are WordPress, Joomla, Mambo, and ezContents.
Curl Based HTTP Client
posted bydinkedinWeb Fetching
This class implements an HTTP client using the PHP Curl library extension.
It can perform HTTP GET or POST requests taking an array as the list of POST parameters.
The class can set request referrer, authentication credentials, connection peer IP address, download/upload files, use proxy etc..
It can also collect cookies sent by the server in a cookie jar file.
Grab Gmail contact list
posted bystreetyinWeb Fetching
This article explains how it is possible to connect to a gmail account and download the address book or contact list.
Grab MSN messenger contacts
posted bystreetyinWeb Fetching
This class is capable of connecting to the MSN messenger network and downloading a users contacts. The email addresses and screen names are returned as an array.
Overture Keyword Research Tool
posted bywizscriptsinWeb Fetching
This script will query overture for keywords related to the term you input. This tool will also show the number of searches for a keyword. All the results are saved as a csv excel file for futher use.
This script is instantly available after PayPal payment.
PriceUSD 9.95
posted bymunroeinWeb Fetching
This class is an object oriented wrapper around the PHP cURL extension functions.
The cURL extension is often used as HTTP client to access to remote Web pages or Web services via HTTP like those using the SOAP protocol.
The class provides functions to set the cURL extension options, execute HTTP requests and retrieve the response headers and bodies.
The documentation is embedded in the class source in the PHPDoc format, so it can be extracted and generated with tools that support this format.
PHP Hotmail Contact Fetcher/Invite Script
posted byrobsherwoodinWeb Fetching
This script can be used to grab contact information from any hotmail account. Provide the email address and password for the hotmail account and the script returns all addresses in an array.
PriceUSD 15.00
PHP Import Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL Addresses
posted bysvetlozar.netinWeb Fetching
Import addresses and names from Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, MSN and Hotmail address books using PHP and cURL. Much faster and more reliable than other similar scripts on this website. Demos available for download. MSN and AOL contacts import scripts added recently. Works with international accounts for hotmail and yahoo (hotmail.co.uk, yahoo.co.uk and others). Support for Live Mail (MSN/Hotmail) has been added. Proven quality at very competitive prices. More than 100 websites already using this script.
PriceUSD 60.00
Log RSS CreatoR
posted bynata1801inWeb Fetching
This tool creates a MySQL table for site visits and writes each visit into your MySQL database. You should include the small logging script into the header or footer of site pages. The output is an RSS feed with realtime information about site visits.
You can access it with your preferred RSS Reader and watch live how users enter and leave your site.
Version 1A contains the AJAX add-on which makes it possible to log not only pageviews but also clicks on various page elements - even the external links.
Address Zone :: The Address Book Importer!
posted byankurjain_73inWeb Fetching
Address Zone allows you to have the facility to import addresses from hotmail, yahoo, msn and gmail accounts and send invitations to all of them in one go, you can easily import addresses from hotmail.com, yahoo.com, msn.com, gmail.com and integrate it easily with your website. The script has the following features: Import address book from gmail.com,Import address book from hotmail.com, Import address book from msn.com, Import address book from yahoo.com, Save addresses in database, Save addresses in *.csv file, Save addresses in session, and much more... The script requires :: PHP 4.1.0 or above, 1 MySQL database, CURL installed on your server, Apache 1.3.0 or above, Linux Server (Preferred). Please see the demo site for more details and feel free to ask us any questions you might have.
PriceUSD 150.00
posted byphp-freebiesinWeb Fetching
This script lets you build a news portal with several categories, attach multiple RSS feeds per category and ping multiple services (i.e. pingomatic). You will be able to put the site on auto-pilot and watch it grow continually. Google Adsense built-in for quick revenue generation.
PriceUSD 57.00
Google Adsense To Rss Feed Generator
posted byEFXscriptsinWeb Fetching
This php script will convert your google adsense daily earnings into a RSS feed. You can then get your updates via any RSS reader. Please note that this script is for personal use only, and displaying your adsense earnings publicly in against Google's TOS.
PriceUSD 4.95
MySQL Cache Script
posted byjkoenig01inWeb Fetching
This script cache's a variable or an array of variables for a specified amount of time in a MySQL table. Useful for pages that fetch data from other websites, so that you don't have to query the remote site every time you want data.
Address Book Import from Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, AOL and others
posted byaddressbookimportinWeb Fetching
AddressBookImport - Address Book Import Script for Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, AOL and more. Free trial version is also available for download. This requires PHP and cURL installed on the web server.
PriceUSD 60.00