Web Fetching
last.fm Top Artists
posted byastoeverinWeb Fetching
If you have a last.fm account (Audioscrobbler) this script connects to their server, fetches your top artists and puts them in a list (for easy formatting via CSS). Just type in your username, specify how many artists to show, include it on your site and there you have it. It also caches data and has a line added to ensure that it doesn't bog down the loading of your page (in case the last.fm server is struggling).
Latest Version Checker
posted byjkoenig01inWeb Fetching
This script collects information about the installed versions of Apache, PHP, Zend Optimizer, MySQL and phpMyAdmin on your webserver, and compairs them to the latest stable releases listed on the websites of each of the programs, and displays a chart with the results. If a version is not up to date, it highlights that row.
last.fm Recently Played
posted byastoeverinWeb Fetching
If you have a last.fm account (Audioscrobbler) this script connects to their server, fetches your recent tracks and puts them in a list (for easy formatting via CSS). Just type in your username, specify how many tracks to show, include it on your site and there you have it. It also caches data and has a line added to ensure that it doesn't bog down the loading of your page (in case the last.fm server is struggling).
php Yahoo Weather Widget
posted bygatequestinWeb Fetching
Now with reflections and 5-day forecast, this php based Weather Widget utilizes the Yahoo! RSS Weather feed and retrieves the data so that it can be attractively displayed on your site. If you can find the forecast on weather.yahoo.com, then this script can retrieve and display it!
PriceUSD 5.00
posted bytidalwav1inWeb Fetching
PageForward is a proxy browsing program written in PHP that lets the user view web pages through a 'proxy server' (the server the script is running on.) PageForward uses cURL to remotely fetch pages, and then displays them on the user's screen--making it an ideal tool to bypass internet content filters at work or school, or to just browse anonymously. Version 1.5 now includes the ability to load images through the proxy. Visit joshdick.net for a live demo of PageForward.
Aruntx RSS To OPML
posted byMandingo2003inWeb Fetching
The Aruntx RSS To OPML Instantly Translates Standard Podcast RSS to OPML Specific Tags Conversion To Generate OPML Complaint XML Podcasting Syndication Feeds - Quickly "On The Fly".
PriceUSD 85.00
Aruntx Pull My Feed
posted byMandingo2003inWeb Fetching
Aruntx Pull My Feed - Parse And Redistribute Audio/Video Links. A moochiey program which Instantly Downloads Existing Podcast and Videocast Enclosures, Title, Description, Links and Item Titles from RSS Complaint XML Syndication Feeds and may be reused in whatever fashion, such as creating a custom, new XML Feed for future distribution syndication from your own server with your editorial content.
PriceUSD 185.00
posted byinsanedinWeb Fetching
This package can be used to call PHP classes on the Web server side from Javascript code in Web pages.
It uses AJAX technology to submit HTTP requests from Javascript to pass call parameters and collect and process the XML responses.
This package acts as a proxy that maps PHP objects to JavaScript and vice versa.
The package provides means to register the handling client-server events using custom PHP classes to process such events.
Template Monster XML import script
posted byolaf2inWeb Fetching
With these script it's possible to create a database with all relevant template data (inluded in the XML code) and transfer the preview versions of templates (screenshots). After the database is created, another script is able to update the data and screenshots on a daily base.
News Search Engine - EasyNews
posted bymj99inWeb Fetching
Scrapes news listings from a meta news search engine and includes news from all the major news sources. This script offers the potential to create thousands of pages of dynamic, crawlable content just by creating some static search links.
PriceUSD 14.00
posted bynotepageinWeb Fetching
A free PHP script, converts RSS feeds to HTML. Users can create webpages that will always display the most current information from the RSS feed, and because the resulting page is pure HTML, it will be in a format friendly to search engine robots. Using rss2html.php webmasters can customize the format and look of the web page created from the feed. The RSS feed's contents can easily be integrated into an existing website's theme. The rss2html.php
FTPhp Manager
posted byOnionKnightinWeb Fetching
FTPhp Manager is a web-based FTP client and (to an extent) proxy. FTPhp Manager is *not* designed to be one's primary FTP client. Rather, it is designed for use when an FTP client is not available (such as when at a public terminal) or is terribly restricted.
Wikipedia Reflection
posted bytomiinWeb Fetching
Ever wished providing the beauty that is Wikipedia on your own website? Now you can: just include this simple PHP script wherever you want Wikipedia to appear!
Olympics 2004 - Medals Table
posted byinetboxinWeb Fetching
Olympics 2004 Medals Table is a script that grabs Olympics 2004 medals table from bbc.co.uk and displays the result on your website.
Get Yahoo Weather
posted byyogininWeb Fetching
This script get data from weather.yahoo.com and insert information to your text file. You need just include this file in website.
You can see demo at our website.
PriceUSD 9.95
posted bychcoinWeb Fetching
GrabIt� will grab any interesting and related content you need for your website from other sites and keeps your visitors from browsing elsewhere.
It's a PHP Module you can include in your code and use it as many times as needed on 1 page. Has a cache file system for periodic refresh; 3 search and replace filters; and many more. Very elegant and easy to use!
It also includes a RSS reader!
PriceEUR 49.99
posted byshevekinWeb Fetching
Classes to access the information on imdb from php.
These can be used by movie databases written in php to easily add new movies with their information.
posted bygizmolainWeb Fetching
This class pulls current weather and weather forecast information from interceptvector.com's XML feeds. interceptvector provides comprehensive US and international feeds. The class can be used to easily add weather statistics and weather forecast information to any website that supports php. Comments and an example script are included. Released via GPL.
posted bysteveinWeb Fetching
phpBuoy is a simple little PHP script which parses the realtime buoy data provided by the National Data Buoy Center and presents it in a nicely formatted HTML table. It's quite easy to use as a PHP or SSI include and the script can get data for any buoy listed on the NDBC site. There are complete customization instructions included within the file, including the ability to display data in metric or English measurements, select from 12 or 24 hour clock, and choose from American MM-DD-YYYY or International DD-MM-YYYY date formats.
Web Page Update Check
posted byphpinWeb Fetching
This class allows you to check to see if a particular web page has been updated recently. It doesn't show what the changes were, just the fact that it's been altered in some way since you last checked the site. Great if you want to provide a quick indication to users that some remote page has been updated.