Web Traffic Analysis
The Stickybeak
posted bystickybeakinWeb Traffic Analysis
The Stickybeak uses dynamically generated images to provide a cross domain logging solution. The system relies on P3P architecture to allow a single cookie to identify users across multiple domains. This highly configurable logging system also allows for several user defined variables to be stored with each log entry.
Web-Analiser PRO+ (multi-users)
posted bytoliktiminWeb Traffic Analysis
This multi-users and at the same time multidomain script to gather and analyze statistics of your website traffic. You will be able to create individual (independent) accounts for your customers or friends. Each user has his or her own statistics access, as well as individual parameter settings. A single MySQL database is required for script operation.
PriceUSD 139.00
posted byapinsteininWeb Traffic Analysis
StatViz is a simple program to help visualize the way visitors use your web site. This is sometimes called clickstream or path analysis. Unlike traditional web statistics, the output of StatViz is a graph. The file format of the graph file is DOT. These files can be visualized using GraphViz. StatViz analysis is a supplement to traditional log analysis, not a replacement.
StatViz produces 2 main reports:
1) Top Referrer Pairs - shows you the most common internal clicks on your site, and also the most common aggregate click paths on your site.
2) Session Analysis - generates separate reports for actual individual user sessions so you can trace exactly how individuals navigate your site.
StatViz analysis helps you improve navigation on your site and improve "weaknesses" in your site.
posted bySpaceMan13inWeb Traffic Analysis
If you use on pages that you already have a database connection, remove include config, and include EasyMySQLLogger.php on the pages you want logged. not made for heavy trafic.
posted byadejkaminWeb Traffic Analysis
Real Time Website Statistics and Traffic Analytics, provides you with features available only in expensive enterprise-class softwares and unique feature you won't find anywhere for FREE. Extensive report pages, path analysis, graphs and charts, detailed information about latest visitors, multi-language, multiple website from one interface and more with an innovative usable user interface. You only need to upload some files to your server to install TraceWatch.
posted byntasoftwareinWeb Traffic Analysis
Intersms will monitor the visitor to a special page and inform you via a sms or email message which contains visitor IP number,date, web page url, browser and visitor information and saves this data to a text file.You must have an sms account for sms message, registration and 10 sms are free.
HIOX Browser Statistics
posted byhioxscriptsinWeb Traffic Analysis
HBS shows the web browser usage statistics of your site. This will give a clean picture of the internets most used web browsers and all others competing browsers. Also this will help you to identify the browsers used by your visitors.
Counter & visitor statistics
posted byolaf2inWeb Traffic Analysis
This version is a replacement of the old count_visitor class. There are lot of good systems like this class but most of them are really complex and difficult to modify. You have to use this kind of systems like provided. This class is not an alternative if you look for the same amount functions, but it's a light weight solution to integrate into your website. In the last version (2.02) I added a new top list with the number of visits grouped by the domain name from the HTTP referer information. In version 2.03 it's possible to show the daily average number visits inside the monthly visitors table.
ebiz-stats Statistics in realtime!
posted byebizconsultinWeb Traffic Analysis
ebiz-stats delivers accurate realtime website statistics with detailed visitor tracking. Get in-depth and meaningful reports with a single mouseclick and see how your visitors navigate through your website. ebiz-statsis easy, fast and efficient to use!
posted bysraloffinWeb Traffic Analysis
A PHP script for tracking search engine spiders/bots. This script will email you when a bot visits your site.
posted byquesteruk1inWeb Traffic Analysis
keywoRRds allows you to view which are the most frequent keywords being used on search engines to find your website. It also helps you find keywords that your visitors are using but that aren't on your website.
Search engine referrers
posted byjakezinWeb Traffic Analysis
This will log all of the search engine queries used to find your site in all of the most popular search engines. It will save each query and list them by how many hits that query has brought you. It will also show you the last 20 queries used to find your site. You can search through the database for a specific search phrase, list searches from a specific search engine and more. You also have the option of redirecting certain search engine strings to a certain page, so if someone comes to your website after searching for something like "free scripts", you can have that person redirected to a page on your site that has free scripts on it. The entire script is extremely lightweight and you simply include a single file in your webpage and the script does the rest. Current search engines supported: Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Mamma, Hotbot, Alltheweb, AOL, Teoma, Lycos, Ask.
PriceUSD 10.00
MP Stats PRO
posted bymorgandeinWeb Traffic Analysis
MP Stats PRO is an easy and read webstatistic script. features includes Summary, All time hits by hour, Hits by hour (specific days),Graph for current month,Latest Visitors,Entry Pages,Platform tracking,Browser tracking,Referer tracking,
Top Pages viewed, Search engine tracking (Google, Yahoo), Search string lookup (Google, Yahoo),Top Country,History,
Password Protected, List of pages the user has visited, Currently Online Users, Time Online.
posted bymorgandeinWeb Traffic Analysis
MP Stats LITE is very easy to use and has very easy to read statistics. features includes Latest Visitors,Referer tracking, Search engine tracking, Summary and History.
Needs MySQL.
Mojo Clicks
posted byfritzcminWeb Traffic Analysis
Mojo Clicks is a simple click-through tracker.
It can easily be installed in just 4 steps:
1) Create the database
2) Load the mysql tables
3) Configure the database definitions file
4) Use the script
It uses PHP and MySQL to process data.
1) Links and referrers can easily be edited to reflect descriptive names
2) Links and referrers can also be categorized
The benefit of having the referrer is to know what pages produce the most number of click-throughs.
CJ GoogleBot Activity
posted bywebmasterinWeb Traffic Analysis
The CJ GoogleBot Activity script is included on any of your web pages (works best for database driven or dynamic websites). The included script will execute whenever GoogleBot is on the prowl. When GoogleBot crawls the page it is logged; the date, robot, crawler and page crawled. You can then view your log file via an admin interface which allows you to sort the log either in ascending or descending order, export the log; to a 'textarea' (ready for cut and paste), clear the log; which required an admin password, and of course browse the log; from page to page. This script is a must have for any web designer out there that is trying to market their site with Google in the best way possible.
LevelTen Hit Counter PHP
posted bywebmasterinWeb Traffic Analysis
100's of real-time graphical traffic metrics reports can be generated by this free PHP hit counter script. Advanced interactive Flash Reporter tracks virtually every statistic about your site from page hits & visitor navigation to referrers & search engines to browsers & OS configurations to PPC & custom marketing campaigns and much, much more. Easy to install on Unix and Win servers, no SSI or other special requirements.
AbleLogger Pro
posted bydesigninWeb Traffic Analysis
AbleLogger Pro is a full featured site logging/statistics and visitor tracking program written in PHP4/MySQL. The streamlined interface provides real-time data hard to come by in many site stats packages. Very handy for tracking the effectiveness of commerce applications and for overall site security. Features include: Overview and Details displays, track visitor flow throughout site and time spent on each page, ability to search by IP, page viewed, or referer, extensive graphical statistics such as page views by hour/day/month, top referers, most popular browsers, and much more. Filtering options are also provided, as are database management tools and an auto-IP banning option.
Price 35.00
posted bydesigninWeb Traffic Analysis
AbleLogger is a PHP4/MySQL program which provides a streamlined interface for logging visits to your website and tracking visitation patterns or specific users. AbleLogger is not intended to be an all-encompassing stats package, rather a tracking tool to provide the level of useful analysis missing in many full-scale stats packages. AbleLogger is best used in conjunction with a full featured stats package that displays things like page views and bandwidth by month, top referers, browser stats, most popular pages, error pages, etc.
RobotStats, the crawler tracker
posted bycontactinWeb Traffic Analysis
RobotStats is a free application analysing the web robots visits on your site. For each page of your site, a small PHP code allows RobotStats to detect if the visitor is one of the 180 robots supported by the application. In this case, the visit is recorded in a MySQL data base.
Then, you can see complete statistics:
list of all the robots that came in a given period
for each robot:
number of pages viewed
list of the pages viewed, with the date and time
graphic chart of the visits for several months
RobotStats gives you precise information about the activity of the web robots on your site. It allows you to know if your site has any chance to be indexed in the search engines.