Zip Code Locators
Detect country by phone number
posted byaronsmitinZip Code Locators
Detect country by phone number free PHP script. Phone validator by mobile number. You cant check mobile carrier, city or user ip, only country by phone number. Country code detector PHP by mobile phone number. Check phone number location (Reverse Lookup) by International Area Codes.
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PHP UK Postcode & Town Radius Search Script
posted byiscriptsltdinZip Code Locators
Postcode Search Script is the primary postcode search software which allows you to implement a fully featured radius search function using UK postcodes on your website. Postcode Search Script is designed to be flexible and can integrate with your existing website, whether it's a recruitment portal, real estate website or a dating website, Postcode Search Script is the right choice for you. Developed in PHP and using a MySQL backend, the Postcode Search Script is the perfect addition to any classified ads website.
PriceGBP 99.00
Zip Code Locator Script
posted byw2scriptsinZip Code Locators
Zip Code Locator script for your website with php and mysql. Using this script you can locate a place using the zip code entered.
You can select one script from our bank of zip code locator scripts.
posted byrossatiinZip Code Locators
Mapper is a PHP script for handle maps with linkable symbols inside; the symbols can have great flexibility of shape, color, dimension and type of interaction.
Ajax Store Locator V2.0, PHP, Google Maps API
posted bygizmocodeinZip Code Locators
Main Features of the App are,
1) Directions to an searched location
2) Street view
3) Custom Info label for providing additional information
4) Social Sharing of searched locations (Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest)
5) Configurable Layouts 6) Search and browse option
7) Category filtration of store locations.
8) Manual plotting on map for addresses which Google doesn’t understand.
9) Drawer panel for more map access.
10) Guided Installation wizard and much more features.
PriceUSD 14.00
IdealPostal United States & Canada Zip / Postal Code DB
posted byIdealws.cominZip Code Locators
With IdealPostal you get both the U.S.A. database with 42,624 records and the Canada database with 831,323 records! That's a total of 873,949 records in all! Plus you get the script you see here which includes our IdealPostal PHP class for use in your next project.
Take this class and databases for a spin. Go ahead and try it out below I am sure you will find this one of the best scripts on the market.
Get Zip / Postal Code Details
Get Distance Between Two Zip / Postal Codes
Get Zip / Postal Codes in Range
Find zip / postal codes in your area.
PriceUSD 149.00
PHP UK ZipCode Locater with Google Maps
posted bymysticmetalinZip Code Locators
Run your own profitable php/mysql powered uk zip code locater website and gather immense traffic. UK ZipCode Finder is quite a nifty little tool that does exactly as its name suggests. It locates Zip Codes and even displays the location on the map. Using it is quite simple really. Just write the Zip Code in the field and search for it. You can use it as a website for can be used as an facebook app.
PriceUSD 25.00
PHP USA ZipCode Locater with Google Maps
posted bymysticmetalinZip Code Locators
Run your own profitable php/mysql powered usa zip code locater website and gather immense traffic from all over the 50 states. US ZipCode Finder is quite a nifty little tool that does exactly as its name suggests. It locates Zip Codes and even displays the location on the map. Using it is quite simple really. Just write the Zip Code in the field and search for it. You can use it as a website for can be used as an facebook app.
PriceUSD 20.00
Szuper PHP Store Locator
posted byphpstorelocatorinZip Code Locators
Allows you to add a Google Map to your website that can display all your stores locations and details. It allows people to input a location and the map will display all the stores within a given radius, and also directions to get there.
Based on free and open source technologies such as PHP, MySQL and Javascript.
Utilizing the latest state of the art Google Map API V3.
Easy to install, just unzip to your server, create a blank database, run the install and your away.
Easy to add stores to the system using the admin interface.
Allows searching for your stores within a certain radius - 'find a store near me'.
1 click 'get directions'.
Add your stores address, phone, fax, email, and website link to the map, so customers can find you quickly and easily.
If the map has a lot of stores, clustering puts them together on the map under one icon with a count of the number of stores in that area.
PriceUSD 49.95
US Zipcode distance search
posted byScriptDirinZip Code Locators
This can be useful when trying to find retailers within a certain number of miles to a customer. The script is very useful for Dating, Online Shopping and local search engine websites.
The script come with a database of all US zipcode and details to find the approximate distance.
The script comes as a php class file which is well commented and explained.
PriceUSD 6.00
Ajax Store Locator
posted byScriptDirinZip Code Locators
Has a password protected admin panel that is used to list all Stores in the database and the ability to add/edit/delete Stores.
PriceUSD 12.00
Lookup Runner
posted byhitcodeinZip Code Locators
Advanced yet easy to use store locator, zip code locator with Google Maps integration, easily installs into any existing page. Responsive design, WordPress plugin, white-label version, CSV upload, international locations, search statistics.
Lookup Runner allows your website visitors provide a zip (postal) code, address or location name, then it searches for your stores, dealers, hotels, restaurants, ATMs, products, locations, etc, and returns nearest matches sorted by distance, complete with online Google map. Lookup Runner works perfectly well both as a WordPress store locator plugin and as a standalone PHP zip code locator.
PriceUSD 119.00
PHP USPS Zip Code Lookup
posted bythebomaniinZip Code Locators
A PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) script that is designed to obtain U.S. Zip Codes from the U.S. Postal Service in Real Time mode.
PriceUSD 49.99
Aus Postcode Locator
posted bysydneyshaninZip Code Locators
AUS POSTCODE LOCATOR allows you to calculate the distance between two Australian postcodes, and also calculate which postcodes fall within a certain radius of your target postcode. The product comes with a full AUSTRALIAN postcode database (SQL) with coordinates (longitude, latitude). The locator can be utilised in a wide range of websites that draw upon proximity-based searches in Australia. PHP, ASP, and Java languages supported.
PriceUSD 220.00
AZ Store Locator
posted byzakkerinZip Code Locators
A simple PHP/MySQL USA/Canada store locator script. Help your customers and members find the nearest store/distributor/chapter or anything else.
* ZIP code lat/lon lookups and radius searches * State/City/Country search * Allows visitors to view the stores on the google map embeded into page (Goole Maps API) * Allows view stores by state * Fit easily into your web design * Easy installation (online installer) * Add/Edit/Delete locations * Add/Edit/Delete zip codes * Free USA/Canada Zip Codes Database (updated October, 2010) * Results Sorted by Distance * Ablity export/import stores via CSV * Free installation * Password protected admin area
PriceUSD 49.95
ZIP radius search & distance calculator US and CA
posted byweb4futureinZip Code Locators
ZIP radius search & distance calculator will help you find all the zip codes in a radius of x miles from any other zip code in the US. The package also contains the fastest functions to help you integrate a radius search on your website.
Canadian ZIP code database is also available. Please visit our website for details and developer licensing.
US zip code database with 44.629 zip codes, including Military bases.
PriceUSD 39.95
Calculate Distance and Radius in PHP
posted byZipCodeWorldinZip Code Locators
This function calculates the distance between two locations by using latitude and longitude from ZIP code, postal code or postcode. The result is available in miles, kilometers or nautical miles based on great circle distance calculation.
PriceUSD 199.95
php Dealer Locator Standard
posted byinfoinZip Code Locators
Need a Store Locator for your website? Do your visitors need to find the nearest business location? Need a 'drop in' application that would works? Keep track of your Dealers with this quick and easy web based php application. Your visitors will be able to find the nearest store or dealer by searching by name, distance, city, and zipcode. Complete administration area included. This application features over 30,500 lines of php code, a template design, and CSS. You can also search by category/specialty, state, or country. We have also included hundreds of programming hooks to help make it easy to customize the application. NEW: Version 5.1.1 - Various small bugs fixed.
PriceUSD 249.95
Ultimate Locator
posted byultimatelocatorinZip Code Locators
NEW - Lower Price
NEW - Support for Mobile and Tablets
NEW - v3.5 just released. Our best version ever!
Ultimate Locator is a PHP/MySQL based Store Locator solution that allows website owners to install a robust, professional-grade store locator or dealer locator system on their own website.
Allow your visitors to search for store locations, dealers, members, outlets, ATMs or anything else you can think of, just by entering their zip code. Visitors can also search by State, Name, City or Country. Supports Google and Yahoo maps with driving directions, contact info, links and more for each location.
Ultimate Locator is jam packed with useful and practical features and is in use on hundreds of websites today.
Comes with an advanced online Admin Panel where you administer the entire locator system from your web browser.
View our site for online demos of the software in action.
PriceUSD 199.99