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Installation Kits

Results 1-7 of 7
Bulk email service for marketing - Cover Image
Bulk email service for marketing
Allows you to send out a large volume of mailings in a very short amount of time, You can send email campaigns via different SMTP servers. 1. You can improve upon your customer engagement by sending personalized emails. 2. Details of your email deliverability, emails opened, clicks and a lot of other information can all be easily tracked. 3. If you send messages to an email address and it generates a bounced, the email address will be unsubscribe from your list automatically. 4.When a recipient clicks the Unsubscribe link, they will be asked to confirm their choice and then will be added to the Global Unsubscribe list. 5. Multiple email addresses are collected in an email list – anyone who has subscribed to your blog, website, or even weekly newsletter, email can be imported directly into your list. And other.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 250.00
Event-driven, component-based web framework
phpWork is an event-driven(EDP), component-based web framework similar as architecture to ASP.NET. It is a tool, which will help you to build any php-based website in a very very easy, fast, reliable, safe and well-organized way. It comes with 40+ components, 70+ demos and many tutorials. The framework has very short learning curve, so anyone can start using it efficiently in less than 3 hours.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 265.00
This package is mainly for beginners and allows to install Apache 2.x, PHP 4.x and MySQL 4.x on win32. It doesn`t contains tons of scripts and modules --- only needed for installation files. Project has a good support wiki with strong categories and defined needs for beginners. PS: Professionals just don`t need such packages as they can install all independently.
(24 ratings)
Zend Framework Installer
This class can be used to setup a files for Zend framework based application. It creates a common directory structure as recommended in the Zend Framework´s manual. The class can generate also bootstrap file and the index controller with its view.
(6 ratings)
SoftRescue Small Business.
Fast and easy PC-2-PC application transfer. Fully automated transfer of your application from your old to your new computer in a ready-to-run state. Everything, including registration keys and settings, is compressed into a single file that can be restored by soft rescue Small Business on any windows computer running XP or Vista. This software will save you days of frustrating re installation work.........Please visit our site for further details...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.95
LSN-Webmail is an interactive script to painlessly and quickly install Apache 1.3.12, PHP3.16, Mysql 3.22.32, Imap4.7b, and Twig 2.2.3. It also includes easy to use menu editors for post installation maintainance.
(0 ratings)
MAPis is an installation script for MySQL, Apache, and PHP. It is configurable with minimal error checking but it serves my purpose which was to be a no-brainer, no-hassle install.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-7 of 7