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Results 21-40 of 47
PHP MYSQL Website Tutorials
If you are new to the trend of dynamic or PHP MYSQL Website then this is the place for you. We have build an online games database driven website and divided the whole procedure in steps or tutorials. The website includes a complete CMS or Content Management System, Database Structure, Search Engine, Login Logout Script, Page Navigation, Uploading images and files. In other words everything that is required to build a dynamic PHP website is available on PHPJavascript.com
(9 ratings)
Apache PHP Tutorials - Installing and Running Apache Server and PHP Script
A collection of 14 tutorials on Apache and PHP installation and configuration covering: How to download and install Apache 2.x and PHP 5; How to start Apache server; How to publish HTML documents; How to set PATH variable for PHP; How to create php.ini; How to configure Apache to use PHP as CGI; etc.
(3 ratings)
PHPreg.com - Ultimate PHP Source For Help
PHPreg.com is a regularly updated resource for tutorials, articles and help on PHP and Databases like Mysql. If you are new to PHP or looking to gain new knowledge and development, PHPreg.com can be a useful guide for you. Easy to understand tutorials and new articles are the specialty. You will also get benefited with technical support forum to resolve your queries. Number of free downloadable scripts and eBook on PHP are also available. By downloading paid scripts with resell rights, you can start your own script selling business.
(0 ratings)
Escape HTML Characters
In this howto you're gonna learn how you can escape HTML characters, nice and easy using PHP. This is useful for example to prevent users enter malicious HTML or javascript code into your site using the public forms like guestbooks or message boards. Also this can be useful if you want to embed code into your page without being translated by browsers into HTML elements corresponding. Our site also offers an Online Escape HTML Characters Tool!
(0 ratings)
Macronimous- Command Line Scripting in PHP
PHP can also be run as a command line script like c, c++, java, etc. This article provides an introduction to command line scripting in PHP and emphasise on its significance in PHP applications.
(3 ratings)
How to Bridge PHP and Java for Powerful Web Solutions
Here's how to team up two of the most popular and powerful platforms for web development together. With the php-java bridge you can build classes and jar files in Java and call them and use their methods in PHP. Use the quick and easy PHP language to bring Java muscle to your web pages.
(0 ratings)
Handling Non ASCII Characters in PHP String Literals
This PHP tutorial helps you understand: Basic rules of handling non ASCII characters; Example PHP scripts of French/Chinese strings in UTF-8/GB2312 encoding.
(0 ratings)
Create syntax highlighted php code as html text
This tutorial teaches you how to convert an existing php code to a syntax colored html text.
(0 ratings)
PHP Script Tips - Understanding PHP Arrays and Their Basic Operations
A collection of 11 tips on PHP array introduction. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on declaring and creating arrays, assigning and retrieving array elements, identifying elements by keys and indexes, copying arrays: What Is an Array in PHP? How To Create an Array? How To Test If a Variable Is an Array? How To Retrieve Values out of an Array? What Types of Data Can Be Used as Array Keys? How Values in Arrays Are Indexed? Can You Add Values to an Array without a Key? Can You Copy an Array? How to Loop through an Array? How the Values Are Ordered in an Array? How To Copy Array Values to a List of Variables?
(0 ratings)
PHP Script Tips - Creating Your Own Functions
A collection of 19 tips on creating your own PHP functions. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on defining functions, defining arguments, passing references, returning references, argument default values, etc. Special topics are: How To Pass Variables By References? How Arrays Are Passed Through Arguments? How To Pass Arrays By References? How To Return an Array from a Function? What Is the Scope of a Variable Defined in a Function? How To Access a Global Variable inside a Function? How To Return a Reference from a Function? How To Specify Argument Default Values? How To Define a Function with Any Number of Arguments?
(3 ratings)
PHP Script Tips - PHP Built-in Functions for Arrays
A collection of 19 tips on PHP functions on arrays. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on searching keys and values, sorting arrays, merging two arrays, looping on array elements, expanding and truncating arrays. Special topics are: How Do You If a Key Is Defined in an Array? How To Sort an Array by Values? How To Join a List of Keys with a List of Values into an Array? How To Merge Values of Two Arrays into a Single Array? How To Use an Array as a Queue? How To Pad an Array with the Same Value Multiple Times?
(3 ratings)
Working with PHP5 Class Types
This article is intended for experienced PHP programmers interested in exploring PHP 5's support for working with class types through argument hinting, abstract classes and interfaces. Basic knowledge of object-oriented programming, including the anatomy of a class and the mechanics of inheritance, is assumed.
(0 ratings)
How can I pass multiple selections from a drop down menu?
This tutorial tells people how to transfer multiple selections from a drop down menu using html and php.
(6 ratings)
PHP Classes
Doing it with class in PHP. What is a data structure? What is a class? How are classes used in PHP? All these questions and more are answered in this tutorial.
(0 ratings)
Build Standalone Applications
It's painful, but possible. With PHP and the PHP-GTK module, you can build your own gui executable files. This is a guide that directs to the right GTK tutorials and functioning PHP compiling software. Includes code for a working model.
(0 ratings)
Unix man pages and resources
Over 150,000 pages of unix manual pages, and open source documentation in multiple languages + documentation on php, and python in multiple languages
(0 ratings)
ftp clients
My experience with ftp clients. It focuses on using IE as an ftp client.
(12 ratings)
Alternating row colors
Alternating row colors is a very good way to make big tables more ergonomic and esthetic. Script and explanation here. Also explains the modulus operator.
(0 ratings)
A HOWTO on Optimizing PHP
PHP is a very fast programming language, but there is more to optimizing PHP than just speed of code execution. This article explains why optimizing PHP involves many factors which are not code related, and why tuning PHP requires an understanding of how PHP performs in relation to all the other subsystems on your server, and then identifying bottlenecks caused by these subsystems and fixing them. It also covers how to tune and optimize your PHP scripts so they run even faster.
(0 ratings)
Controlling PHP Output: Caching and compressing dynamic pages
This 4-page article will explain how to use PHP output controlling functions to make your pages load faster.
(0 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 47