Email Systems
Sending e-mails via SMTP with PHPmailer and Gmail
posted byolaf2inEmail Systems
Using the SMTP server from Gmail is a good choice for mail application with less than 500 recipients a day. This tutorials shows you how to send mail messages via SMTP using PHPmailer and Gmail.
Using function mail() in windows xp part 2
posted byalamsterinEmail Systems
Steps to add user, adding domain and make test email from web based interface and try to send email from php script. No need internet connection to test mail() function. Video provided for illustration.
Creating a simple mail sender class with PHP
posted byphptoys2inEmail Systems
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple mail sender class in PHP. Sending emails with PHP is a lot easier than you would think, however you need to care about some settings to avoid moving your emails into a spam folder.
Safe Ajax contact form
posted byolaf2inEmail Systems
Providing a simple contact form could be a big security issue if the form script doesn't have any validation or security features. In the past it was very common to use simple mail scripts to post a web form to some e-mail address. A lot of the spam getting people in their mail box is send with vulnerable form mail scripts. These tutorial will show you how to create a simple mail form using Ajax and PHPMailer.
Simple HTML mailing list
posted bywebmasterinEmail Systems
This tutorial will show you how to make a double opt-in email list with activation. It will also show you how to delete emails and send emails to the list.
Checking your spam status
posted bystreetyinEmail Systems
Spam is a major problem. As spam filters become more effective the spam changes to evade prompting the spam filters to again step up their aggressiveness. In this escalating battle it is all too easy for legitimate email to be filtered out in error. If you have ever had to deal with a complaint from a customer who never received their activation email, only to find it in their spam folder then you are familiar with the problem. No single approach is going to ensure that all your mail gets through but one quick and easy thing you should be doing is checking the black lists and make sure you are not on them.
In this tutorial I go through creating a script which will automatically and periodically check the black lists for you. Once set up you can just leave it and rest a little more secure.
Simple and secure mail function based on php mail()
posted byAnshargalinEmail Systems
Contains useful arguments (from, to, subject, text) and protection from malformed headers. Also, there is a simple mail form example.
Form Mail
posted byfarooqaaainEmail Systems
This is a detailed tutorial on Sending Email using Forms, in this tutorial you will also learn about alot of Php elements. And other kinda things.
Accepting Email from your Website
posted bywarkiorinEmail Systems
One of the keys to running a good website, is allowing your visitors to contact you when they have a question or comment on your website. Yet, in this day of email harvesting and spam, how do you allow your website visitors to contact you, without exposing yourself to a deluge of unwanted vi*gra ads?
The answer? Use a form mailer! Click the link to read more about form processing scripts and how you can easily use them on your site. We also have an excellent form mailer that you could use on YOUR site.
Building a Secure Contact Form
posted bypetesmcinEmail Systems
A contact form or an email form is often a critical part of a website, in allowing users to contact you regarding one or more issues. This article aims to help you produce a secure contact form, and at the same time, try to reduce the amount of spam you will receive from it.
Sending emails in PHP
posted byMajd-GFXinEmail Systems
This is an introductory tutorial to teach you how to send emails via PHP. It is quick and easy and aimed for beginners.
Send email using the PHP mail() function
posted byDanBeeinEmail Systems
How to send an email from within a PHP page using the built in mail() function.
E-Mail Address Hiding - Fight Spam at the Source
posted byhotscripts.cominEmail Systems
This HOWTO shows some ways of how you can fool email spiders to not detect published email addresses.
Sending MIME email in PHP
posted bykaygeeinEmail Systems
Tired of sending those drab textual notifications and newsletters to your friend and clients? Ever wanted to send attachments and/or HTML embedded email. The answer is MIME. This article explains the basics of MIME, creating MIME-compliant messages and then ends with a working class implementation of sending MIME complaint email in PHP. Note that references to calling script, caller etc. denote the script that uses the class we are about to develop and client/MUA etc. denote a mail reading client or mail user agent.
IMAP Mail Reading With PHP3
posted bymusoneinEmail Systems
This tutorial shows you how to use PHP to make a quick, simple and effective IMAP or POP mail reader. The tutorial includes 3 short PHP scripts that allows you to access and read your email from anywhere in the world via your web browser.