Site Navigation
PHP get current page URL
posted byphpf1inSite Navigation
Detailed description how to get current page URL with PHP using code examples.
Easy Navigation
posted bylooninSite Navigation
This is a brief tutorial on writing a simple script for easy page navigation using PHP, without use of the code-heavy switch() function normally chosen for this type of script.
Creating a menu system
posted byphptoys2inSite Navigation
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple menu system with 2 levels. You can easy integrate it into your site to get a nice and easy editable site navigation system.
Paginating large paragraphs or text entries
posted bywebmasterinSite Navigation
Learn how to split large stories into pages each contain X sentences each.
Dynamic (2 level) navigation list
posted byolaf2inSite Navigation
The creation of a dynamic nested unordered list without using any JavaScript code is sometimes a problem because the script needs to "remember" the values, sub values and also the query string from previous clicked links. In this tutorial we will learn how to create a dynamic navigation menu powered by PHP and MySQL only. While using standard HTML elements (unordered lists) it�s easy to add different CSS styles later.
File to display paging
posted bychirag6451inSite Navigation
This shows you how can display paging like google in your reports and also shows how you can use serach,sorting etc with your reports and data very easily.
You can find a zip file in download section to display paging on your reports etc.
The paging file lib/paging.php is very useful file for displaying paging option on reports or on large number of data records.
With this file you can display customized number of records on each page and number of paging per page.
This file creates all the links for you, with paging option, with Next, Prev links. This file also creates the Link for FirstPage and Last Page Like
[First Page] Prev < | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | > Next [Last Page]
With this file you can easily provide easy search option, Sorting option and also you can provide an option to your user to select number of records they with to view on page. With this script you can even learn PHP !!
There is sample script with this which shows all the use of this file. Works only with MYSQL at this stage
Dyanmic URLS using php and mysql
posted bywebmasterinSite Navigation
A tutorial with code snipple included that tells you how to generate links with URLs such as index.php?ID=5 and such. Very easy to follow.