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User Authentication

Results 1-17 of 17
Advanced User Authenication Handling in CodeIgniter
This article focuses on user authentication and some best practices to use when building a secure login environment for members of an application. Our goal here is not to simply allow users to login and access members only content and/or features – we can do this very easily by setting some session data after checking the username & password entered exist in the database. We want to expand on this. We want it to be as secure as we can make it, and for it to be useful to us as administrators too – we want to see who has logged in and when for example.
(3 ratings)
PHP OOP factory pattern login system
Tutorial on how to build a login system with PHP factory pattern including source codes and explanation
(15 ratings)
Protect A PHP Page
This script can easily be pasted into any PHP page to protect its contents. The user will only be allowed to visit the page, once the correct username and password is given.
(9 ratings)
Creating a simple password protection
This tutorial will teach you how to create a very simple password protection for your web pages.
(21 ratings)
MD5 + Salt + sha1 + base64_encde Encryption tutorial tips tricks and demos
MD5 + Salt + sha1 + base64_encde Encryption tutorial tips tricks and demos This teaches begginers about encryption in several methods such as MD5 ,Salt , sha1 ,base64_encde also there is a bit help in dencrytion This is very simple tutorial understand as demos and examples are available for each item
(9 ratings)
Add authentication to your PHP pages the easy way
This will enable you to add a login prompt that authenticates a user before he can see a page. No need to modify your code or pages. Simply download a file, and add a single line at the top of the page you want to add a login to. Any feedback is appreciated.
(15 ratings)
Creating a file based login system
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a file based login system to register, login and logout users. You can use this method without any database.
(42 ratings)
4MemberOnly Template - build a web site with member only area in ONE hour
* 4MemberOnly Template is designed for those who wishes create a web site with the member area quickly and with the least efforts and expenses and to provide access to it through a login. * 4MemberOnly uses HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL. * 4MemberOnly can integrate with any existing php/mysql websiet easily.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
Blocking access to the login page after three unsuccessful login attempts
Sometimes you need to add an extra protection to password-protected website. This article explains how access to the login page can be restricted after three unsuccessful login attempts. This schema uses visitors IP address to store log attempts in the database and block access to login feature for 30 minutes after third unsuccessful attempt.
(12 ratings)
Easy Website Password Protection Tutorial
You can now implement password-protected pages without Telnet access to protected directories in your web site. Then you can use these password protected directories to sell downloadable products or provide premium access to members. In this password protection tutorial, we will explain how to create access authorization using only FTP. This will be helpful to most webmasters who want to create authentication files but who do not have Telnet. Unfortunately, most of the restricted access tutorials assume that the webmaster can use Telnet, which of course, is not true. Now you can sell your software, documents, images or music online. You can easily protect files and directories that require the use of a username and password, and you don�t have to be a computer programmer to do it!
(9 ratings)
How to build a member only area on your site using 4MemberOnly
Today you're going to learn, in simple terms, how to use 4MemberOnly to build a member only area on your site. This is a quick, easy, straight to the point, hands-on tutorial that will get you coding in no time. Note that to properly understand this tutorial, you will need a working knowledge of HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Maintaining state with PHP4 sessions
HTTP as a protocol is stateless, which doesn't make it easy for a developer. For example, your web server sends out a page to someone ordering from an online shop, and then forgets all about it. A few seconds later, the same person sends another request, ordering another item. As far as the web server is concerned, it could be an entirely different person. So to make sure the right orders are associated with the right person, a developer has to employ some sneaky tricks. Before PHP4, you could have used something like PHPLIB for session management. But PHP4 comes with a complete set of sessioning functions. This article explains how to use them.
(15 ratings)
FREE Username, Password Login PHP and MySQL Example Site
This step-by-step guide presents a free cut-and-paste example code of a username and password login web based system. Developed using PHP, MySQL and JavaScript. Improved and updated Jan 2008.
(715 ratings)
Using a page by page password system using mySQL
One cool thing about php is that you can fairly easily validate users before displaying content on a page by page basis. Let's say you don't want to restrict the entire directory using htaccess, this is a neat alternative. This tutorial shows how to create a simple page-based login system using PHP and mySQL.
(6 ratings)
Session Management with PHP4
One of the new great features with PHP4 is the session management feature. It allows you to store variables in a session 'object' during a user visit. This article discusses what a session and a session variable are, and what it can do.
(3 ratings)
Building a Secure Admin Area & .htaccess
This tutorial along with sample code explains how to make a hardcoded admin password gateway using PHP. It also covers how to use .htaccess for server side password protection.
(9 ratings)
Session Management and Authentication with PHPLIB
This three-page online tutorial/article talks about managing user session and authntication using PHPLIB, a set of PHP classes designed to make is easier to develop web based PHP applications.
(6 ratings)
Results 1-17 of 17