Database Tools
posted byinfoinDatabase Tools
MySQL-to-MSSQL is a program to move MySQL databases to MS SQL server. All MySQL data types and attributes are supported. The program works with all versions of Unix and Windows MySQL servers.
Visual Audit Trail
posted bybeninDatabase Tools
Visual Audit Trail will show you who changed what data, and when they did it. You can save just enough data to identify the record, or save the entire records data before and after a change.
IntelliVIEW - Interactive Reporting Tool
posted byAji.JosephinDatabase Tools
Create any kind of report you need. Access virtually any data source. Manipulate data using convenient drag & drop interface
Slash development time for creating reports by over 75%! Publish reports easily across the web. Export reports to popular formats like xls, pdf, rtf etc. No �per-client� Licensing Fees!
SQL Affecting Tool
posted bysql_affectinDatabase Tools
This utility intended for executing SQL commands such as INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE using parameters taken from text file. SQL command executes for each parameter in file. Save your time. Use this utility instead of writing VB scripts etc.
posted byFileAmigoinDatabase Tools
FileAmigo handles many tasks better than text editors and spreadsheet programs which were not designed to handle this type of data processing. FileAmigo is the professional web file and report maker. Create a web database with the kind of data that's important to you for tracking and organization. You can add new fields when they are needed. Data is edited based on your rules. Custom reports can be created. Data can be imported and exported.
121 WAM!
posted bymarketinginDatabase Tools
The first FTP client that can transfer databases. With 121 WAM! you can drag and drop database tables from one Microsoft Access, SQL Server, MySQL or ODBC database into another over the Internet. Additional features include advanced file and data synchronization options, FTP support, and more, making 121 WAM! the ideal choice for maintaining database-driven web sites.
Automatic MySQL Backup
posted bywipe_outinDatabase Tools
Using cron, mysqldump (included with MySQL) and gzip, this script will take daily weekly and monthly backups of your MySQL databases. Daily and Weekly backups are automatically rotated. Output log can be emailed to whoever is resposible for maintaining the backups. Can create a single backup file for all databases on a server or a seperate backup file for each backup. Plus a number of other features. See changelog in the script for full change history.
Rememebr to rate it..
posted bysalesinDatabase Tools
Installgen implements Oracle�s best practices for over 100 tasks required when performing the installation of Oracle primary and standby database servers. Installgen generates dozens of Perl scripts, Shell scripts and configuration files required to install, backup, performance tune, document and recover Oracle databases. Free demo available for Windows, MacOSX, Linux and Solaris.
PrimaSoft Web dB Server
posted byprimasoftinDatabase Tools
PrimaSoft Web Database Server is a web based application that enables you to quickly create, manage and share databases across your company or with friends over the Internet or Intranet. You can set up contact database for your business, a knowledge base for your organization, a product catalog for your corporate web site,or information managers for your personal use. Unlimited database and user accounts.
posted bynicolainDatabase Tools
This is a simple bash script that allows to save a Mysql Db into a custom tar.gz file, and then copy it into a floppy all automatically. The only thing you have to do is to choose a database and an archiver name!
MySQL Database 2 Excel KonvertR
posted bychurmtominDatabase Tools
MySQL 2 Excel KonvertR is a small application that automatically exports the entire contents of a MySQL Database to an Excel Workbook, without using ODBC. Features: All tables of MySQL database converted simultaneously; Column headings in each Excel Worksheet named after the MySQL table's Field Names; Excel Worksheets named automatically after the MySQL tables in the database; Excel Worksheets ordered alphabetically in the Workbook;
No need for ODBC connection/ODBC drivers for MySQL.
One-file .exe: Nothing to Install or Uninstall!
posted byextrasqlinDatabase Tools
ExtraSQL is a fully featured tool for Microsoft Database Engine (MSDE) 7.0/2000 and Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000 users and developers. It is able to create and manage any SQL server objects: databases, tables, stored procedures, views, indexes etc., execute SQL commands and provides an easy to use and navigate multi-tabbed MDI environment. All standard SQL Server administration commands and wizards can be invoked just by one mouse click.
posted byDariushinDatabase Tools
SQLPorter Migration Toolkit helps you migrate your data and database schema from databases such as Microsoft SQL Server Versions (6.5, 7.0, 2000,
Oracle 8, 8i, 9i, IBM DB2, Sybase Adaptive Server,
Postgres, and MySQL on any supported workstation/server platform to all other databases listed above. The SQLPorter toolkit can also act as an agent to automate data population and migration based on selected time intervals. SQLPorter currently runs on Windows NT or Windows 2000 and is English only. Linux version of SQLPorter will be available very soon.
dbQwikEdit PRO
posted bySalesinDatabase Tools
Easy to use advanced visual SQL tool. Lets you open any database, edit data, design tables, create queries, import and export data and generate complex SQL statments with ease. Suitable for both novice users and power users. Works with all data bases including: mySQL, Oracle, MS Access, MS SQL Server, MS SQL Express, Fox Pro, sybase, postgress, dbase, DB2 and any ADO or ODBC comlpliant database. Working with databases has never been so easy.
PriceUSD 39.95
Navicat - The Most Popular MySQL phpmyadmin alternavtive - MySQL Import/Export tool
posted byinfoinDatabase Tools
Navicat is an intuitive GUI tool lets you create, browse databases and run SQL queries in an easier way. Advanced features include visual query builder, report builder, backups/ restore, batch job scheduling, remote connecting, and the ability to easily migrate data to/from Excel, Access and other data formats. Other features include a SQL Console, View Builder and Data Synchronization. The latest version supports SQLite, Oracle PL/SQL Debugger, Code Formatter, Code Completion, Form View and email Notification Services, etc.
PriceUSD 95.00
4W WebMerge
posted byambassadorinDatabase Tools
WebMerge generates static HTML pages from your exported database. Build catalogs, ezines, contact lists, image galleries and more, quickly and easily. Works with output from nearly any database or spreadsheet, including Microsoft Access, FileMaker Pro, Panorama, AppleWorks, and Excel. Use your favorite HTML editor to design custom templates for your index and details pages. WebMerge also lets you save its settings to a file that can start generating pages by just opening it, completely automating your workflow.
PriceUSD 99.00
Calistra ODBC MySQL Administrator
posted bysalesinDatabase Tools
Calistra's ODBC MySQL Administrator (Coma) is heading towards being a complete database construction tool for MySQL databases. You can manipulate any MySQL database via an ODBC link.
MySQL ODBC administrator is loosely based on Sybase SQL Central. Calistra's ODBC MySQL Administrator is a Win32 Application that runs on Windows 95/98/NT. Without writing a single line of SQL you can: Select any MySQL database that has an ODBC driver to it; View the structure of the databases in a hierarchy; Create Databases, Tables, Columns and Indexes; Rename Databases, Tables, Columns; Delete Databases, Tables, Columns; View data in any table; and Edit data in any table.
posted bymarciowbinDatabase Tools
SIBPROvider is an OLE DB provider for Interbase/Firebird. SIBPROvider allows you to access Interbase via ADO/OLEDB applications such as Visual Basic, Delphi, ASP, Dreamweaver, Crystal Reports and anything that works with ADO or OLE DB. SIBPROvider is a flexible and robust OLE DB provider that works with blobs, large ints, transactions, stored procedures, named and unnamed parameters, views and supplies rich schemas information. SIBProvider has been certified through Microsoft LTM, ensuring its support for Microsoft OLE DB specifications. It's designed to be used with Interbase 6.x or Firebird 1.x versions and later; however, it does have limited support for Interbase 5.x/4.x. It unique features include auto command parameters creation and auto command type determination.