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File Utilities

Results 21-39 of 39
Log Smash
merge multiple .log files into a single log file for analysis in AWstats. At this time the application will only run in windows XP or Vista with .net framework v2.0 or above.
(0 ratings)
Free File Manager for Windows. Built on the graphic base completely. By means of the built-in designer of schemes possible easy and quickly create beautiful graphic interfaces Main features: � Completely graphic interface. � Built-in Designer. � Supported archivators: ZIP,LHA,CAB,TAR,ARC,ZOO,A RJ,RAR. � Internal viewer, that support: JPG,GIF,BMP,DIB,TIF,TGA,P CX,ICO formats. � Built-in utility of converting the graphic files. � Support multimedia files: MOD,XM,S3M,ITZ, MID,WAV,MPA,MP2,MP3,IT, MTM,STM,MED, AVI,MPG,MOV. � Internal Text Editor. � Plug-ins support. � Fast file operations. � Playlists. � More useful functions.
(0 ratings)
File Joiner
File Joiner is a tool that combines (binds) unlimited files (no matter their type) into a single standalone executable (a Container file). The Container (the final bound file) is a compiled program that, when opened, will automatically launch the included files. File Joiner can run any type of file from the bound file (the container) without affecting its direct functionality. For instance, if you bind an executable, a text file and an image file, when the Container file is run, the executable will be run too while the other files will be opened with the default image file viewer (IrfanView, Paint etc.) and text file viewer (Notepad, Wordpad etc.).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
Parallels Workstation for Windows
Parallels Workstation is the powerful, easiest-to-use, cost-effective desktop virtualization solution available today. It empowers any user to create completely networked, totally secure independent, maximally stable virtual machines on a single physical machine. Virtual machines can run nearly any OS, including Windows XP/2003/Vista, Linux, FreeBSD, OS/2, eComStation, Sun Solaris and MS-DOS. The product is available at the low price of $49.99.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
CiAN File Splitter
CiAN File Splitter 3.30 Pro is a comprehensive splitter and joiner that's designed to split your huge files and rejoin without having this software installed on the destination PC. Features include Compression (Winzip Compatible), password protection on distributable files, CRC32, command line capabilities, fully integrated Ms Windows Explorer, performance adjustement selector and more.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 11.95
iOpus File and Website Downloader
Automate, schedule and batch file and web page downloads with command line utility. Very easy to use and integrates well with batch files, windows scripts, visual basic or the windows task scheduler. Ideal for automatically downloading files, patches and for stress and load testing your download web server. A must have utility for every internet and system administrator tool box. Freeware!
(0 ratings)
vCard Wizard
vCard Wizard is a simple vCard converter and .vcf converter software that allows you to transfer, import/export and merge your Gmail, Android, iCloud, iPhone/iPad and Microsoft Outlook contacts to the destination of your choice. Export contacts from iPhone, Android and Microsoft Outlook or merge contacts. If you need to transfer contacts from iPhone to Android or transfer contacts from Android to iPhone, vCard Wizard is the software to choose.
(0 ratings)
Right Picture Download Manager
With this download manager you can appoint any file type to search and download in addition to default image, multimedia and flash files. You can set special filters that would help to skip unwanted content. Several connections per file provide highest possible download speed. It is very simple to use and you can set any configuration for the application easy
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
EBook Maestro FREE
EBook Maestro is a potent eBook compiler that can both frame your ideas into an effective independent presentation and protect them against changes and copyright violations. The freeware eBook maker offers full support of multimedia content and various character sets to enrich and embellish your book or presentation. It can also restrict cut-and-paste or drag-and-drop options to effectively limit the use of your materials to a chosen interface.
(0 ratings)
EBook Maestro PRO
In the beginning man conceived a thought and, behold, it was very good. And man said, let the thought acquire its form and shape and created an eBook. And man said, let the eBook bring forth multimedia, controls, search engines, and encryption after the kind of other applets, and created eBook Maestro Pro. Man blessed the eBook compiler and said unto it, be fruitful, and replenish eBooks with multimedia content, and protect the author`s copyright
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 70.00
Clone Hunter
posted bywbinFile Utilities
Looking for a way to get more space on your hard drive? While you access Internet or simply working offline, your hard drive gets filled with myriad of files. Many of those files are identical and waste your hard drive space. The Clone Hunter is a solution to this problem! With this tool, you can scan your entire hard drive or selected folders only, locate identical files using various search criteria and remove those files from your system.
(0 ratings)
iRiver Textfile Formatter
A windows program I wrote that will format textfiles to be more readable on the iRiver IHP-120 MP3 Player. You can load/open a bunch of textfiles (I use it for lyrics), then set the output directory, and the program will reformat each file so that lines are wrapped on word boundaries (instead of mid-word which is what the player does by default).
(0 ratings)
SecureWrap Compiler System
SecureWrap is the low cost solution for serializing and protecting your executable files. SecureWrap was designed for those who produce E-Books, Flash Tutorial EXE's, Compiled MultiMedia and of course software created with any programming or authoring language.
(0 ratings)
File Sorter
This application will recursively sort your files based on keywords, if keyword is matched with a file name, then a new directory is created, and named after the keyword, file is copied/moved there.
(3 ratings)
Art Directory Print
The program prints directory listings or saves them as an HTML, XML, or CSV file, which you can send by email or publish to the web. It adds itself to the Windows Explorer context [right mouse button] menu and can make and print listings with a couple of mouse clicks. User has total control over the output: you can specify not only which columns will be printed, but also their order and width. In addition to the standard pieces of information, such as file name, size, or modification date, Art Directory Print can also extract other data, for example, HTML titles, MP3 ID3 tags, image information, EXIF data, file hashes, etc. Program comes with a comprehensive file filter: by name (both include and skip), by date, by size, and by attributes. You can select a level of the recursive folder processing ranging from the non-recursion to the infinite one. Also you can order lists by file name, size, modification date, or other criteria in the ascending or descending order. You can define the look: colors, fonts, and some other adjustable options. Art Directory Print can show recursive folder sizes, as well as real disk space occupied, and hence system administrators can use the program as a disk usage tool.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
Quick Image Transfer
Quick Image Transfer. An easy way to transfer .jpg images from your digital camera or other media. Set the source and destination, and click start copy to instantly copy all the files from your media to your hard drive.
(12 ratings)
BPS Data Shredder
Shredder literally destroys files, free space and your Recycle Bin contents instead of only deleting them. That means your data contents one overwritten and destroyed & can't be recovered. Also includes a schedule. Delete even if the file is locked! No trails are left of any compromising or confidential information. Nobody will ever be able to recover the files! Also includes a scheduler & integrates with windows explorer for right click shred.
(0 ratings)
Advanced FileTimer
Advanced FileTimer (formerly known as FileTime) is a power user tool for modifying date and time stamps of your files. It can repair incorrect file dates by altering the time and date of selected files. You can use the current time and date settings, set your own time/date or add/subtract days, hours, minutes, and seconds to the original time stamps of files. For example, you can make the time stamps equal with the date your photos were actually taken.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
NATATA eBook Compiler
Natata eBook Compiler is an powerful software that packs and compresses multiple files including HTML, CSS, WAV, TXT, GIF, JPG, MID, JavaScript, DHTML, Flash, PDF, etc and converts them into a single compact executable file which contains a small viewer that launches the selected start document in an e-book like interface. You can use it to compile e-books, offline web pages, HTML photo albums, presentations and more. The interface uses a step-by-step approach that guides you through the process of creating your compiled file.
(3 ratings)
Results 21-39 of 39