Search & Replace
Multiple File Search and Replace
posted byinternetsoftinSearch & Replace
When you are developing or supporting a large website, containing many pages and complex code, it is often necessary to make changes in several files simultaneously, in order to add new text or links to different pages, alter descriptions, keywords and other metatags, fix non-functioning links, redesign or optimize pages for search engines. For these purposes we have developed multiple file search, find and replace software tools.
PriceUSD 29.00
Alias Find and Replace
posted byaliassoftwareinSearch & Replace
Alias Find and Replace is the tool you need to change or add a banner code, a link, a copyright notice ... or simply to correct a spelling mistake across hundreds of webpages or text documents without having to edit each of them manually !
Works with text files such as Web Pages, PHP/ASP/Perl Scripts ...
Lots of features.
PriceUSD 29.95
CiAN Text Replacer
posted bycbianchiinSearch & Replace
Save time and money with this Mass Text Replacement Utility, below are detailed the most important functions :
- Batch unlimited text replacements on a single process.
- Import large list of replace rules from CSV files.
- Works over one file or entire folders/subfolders.
- Microsoft Windows Explorer fully integrated.
- AutoBackup of processed files.
- Real-Time On-Screen Log and optionally HTML Log.
- View/Edit files directly from CiAN Text Replacer.
- Store Replace-Jobs as Templates to reuse later.
- Easy and Fast Help. Just pressing F1 key.
- All future versions and updates for free.
- Free Email and toll free support (Registered Users).
PriceUSD 19.95
Archivarius 3000
posted byf287362544inSearch & Replace
Archivarius 3000 is a full-featured application to search documents and e-mails on the desktop computer, your LAN and removable drives (CD, DVD and etc.). The program will extract and save full information about documents, which allows to search and overview documents even if these are physically not accessible. There are imbedded functions for quick overview and documents printing, tools for remote searching and accessing via the Internet.
PriceUSD 39.95
Replace and Rename
posted byreplsoftinSearch & Replace
Replace and Rename allows you to perform both file renaming AND text replacing in one easy batch file from one "keyword" import file. The software works with files from directories and subdirectories. All you need is to select a directory (or directories) with the files you would like to process.
Regex Replace -
posted byThePrawninSearch & Replace
WFFR is a simple yet powerful web based find & replace utility. It can search a text file and highlight matches, independently color backreferences, preview find/replace changes and perform find/replace routines on your text. All search/replace/settings can be saved as a bookmark for reuse. Regular expressions can also be disabled for performing simple highlighting.
Advanced Replace Tools
posted byreplsoftinSearch & Replace
This is a multifunctional manager with a replacer, a finder function and a batch replacer. The batch replacer is a multi-string search-and-replace filter. It can find strings in files and replace them with whatever text you specify. Both text and binary files can be processed by the program.
PriceUSD 24.95
Duplicate Finder
posted byashisoftdfinSearch & Replace
Find and Remove TRUE duplicate files, Search duplicate file contents regardless of file name, Delete or move duplicate files, Clean up disk space, manage files better, Duplicate Finder matches byte by byte or CRC32 to give you most accurate results. Faster and more reliable than other duplicate file finders. Free download.
Advanced Replace Tools
posted byreplsoftinSearch & Replace
This is a file browser with a replacer, a finder function and a batch replacer. The batch replacer is a multi-string search-and-replace filter. It can find strings in files and replace them with whatever text you specify. Both text and binary files can be processed by the program.
Price 24.00
Find-Replace in files
posted byjmarketinSearch & Replace
Find-Replace is a software gives the users the ability to search a string in multiple folders with multiple file types, and replace it with new string.
the software will generate a full description report for the replaced files, count of replaced strings in each file, count of folders searched and the searching process time.
PriceUSD 7.99
Design-Side Includes (DSI)
posted bypilaftankinSearch & Replace
A free web content reuser utility for inserting common sections of HTML code into multiple web pages at design-time.
Quick File Rename
posted byminimiceinSearch & Replace
Quick File Rename is a fully featured batch file and folder (2-in-1!) renaming utility that is both easy to use and has advanced features such as Undo, Real-time Preview, instant rename by dragging and dropping, DOS 8.3 file convert, file rename using wildcards, file mask, mixed case rename, updating of time stamps, enumeration, MP3 id3 v1 tagging and many more. It also supports international characters, the ONLY renaming application to do so!