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Results 461-480 of 536
Puzzle Ring
Puzzle Ring is yet another game based on falling bricks concept. The aim is to build as much horizontal rings of falling blocks as you can. Every complete ring you made disappears making free space for the next blocks. In the advanced and full game modes you have some lying blocks already at the beginning of the game and you have to make them disappear.
(1 ratings)
This software, designed for Microsoft Windows, will allow you to print ASCII text files using any printer with a Windows driver. The file can be generated from a DOS/WINDOWS application or a UNIX/LINUX application, if it resides on a file system that is accessible from the Windows box (NFS, SCO-VisionFS, Samba and others).
(0 ratings)
WisePopup - HTML and DHTML Popup Window Generator
With the help of WisePopup, five minutes from now, you can make your own popup windows! Yes, just like the one generated by an expert programmer or even better! You have the full control on what the position, the size and the style of the popup window, you can also decide to launch the popup window when the visitor ENTER or LEAVE your page!
(0 ratings)
Price 29.95
Metty Freeware Meta Tag Maker
Metty allows easy creation of over 30 different meta tags that can help your web pages to be properly indexed by search engines. Metty can insert meta tags into an HTML file that has been imported locally or directly from a web site. No knowledge of meta tags is necessary. Features include the ability to create HTML meta tags by filling in simple form fields, support for 33 meta tags, the ability to import an existing HTML file from your desktop or the web, insert generated meta tags into HTML file and save, save tags as a file for use as a template, and some support for Dublin Core meta tags.
(36 ratings)
Pattern By Example
posted bypbeinMiscellaneous
Generative Programming with Adaptive Patterns Pattern at all levels, from architectural pattern to design pattern up to code pattern, are decisive parts of the modern object-oriented software development when it comes to intensify efficiency and quality equally significant. Without the usage of a tool, that supports the deployment of patterns like these in an active manner, it sill doesn't work very effective. If the support with the usage of pattern can be considered of having been little, it was even less with the development of patterns. Both tasks are solved by the innovative "Pattern By Example" principle (PBE).
(0 ratings)
ANGIE Generation Now!
ANGIE: Productivity by Frame-based Generator Technique. Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP) with intelligent ANGIE Frames. There is an attempt to centralize functionality and data accesses for each programming language. In practice, however, this attempt does not always succeed; sporadically a new functionality is scattered in the code � these are so-called "aspects". The concepts of the aspect-oriented programming provide the theoretically basis for solving these tasks and ANGIE frames, declarative in a high degree, are the appropriate tool to realize this in practise and to increase the maintainability of the software significantly.
(0 ratings)
robots.txt Tools And Tutorial
Tools to automatically creat and validate robot.txt file and a tool to create a .htaccess file to ban bad robots. Also includes a general robots.txt tutorial.
(3 ratings)
GetAnonymous is a new technology offering a privacy service you always wanted in ONE PRODUCT. These include Privacy (Proxy Server, Chain of Proxies, Referrer Blocking, Hiding Page Titles), Protection (Parsing Engine, Multiple IP Addresses, Hiding IP Address, Defensive Operating System, Content Control, JavaScript Filter, Online Privacy Control), Filtering (Cookie Control, Ad Blocking, Safe Cookies), Control (Confidential Toolbar, User Friendly)
(0 ratings)
LinkCheck Pro- Reciprocal link checker
posted byhwdinMiscellaneous
LinkCheck Pro is a program for web masters who exchange links with other web sites (link exchange, reciprocal links) or for those who maintain links pages and would like to simplify the task of managing (maintaining) them. Highlights: - 10 Day 100% money back guarantee - 30 Day free unlimited trial - imports your existing Link Partners - manages your links - verifies the link status of your Link Partners - e-mail's your Link Partners - creates your link pages and more - only $15.95
(0 ratings)
Price 15.95
Rim Fusion Board Notifier
Increase the "stickyness" of your forums. Windows based message board notification software for your message board users allows them to receive notifications for new posts and replies. Currently, there are example scripts for integrating with the phpBB2 message board, however, the data exchange is simple enough such that you can easily integrate it with your own message board script.
(0 ratings)
Whizlabs WebLogic Certification Exam Simulator
Ensure your success in WebLogic certification exam with Whizlabs simulator. Developed by highly experienced and certified professionals, it offers simulated mock exams on the latest pattern. Coupled with value added offerings like Quick revision tips, it provides the most efficient and effective learning platform. Endorsed by leading IT certification sites, it is the most recommended study aid for WebLogic certification exam. Last but not the least; it comes with FREE technical mentoring and "Unconditional Test PASS Guarantee". Check out the FREE demo version.
(0 ratings)
AllNetic Working Time Tracker
Tracks how much time you spend on different projects and tasks. Thanks to precise time tracking and accounting you can quickly and precisely calculate time spent on different tasks. You can bill your clients on time based on real reports. You can plan your working day better and be more effective in managing your time as you see, where your time is gone. The application doesn't occupy space on your desktop and is controlled from System Tray.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
Component & Window Image Capture
posted bywheinMiscellaneous
With this DLL you can develop your own window image capture tools to capture any active window or inactive window (hidden windows or background windows) image and save it to the BMP file or JPEG file.
(0 ratings)
TBarCode ActiveX
With TBarCode ActiveX you can print bar codes from within your application or from within standard applications like MS-IE, Excel, Access, WinWord, VB, VC. Supports all common linear as well as enhanced two-dimensional symbologies (PDF417, MaxiCode, Data Matrix and QR-Code). Insert the control into your application and you are able to print more than 50 industrial symbologies from within one control. Numerous bar code parameters and object methods for flexible integration into the bar code application are offered. Also web based bar code applications (e.g. within MS-IE) are possible.
(0 ratings)
FastReport CLX
Supports Delphi7, Kylix3, CBuilder 6 FastReport CLX edition is the first powerful cross-platform report generator for Delphi and Kylix. Using FastReport CLX edition, you can create highly efficient cross-platform reports for Windows and Linux with a minimum of manual coding. FastReport's development environment includes a Visual Report Designer, Visual Dialog Designer, Object Inspector, and Component Palette.
(0 ratings)
Lasso Tutorial for Beginners
Chapters include: Getting Started, Variables, HTML Forms and Lasso, Control Structures, Using Strings, Using Numbers, Using Arrays and Maps, Files and Directories, Databases, Sessions and Cookies, Creating Web Applications, Debugging, Advanced Topics, Lasso Administration.
(0 ratings)
POSTNET Barcode Fonts
Our POSTNET Font Advantage Package allows you to print POSTNET, PLANET, FIM, OCR-A and Interleaved 2 of 5 from MS Windows, Macintosh, UNIX and a variety of other operating systems; TrueType, BDF, FON, PCL laserjet soft fonts, PostScript (type 1) Binary and ASCII versions are provided. You also receive font tools, macros and source code to help you integrate the fonts into your applications.
(0 ratings)
Clouds Screensaver
Amazingly realistic screensaver displays clouds moving in the sky. You'll be captivated with dynamic representation. You can adjust weather conditions i.e. cloudiness in the sky, wind direction, speed of weather changes. DirectX 8.0 required.
(0 ratings)
Multimodal Browser and Toolkit
Multimodal Browser and Toolkit is a technology that allows the development and execution of multimodal applications written to the W3C Acknowledged Submission called XHTML+Voice (X+V). The Multimodal Browser was developed in a strategic relationship with Opera Software ASA and consists of the Opera Browser enhanced with extensions that include IBM's automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech technology. The Multimodal Toolkit is based on the Eclipse framework and the Voice Toolkit 3.1, with added plug-ins to support the X+V editor.
(0 ratings)
MCSE@Whiz-70-210 consists of 5 Mock Tests (300 Questions) on the latest pattern of MCSE Windows 2000 Professional Certification . The salient features include High Level of Customization, Detailed Explanation, Quick Revision Tips, scorer of the month and more.
(0 ratings)
Results 461-480 of 536