Other Resources
UK Link Exchange
posted byjoninOther Resources
A new service for UK webmasters and web site owners. Find UK link exchange partners. This is not an online links system but a way to find people interested in swapping links. Sign up and you'll get your own private inbox to recieve link exchange requests and you can add as many websites to our exchange directory.
CSS Scrollbalken Editor
posted byProSoftâ„¢inOther Resources
Endlich ist er Fertig, der Scollbalken Editor 3.0. Mit unserem Scrollbalken Editor kann man ganz einfach und schnell Scrollbalken f�r die Homepage einf�rben. Mit unserem neu Entwickeltem Dateityp (*.ssp) StyleSheetPackages kann man seine Styles in sogenannte Packages (Pakete) abspeichern und zur jeder Zeit wieder laden. Speichern Sie doch einfach von Ihren Kunden die Scrollbalken in ein Package ab und Sie jaben jedes Style immer griff bereit.
World4.us Free URL Redirector
posted byworld4.usinOther Resources
Does your homepage address look long and difficult to remember? In that case, World4.us has the solution for you. Get your own unique free redirect for life today! Your domain will look like: www.yourchoice.world4.us.
BPS Popup & Cookie Shield & Ad Blocker
posted bybulletproofsoftcominOther Resources
Popup Shield is not just another pop up killer. By intelligently filtering out the annoying aspects of browsing the net (ads, Pop ups advertising, slow surfing speeds, spying cookies), Pop up Shield allows you the freedom to experience all the good parts of the net without being forced to accept the bad. Pop Up Shield is full-featured with everything you would want from a pop-up blocker, while making sure it never gets in your way.
Secure Web services: Encrytion
posted byvoltroninOther Resources
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create secure communications between cross-platform and cross-language Web services. It shows a scenario of a .NET client that connects to a Java Web service using XML encryption. Along the way, you'll see how to create a service and configure its security certificates and how to create and configure the client. You'll also learn some of the interoperability pitfalls of working with .NET.
A quick tour of Autonomic Computing
posted byvoltroninOther Resources
Autonomic computing architecture is a range of software technologies that enable you to build an information infrastructure that can, to lesser and greater degrees, manage itself, saving countless hours (and dollars) in human management. And all this without giving up control of the system. This tutorial explains the concepts behind autonomic computing and looks at the tools at your disposal for making it happen -- today.
Emerging Technologies Toolkit
posted byvoltroninOther Resources
The ETTK provides an environment in which to run emerging technology examples that showcase recently announced specifications and prototypes from IBM's emerging technology development and research teams. In addition, it provides introductory material to help developers easily get started with development of autonomic technologies, Web services.
Tip: Always use an XML declaration
posted byvoltroninOther Resources
The XML declaration is optional in XML files, and defaults determine most of the information in the file. However, problems are common when these defaults do not match reality -- for example, the document could use an encoding other than one of the defaults. It's always safer to make the XML declaration. This tip covers what should be included in the XML declaration on all files.
Python Web services developer: Python SOAP libraries, Part 5
posted byvoltroninOther Resources
As with its sister project, ZSI, SOAPpy has enjoyed a recent increase in activity and is now in version 0.11.3. This version includes WSDL support and many other improvements. Uche Ogbuji and Scott Archer try out this new version with the same complex Web service they tried accessing with ZSI 1.4.1 and ran into a different set of difficulties.
Tip: Extend JAX-RPC Web services using SOAP headers
posted byvoltroninOther Resources
In this article, the author examines how JAX-RPC SOAP handlers process SOAP message headers. Specifically, he shows how a handler adds a SOAP header to an outgoing message and how a corresponding handler removes the SOAP header from an incoming message. In addition, he presents the JAX-RPC programmatic configuration and deployment models as they relate to this topic.
iMacros Web Automation and Web Testing
posted byimacrosinOther Resources
Automate web tasks: Check the same sites every day,data upload, online marketing and functional testing and regression testing web sites: Browsing, form filling, clicking, and data extraction can be recorded into an Internet macro. PRO Edition: Support for FLASH or JAVA applets, web site response time measurements. Also includes command line interface and ActiveX control Scripting component for batch files and VBS (WSH) and .NET web agents.
Price 29.95
Tip: Message Roundtripping: Java coding conventions
posted byvoltroninOther Resources
Java APIs for XML-Based Remote Procedure Call's (JAX-RPC's) Java-to-WSDL/WSDL-to-Java mapping rules do not try to preserve Java constructs during roundtripping. Many constructs are preserved, but not all. This tip describes, in particular, why following Java coding conventions is very important to maintaining the ability to roundtrip.
The hidden impact of WS-Addressing on SOAP
posted byvoltroninOther Resources
The WS-Addressing protocol might not seem like much at first glance. But it establishes message information headers that will make new Web services message flow patterns possible -- and that's something that will have a profound impact on SOAP engines and the future of the SOAP protocol itself.
posted byrohitjinOther Resources
Search one of the largest databases of designers, animators, and artists. The database allows one to sort by geographic location. Each listing has a comprehensive review of the design firm, with primary emphasis on experience and strength of portfolio.
Constant-Content.com - Web Site Content
posted byccontentinOther Resources
Download Free articles, tutorials, and product reviews for your web site. Everything that is needed to construct a finished website. Request article subject matter and even get custom articles written just for your web site.
Popup Blocker
posted byAuditMyPCinOther Resources
Free popup blockers plus popupcheck.com free ad blocking tests. Think your blocker is doing a good job? Take the test and find out now.
ICEtracks - Website visitor identification
posted byIcetracksinOther Resources
ICEtracks provides marketers and eBusiness professionals with the all important visitor identification, segmentation and reporting capabilities needed to effectively drive online business growth, retain customers and improve sales and communication performance. Amplify the value of your website and email communications, by having access to extensive reporting options, report filtering capabilities and the ability to assess different visitor groups, recency and frequency of visit, individual web page activity and take action based on visitor identification and interaction intelligence
Cheapest web development I think anyones ever seen!
posted bysotsochainOther Resources
We don't charge by the hour, only by a one time fee. We can build your site in HTML, PHP, C, C++, Java, ASP, ASP.NET, C#, javascript, xhtml, css, customise templates for you, or even custom build software in Visual Basic 6.0. We plan on adding some scripts for download soon. We even have a sale on a site every day. Let alone our low prices on any site large or small.
If you want your site compleately designed the way you wat it, let us know. We are open 24/7 and once we recieve your order, we will contact you and start the project with you.
You can view our site in English, Spanish, or German. This is an opportunity you don't want to miss.
If you are a programmer/freelancer, great! We can use a person like you on the job. Just contact me and we can get you started on some freelance work to let you earn 100% profit from your work. That's right, 100% profit for your work.
Are we insane? Only the product descriptions are because we want to make you laugh. We want YOU to get what YOU earned from YOUR work. What do we get? A sucessfull business that is built on teamwork.
If nothing else, please take a look at our business.
A survey of XML standards, Part 2
posted byvoltroninOther Resources
The world of XML is vast and growing, with a huge variety of standards and technologies that interact in complex ways. It can be difficult for beginners to navigate the most important aspects of XML, and for users to keep track of new entries and changes in the space. Uche Ogbuji continues this series on XML standards by focusing on XML processing technologies.
posted byepic1inOther Resources
Web site promotion software based on php. Only 15 days and you are guaranteed to have top 10 rankings on search engines + it comes with build-in money making machine.