Cyclano id
This is a set of challenging logic games and puzzles. The objective is to arrange the tiles in the center of the board to match the ones displayed along the game-area border. The games are harder than they look because you must get the icons aligned without disrupting your previous work. It also includes a visual puzzle builder for creating your own games with various board sizes and controls.
Desktop Keeper
Easy Desktop Keeper lets you save, restore, manage and lock desktop layout that includes files and folders located on the desktop, placement of desktop icons, desired wallpaper and screen saver. If you choose to lock desktop layout, every time you reboot your PC, the program will restore desktop icons and bring them back to their original positions as well as return the old wallpaper and the screen saver to the background.
IE-Internet Security
It customizes different features of the Internet Explorer Web browser, lets you disable changing your web browser settings, restrict access to certain tabs of Internet Options dialog box, as well as specific settings from each tab, disable certain menu items and buttons, and prevent others from editing your Favorites. Multi-user support allows you to apply security restrictions for each user personally. Password protection is also offered.
PriceUSD 69.00
Complete Cleanup
posted bysoftdd12442inSecurity
Complete Cleanup displays all your file statistics, improves pc performance, and cleans up all cookies, cache files, history files, ActiveX controls and java applets, search engine data and auto forms data, previous passwords and userid entries, index.dat files, MRU's, and location URLs for all versions of IE, Netscape, AOL, Mozilla, Firefox, and MSN Explorer. This includes a free spyware system review from an actual programmer, and spyware cleanup if necessary. This also allows you to scan and find all duplicate files, and performs many other disk cleanups, including your recent documents list, temp files, system startup list, and various registry entries, along with the ability for secure file wiping, so the cleaned files cannot be recovered at a later time. Cleanups can be run automatically in the background, and a built-in cache viewer is also provided which allows you to view the found files and locations. You can even choose to keep or view individual cookies.
PriceUSD 29.95
Disk and Registry Uninstaller
posted bysoftdd12442inSecurity
Easily track, view, and save any changes done to your pc. Capture before and after snapshots of both your hard drive and registry, allowing you to monitor and keep track of all files and programs that were added or removed on your system. This provides a sure way to identify if any viruses or spyware were placed on your system during software installations, and also allows you to make sure all uninstalls have removed the necessary files. You can always see if any hidden programs, adware, rogue programs, spyware, or program dlls are installed without your knowledge. You can also create and save lists of each comparison so that you may reference these changes later, and you have the option to print if you wish. Uninstalls tend to leave many garbage files behind, and many programs install extra files or folders, adware, or unnecessary spyware, but this program will allow you to scan your system and keep a history list of exactly what changes have been done on your pc for later cleanup. In
PriceUSD 24.95
Access Password Recovery Key
Access Key is a program to recover passwords for MS Access databases. The program features state of the art password recovery engine - all passwords are recovered instantly. Just drag an Access password-protected database to the Access Key dialog box and it will show you the password. Access Key recovers both database passwords and user-level security accounts and passwords. All versions through MS Access 2003 are supported and multilingual passwords are also supported. Download and try a free demo version now.
Word Password Recovery Key
Word Password Recovery Key finds passwords for MS Word document files (.do?). Whenever an important document becomes inaccessible or uneditable because of a lost password Word Key is an easy and fast solution saving your time and data. Word Key works with all versions of MS Word and provides recovery for all types of passwords including instant recovery of form and document protection passwords. All Word 95/7.0, 6.0, 2.0 passwords are instantly recovered. Word 2003, 2002, 2000 and 97 file-open passwords are recovered using a combination of Brute-Force, Xieve(tm) and Dictionary attacks. Word Password Recovery Key has support for multilingual passwords, automatically saves password search state and can resume it after a stop or a crash. Has online help and full install/uninstall support.
Outlook Password Recovery Key
Outlook Password Recovery Key is a program to gain access to password protected Personal Storage Files .PST used by MS Outlook and MS Exchange to store e-mail, contacts and other items. The program features instant password recovery, full install/uninstall support, has support for multilingual passwords. Can be used with all versions of MS Outlook including the most recent 2003. Recovers form design passwords The software is easy to use. All you need to do is just drag and drop files to the program window. Download and try a free demo version now.
Excel Password Recovery Key
Excel Password Recovery Key finds passwords for MS Excel files (.xls). Whenever an important spreadsheet becomes inaccessible or uneditable because of a lost password Excel Key is an easy and fast solution saving your time and data. Excel Key works with all versions of MS Excel and provides recovery for all types of passwords including instant recovery of workbook and worksheet passwords. Excel 2003/XP/2000 and 97 file-open passwords are recovered using a combination of Brute-Force, Xieve(tm) and Dictionary attacks. All Excel 95/7.0, 5.0, 4.0 passwords are instantly recovered. Excel Key is now capable of recovering passwords for files encrypted using Additional Cryptographic Service Providers - advanced Office XP protection technology. Excel Password Recovery Key has support for multilingual passwords, introduces redesigned user-friendly interface that enables both novice and pro users handle recovery tasks easily. Common-style toolbars, recovery progress auto-save and reports are just a few new features. Has online help and full install/uninstall support.
Windows XP/2000/NT Key
Windows XP/2000/NT Key is an easy to use program to reset Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 secure boot options. Locked out of your server? Forgot Administrator password? Secure boot floppy disk lost? Those are only a few cases when Windows Password Recovery Key becomes a vital solution and quickly gets you back in to your computer. All you need to do to unlock your PC is to use Windows XP/2000/NT Key, it creates a special driver disk. When Windows XP/2000/NT Key driver is loaded, it shows you the list of Windows installations that could be unlocked. Windows Key resets local Administrator password to '12345'. New version resets passwords on Windows 2003/XP/2K/NT systems directly from a bootable CD-ROM, no floppy drive required. Download and try a free demo version.
Passware Kit
Passware Kit recovers all kinds of lost or forgotten passwords for the world's most popular office application files, including Excel, Word, Windows 2003/XP/2K/NT, RAR, WinZip, Access, Outlook, Acrobat, Quicken, WordPerfect, VBA, 1-2-3, ACT!, Paradox, Organizer, Schedule, WordPro and more. All versions of MS Office are supported including the most resent Office 2003. Passware Kit can recover passwords for opens, write reservations, workbooks and worksheets, templates and documents, Personal Folders files, form designs, databases and access user accounts. Zip password recovery module decrypts most of WinZip archives in less than an hour with new SureZip��� recovery. The software is available for Windows9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003, has online help, install/uninstall. Download free demo version now.
BPS Spyware and Adware Remover
posted bynaglaa banhawyinSecurity
Spyware Remover is an Adware, SpyWare, Key Loggers, Trojans, Dialers, Hijackers, Trackware, Thiefware, Big Brotherware removal utility with multi-language support. Also includes a POP-UP Blocker and Stopper, Real time Monitor, & automatic live update. Also removes Bundled spyware components from Kazza, Morpheus, audiogalaxy, grokster, Limewire, Imesh, Gnutella & 1000+ other programs. SpyWare apps often installed without your knowledge!
Dewqs' JunkMail Spittoon
posted byazertyuiopinSecurity
Free spam protection tool. Based on Dewqs' Tribes now famous anti spam engine. Free for non-corporate users! Black listing, white listing. Click on button, retrieve headers. Bingo, you've got spam! Kill the spam on the server, what's left is real e-mail!
posted byrainbow-innovinSecurity
Passwords can be trouble especially on the Internet. You may have too many to remember and if you don't take care someone else will gain access to them! ID_Bank can help solve your problem. ID_Bank is a secure identity and password protection system
ID_Bank is able to hold your personal information relating to usernames, passwords, pins, login details etc; information in a secure encrypted file.
Cresotech DesktopSafe Lite
Cresotech DesktopSafe Lite is a convenient FREE tool for safe storage of confidential data. DesktopSafe provides the comfortable management and secure storage of passwords, nicknames, credit card, bank account and document data as well as other confidential information. Instead of memorizing dozens of passwords, nicknames, numbers, etc., you have to remember the only password - the one giving you access to whole data.
pdf-Recover can be used to decrypt protected Adobe Acrobat PDF files, which have "master" password set. If you can not remember your password, pdf-Recover will allow to open encrypted files - and provide without any restrictions.
pdf-Recover creates a 1:1 copy of your PDF-file without any password limitations, that means you can edit, copy and print texts and images of this document.
pdf-Recover will decrypt files up to 128-bit encryption.
If you need some further features, please have a look at pdf-Recover Professional!
Protector Plus 2000 for Windows
Protector Plus is an anti-virus software designed for Windows. It detects and removes all types of viruses. The email scan and real-time feature scans all the emails received and files accessed. Virus found are automatically removed. The InstaUpdate feature will download the virus database updates. The software is easy to install and use. It works on Windows XP/2000/NT/Me/98/95. Download this 30 day evaluation copy to try it free of cost.
SDS PassGen
posted byRichardAllsebrookinSecurity
SDS PassGen is a simple, multiple password generator for windows 98/2000/XP. Any number of passwords of any length may be generated from a list of characters.
Private Cleaner-clear windows/internet/web tracks,safe your privacy
<b>Why Private Cleaner?</B><br>
1. Private Cleaner can clear web access footprints, operating system footprints and <B>100s softwares'</b> footprints.<BR>2. Private Cleaner support <B>mutipletype browsers</B>, such as Netscape, Opera, Mozilla and so on.<BR>3. Private Cleaner is <B>SAFE</b> tools.Before clearing, you can see anything then selectively clear them.
My Personal Locker RELOADED
posted bymybssgroupinSecurity
Now come with a new XP look. All major bugs are now fixed.Faster processing and with new advance data security algorithms. Your data will be inaccessable and invisible from both DOS and windows. It is made keeping in view the general requirements of home and office users of computer. There is always a need of a safe area where you can put your personal materials where no one other than you can access.