Encrypt HTML Source
Encrypt HTML source is a solution for full web site protection. It will encrypt your HTML, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript,SHTML and CSS source code and will make impossible stealing and reusing it in other websites. Password protect web pages. Advanced web site images protection. Security options available:disable right-click, page printing, text selection/copying, clipboard, and offline usage of encrypted files.
IP Security Validator
IP Security Validator works both interactively as a command line tool and in a "quiet" mode. In interactive mode, the command line tool (ipsecvalidate) reports the results on the standard output in words (human-readable form). In quiet mode, IP Security Validator reports the result via a single return parameter without writing to standard output; this quality makes it suitable to be used as part of administration scripts that run regularly to validate VPN connectivity and encapsulation.
You may have seen other file encrypting software that create additional partitions or mask the files as other kinds of common file types. This all sounds great and dandy, but even a basic hacker can locate hidden file areas on your hardrive and also recognize "fake" file types. The solution is to provide a file encryptor that works well at encoding your files. CryptoBlockerTM is a full-featured yet easy-to-use file security program.
ServerMask for IIS
posted bydownloadmanagerinSecurity
Broadcasting clues about a Web server via its HTTP header makes it easy for a potential intruder to complete his/her first hacking task: identifying your operating system and Web server. ServerMask 2.2 from Port80 obscures a Windows Web server removing or modifying unnecessary HTTP and SMTP response data, the most obvious signs that you are running IIS. The tool installs easily, is stable and efficient, and is available for a free 30-day trial.
Price 99.95
IE-3PG disables logging of your form data, usernames and password by autocomplete. It also has an advance guard mode where it can disable logging even if access to the PC's control panel or registry is locked by the system admin.
ServerMask for IIS
ServerMask removes, randomizes, or modifies the HTTP server resonse header to help hide IIS servers from bots and worms looking to find servers to exploit. It is implemented as a super-fast ISAPI filter and is easy to install and configure. Improve IIS security in under 2 minutes with ServerMask.
ABC CHAOS allows you to easily encrypt files into your personal data archive. The additional special protection feature completely elimites the ability to selection the password to the encrypted information that was used in generating the passwords and keys.
Titan, the application firewall from Flicks Software protects your IIS server against procedures executed by entire classes of hack attacks, rather than looking for individual characteristics of known worms and viruses. By protecting your IIS server procedurally, Titan is able to protect against both worms and viruses before they are discovered. Unlike other antivirus applications, such as intrusion detection systems and network firewalls, Titan is not limited to just previously analyzed viruses. Titan stops brute force attacks, too !
CHAOS Public Key
With CHAOS+PK you can protect the privacy of your e-mail messages and files by encrypting them so that only the intended recipients can read them. You can also digitally sign messages and files, which ensures their authenticity. When someone sends you e-mail with their digital signature, CHAOS automatically use a copy of their public key to check the digital signature and to make sure that no one has tampered with the contents. After obtaining only one message from other of CHAOS user enciphered by your public key, the program independently shapes an one-time symmetric key for operation with this user and in further will use for operation with him only one-time symmetric key varying at each conversation. Length of these keys in each case will exceed a size of the ciphered data.
Absolute CHAOS
Simply drag-and-drop files and folders to protect sensitive documents, and then enter an encryption key to encode, and decode the files. It uses the stream cipher algorithm. Chaos (Chaos Cryptosystem) security application. High speed, variable-length keys, high reliability, and user friendliness allow you to easily encrypt an entire harddisc.
ArtistScope Secure Image
Secure Image uses image encryption with Domain Lock to prevent direct saving, right mouse saving, direct downloading and bandwidth theft. Image encryption protects the image that can be retrieved from the Temporary Internet Folder and cache. Options include targeted hyperlink on the image, status bar and image messages with optional border frames. Registration keys can be obtained by registering online. Registration is free but a web site address must be given to enable the Domain Lock. Version 2 series supports all popular browsers from 4.1 and higher on PC (98.5% of net traffic). V2.2 is free for non-commercial use. Also included in the download is the commercial version of the 2 series with batch import and processing, and Secure Image Pro which is available for and supported on macs. Pro includes several more options for display effects, cross platform support and batch processing for the professionals.
PriceUSD 85.00