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Results 121-140 of 511
TrustPort Archive Encryption
This software is designated for Windows operating system. It allows on-demand encryption and decryption of files and folders into PDA compatible CPH format or to create encrypted archives. There is also a possibility to create self-extracting EXE archives that can be unpacked independently on TrustPort Encryption. These archives can be also packed into ZIP envelope to be able to send them as e-mail attachments.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 32.00
TrustPort Workstation
Antivirus Program, Personal Firewall, Encryption Application TrustPort Phoenix Rebel Workstation is a security platform consisting of an antivirus program, personal firewall, encryption application, digital signature and on-line encryption tools. It is designed for the protection of individual workstations in the network as well as those of separate users.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
TrustPort Servers
TrustPort Servers can help to solve your problems with the viruses that are contained in files and documents, which are stored at and copied to Windows file servers in company's local network area. Components: - TrustPort Antivirus intended for permanent protection of data being stored on file-servers. - TrustPort Firewall is a basic component of server's protection from outer intrusion.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 181.00
TrustPort Disc Shredder
The Disc Shredder utility removes all the data from your disc. The software runs directly from the boot diskette or CD. The application uses DOS operating system so there is no need to remove the disc for deletion from the computer and connect it to another one with functional operating system Windows. By using Disc Shredder you can easily and safely remove all data on the hard disc located in your PC.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 1,028.00
Secure Storage Pro
posted byrayslabinSecurity
Want to be absolutely sure your data is always protected? Want to have your files encrypted but don't want to hinder access to them? Get Secure Storage Pro, a virtual disk utility that encrypts data on the fly. Place all your confidential data (files, documents, pictures, e-mails, etc) onto a virtual disk and set the password. Only the password bearer will be able to access data, the others won't even know it's there! 100% FREE Trial.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
IM Lock Home Edition Single User
posted by3ComvigoinSecurity
IM Lock controls and blocks access to Instant Messaging and peer to peer services that put your family at risk from internet hazards. Free trial version available - sets up in less than a minute. Blocks all popular services: MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, AIM, Skype, eMule, iTunes, and many more. Also controls web browsing. IM Lock is continually updated to detect and block new programs as they are released. Easy setup and administration.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
Public Access Desktop
posted bysofthiveinSecurity
Make a foolproof public access workstation, protect the critical files, and manage applications to be run. You can create an Internet Kiosk for cybercafe, library information terminal, in-store terminal or restrict children activities on home PC, etc. Set the proper type of access to a locked desktop such as user-name and password authentication, time-locked code (that allows users to access PC for a given period only) or a combination of both.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Max Spyware Detector
posted byrachnapinSecurity
You can get infected with spywares,malwares & other malicious programs just by visiting a website or by installing a software which seems genuine.If you are infected with even one of this malicious programs they will install and download more spywares, intrude your Privacy, utilize your resources.Spyware Detector actively monitors the programs running on your PC & if it detrects any spyware programs trying to start it will stop it instantly
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
System Optimizer And Tweaker
With System Optimizer And Tweaker you can control your Windows system ,it includes many powerful tweaks and hidden Registry settings. The simple user interface enables fast access to settings that affect the speed, security, efficiency, and convenience of your computer, System Tweaker And Optimizer also includes tweaks for many known software applications,Win Tweak Manager is the best utility for modifying system settings.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
Mom Knows Best
posted byioniioniinSecurity
Mom Knows Best is an easy way to restrict and monitor usage of your computer. Our logging features, keyword triggers and our manual white/black lists make Mom Knows Best a great solution for home or small business use. See whats being typed into any program, when its typed and by the user that typed it. Use keyword triggers to restrict a broad range of web sites quickly. Or restrict by domain and file rules.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.00
Max Secure Content Audit Enterprise
posted byrachnapinSecurity
Content Audit is a powerful tool that allows administrators to scan all the Internet content enters into their network. It comes with maximum protection and pre-set monitoring functions, which can easily be customized to meet department (group) or user needs. Administrators in the organization decide what type of content is appropriate for each department (group) and user. It is based on the client server architecture and uses push deployment
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
Elite Spy Software
posted bywidestepinSecurity
Elite Spy Software is the professional monitoring tool. Fast and Powerfull! Elite Spy Software helps people keep tabs on what is going on on their computers while they are away or while they are operated by other users. Elite Spy Software works in low-kernel 100% stealth mode and gurantees that all keystrokes on the local PC are recorded and stored into encrypted user-friendly report, which can be secretly e-mailed to your mailbox.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
HTML Password Lock
With easy to use wizard, HTML Password Lock allows you to password protect web pages and website step by step in just a few clicks. Based on strong encryption algorithms, it will thoroughly encrypt your entire page with password, and the password will not be stored in the encrypted page, so that no one can getting in unless he know the correct password. You can protect the web page with one password, or manage more than 1000 users/passwords.Using a Javascript based protection scheme, it does not require any server side scripting or installations, and can even protect files on a CD or other media. Additional features include customizable login templates, optional cookie protection and options to disable right-clicking, disable printing, as well as an option to limit access based on the referring page and more.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
posted byhsctiminSecurity
DiskLogon is one of the most powerful and securest logon software. Like smart card logon software, it enables you to log on to your computer with a portable disk. It can save you the trouble of typing your user name and password every time you log on. All you have to do is to plug your portable disk in your computer, and you can log on to your computer quickly and safely.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
Pivo SSH Component
Pivo SSH was developed for commercial organization for securing remote shell access. The protocol supports compression and tunneling multiple TCP connections over one secured connection. SSH supports various authentication schemes such as password-based, keyboard-interactive, allowing the client authorize itself using several schemes at the same time. Some SSH implementations also support PKI infrastructure for server and client authentication.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Pivo Security Component
Modern software must be more than secure, it must be unbreakable. No home-made solutions, nothing like that. The proven way is complete power of standard-based software components which offer you unprecendented level of security of your information! Think about S/MIME, PKI, PGP, SSL/TLS, SSH, SFTP, PDF ... Too much TLAs? Each abbreviation absorbs knowledge and experience of avowed security specialists. And you've got this all with Pivo.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Simple for beginners. You can use SpyDefense's Express mode to quickly and easily remove spyware from your computer. Using settings designed by our experts, SpyDefense checks for spyware in all known locations. Complex for advanced users. Advanced and Custom scan modes allow you to customize SpyDefense to provide the exact level of protection you need. Intuitive for everybody. SpyDefenses unique user interface has an user-friendly design.
(0 ratings)
Privacy Restorer
Your PC knows a lot about you. What websites you�ve visited. What you�ve seen and downloaded. Your passwords, personal preferences, files you�ve used, programs you�ve installed, your usage habits, and more. It�s an open book for all to see�and exploit. With a simple mouse click, award-winning Privacy Restorer permanently removes the history of your activities on a PC.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
Evidence-Blaster completely "cleans your history, ensuring your computer and Internet use cannot be discovered by anyone EVER. Clear your browser history, erase your browser cache, eliminate all your system cookies, remove your visited and typed URL list, clean the hidden & locked index.dat file, overwrite all AutoComplete information, clear documents, history and Find searches from the Start menu, and much more!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.95
Freedomizer Guard-1
Freedomizer Guard-1 is a New and unique Program. For the first time ever, FG-1 is dedicated to protecting mail traffic transmitted via SMTP and POP3 protocols. It easily communicates with all known mail clients, such as Outlook, Mozilla, etc. The program provides traffic protection with the help of SSL protocol by establishing a secure connection between a client and an intermediate Protection Server.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 115.00
Results 121-140 of 511