Utilities Scripts
Arctor Disk-To-Disk Backup
posted bybyteplaninUtilities Scripts
Arctor is hard disk backup made smart, fast, simple and powerful. At a price of less than $1 per GB, today's cheapest and fastest backup media are hard disks - so why not simply use one for your backups? Backups on hard disks are much quicker and easier to restore, check and update.
PriceUSD 99.95
ActiveURLs Check&Get - Web-Monitor, Bookmark Manager and Web-Page Archiver
posted byactiveurlsinUtilities Scripts
Web-Monitor, Bookmark Manager, Web Capture Tool and Web-Page Archiver. Checks web sites for updates and notifies you of changes. Automatically captures changed web pages and highlights the new content. Manages bookmarks, detects dead links and duplicates. Imports, exports and synchronizes your bookmarks among browsers (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera). Converts the bookmarks to HTML. A must-have tool for every web researcher.
PriceUSD 39.95
posted byag0nyinUtilities Scripts
BGraphs is a set of shell scripts for (Free)BSD systems that generate CPU, bandwidth, disk, memory usage and number of processes. The graphs are stored ready to be seen from a web browser.
ECT for Linux
posted byawtechinUtilities Scripts
Enhanced Cluster Tools (ECT) for Linux is a set of additional tools for the enhancement of Cluster Systems Management (CSM), which assists an administrator in managing a whole set of Linux machines. CSM includes features such as parallel installation, hardware control, configuration file management, event monitoring, and more that help make it easier for an administrator to set up and maintain clusters. ECT provides additional features such as an xCAT-to-CSM transitional tool and scripts for easily collecting data from service processors. Many of the scripts in ECT are early versions of tools that will eventually be merged into CSM in future releases.
posted byawtechinUtilities Scripts
xCAT (Extreme Cluster Administration Toolkit) is a tool kit that can be used for the deployment and administration of Linux clusters. Its features are based on user requirements, and many of its features take advantage of IBM xSeries hardware.
Admin Report Kit
posted bysubscriptioninUtilities Scripts
Admin Report Kit (ARK)� is a powerful, general-purpose reporting tool for the Microsoft Enterprise Network. ARK presents information, about logical entities present in the Microsoft Enterprise Network, in the form of Trees, Tables and Views. All categories of information reported by ARK are available across the domains in the enterprise. This means that information may be viewed and reported for several systems in the enterprise simultaneously, from a single location.
posted bydcharlesinUtilities Scripts
ipMonitor is a network monitoring, alerting and recovery software that IT professionals and ISPs/ASPs depend on to ensure quality of service and network uptime, around-the-clock. ipMonitor uses 42 monitor types to test the availability and responsiveness of network resources at the protocol and transaction levels. In the event of a problem, ipMonitor will attempt to solve it by restarting failed services, rebooting machines, initiating recovery scripts, or executing 3rd party recovery applications. With a diverse array of notification methods, comprehensive reporting abilities, and licensing of unlimited resources, ipMonitor is ideal for mission-critical eCommerce and eBusiness installations.