Synchronization between XML Schema and database.
SysDB is a tool for synchronizing XML Files (based on XML Schema) and a Relational Database. XML files are stored and managed in a database.
- Data are managed in configuration : when you change a XML file, only this file will be added into the base. Old versions can be easily retrieved from the database.
- Database Schema is automatically deducted from the XML Schema.
- Database and XML Schema are synchronized automatically keeping the base management as simple as possible : there is no need to create a new base each time the Schema changes.
XML Schema Quality Checker
XML Schema Quality Checker is a program which takes as input an XML Schema written in the W3C XML schema language and diagnoses improper uses of the schema language. Where the appropriate action to correct the schema is not obvious, the diagnostic message may include a suggestion about how to make the fix.
XML Processing Plus Plus
The XML Processing Plus Plus compiler converts programs written in this language's syntax into Java code that uses standard XML APIs. The language itself provides simple wrapper APIs: XmlIn and XmlOut. XmlIn is used for retrieving data from XML input streams, and XmlOut for inserting data to XML output streams. In addition, it provides a powerful "compile-time debugging" facility based on its type-checker. The type-checker runs inside the compiler and detects problems in the code.
XML Processing Plus Plus
The XML Processing Plus Plus compiler converts programs written in this language's syntax into Java code that uses standard XML APIs. The language itself provides simple wrapper APIs: XmlIn and XmlOut. XmlIn is used for retrieving data from XML input streams, and XmlOut for inserting data to XML output streams.
Presenting XML
posted bydanielaparkerinJava
Presenting XML is a Java web application framework for presenting HTML, PDF, WML etc. in a device independent manner. The framework supports a flow of content (XML files, flat files, SQL, dynamic XML) through SAX pipelines and XSLT transforms to a device. It runs as a servlet in a web environment and also as a console app. It can be used, for example, to transform flat files into XML, to transform XML content into multi-part MIME mail message, to transform XML into PDF, to generate HTML web pages, etc.
IBM XSL Formatting Object Composer
XSL Formatting Objects Composer (XFC) is a typesetting and display engine that implements a substantial portion of XSL Formatting Objects (FO), which became a W3C Recommendation on October 15, 2001. XSL FO is an XML language for typesetting, printing, or displaying any of the world's written languages.
XSL Editor
The IBM XSL Editor application allows a user to import, create, and save Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) style sheets and Extensible Markup Language (XML) source documents. IBM's XSL Editor allows users to set and remove "break points" on the style sheet and source document. The XSL Editor user interface features an XML "source based" collapsible "tree view" with dynamic font resizing for "Zooming" in/out to handle small/large documents. Dynamic "edit pads" provide a vehicle for style sheet and source document editing that are automatically kept in synch with their corresponding tree views. Style sheet authoring is made convenient by the ability to automatically generate XPath syntax from sample source documents.