JS Merge XML
posted byharekoinJavaScript
This class can merge XML documents from strings, DOM objects or input files.
It can take a XML document from a string or a DOM object tree, or a file taken from a form input and merges with another XML document.
The resulting document can be search using a XPath query string or returned as a string or a DOM object.
This object provides options to control whether the nodes with the same path or name are replaced or added sequentially.
XML to JSON Converter
posted byMartinIvanovinJavaScript
JavaScript class is a simple XML to JSON converter and objectifier. It can be used with custom or public XML, REST APIs such as Last.FM, RSS and ATOM feeds, sitemaps, etc by converting the XML server responses to native JSON objects in the browser which are then instantly accessible by its simple to use JavaScript methods.
posted bypeterinJavaScript
A set of JavaScript XML tools written with the goal of speed, simplicity, and minimal code. A parser that doesn't mind if you throw 2000 lines of (well-formed) XML at it, a unique builder that invites the coding of GUIs (graphical user interfaces) around it, and an iterator that makes costly recursion unnecessary. I've released it under the LGPL (it's free for private and commercial use, no strings attached).