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Log Analyzers

Results 1-11 of 11
Log Analyzer: Trends
Client-side powerful web log analyzer (IIS and Apache server logs supported). Complete control over website statistics with Log Analyzer: Trends. Tracking daily, weekly or monthly trends in statistics: visited pages, unique visitors, search engines, referring sites, search phrases. Detailed overview statistics with all major parameters on one screen!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.95
Features: - Filter by loggers, log levels or any other criteria. - Search log entries by loggers or message text. - Supports wildcards and regular expressions. - Fully customizable GUI including color and font of individual loggers. - Reads log output from File-, UDP- and TCP-Appenders. - Support for multiple log sources (Professional Edition) - Support for consolidated view of separate log sources in a single message view. (Professional Edition)
(0 ratings)
Deep Log Analyzer Free Edition
Analyze your website usage with this freeware. Get 30+ reports on traffic, visitors, referrals, search engines and key phrases, browsers, screen resolution and more. Deep Log Analyzer features hierarchical reports presentation with interactive navigation, graphical charts and open database format. DeepTracker technology allows for accurate tracking of sessions and returning visitors using cookies. View how statistics change over time, compare reports for different intervals, dig deeper into the data with the unique hierarchical reports and reveal hidden patterns in your site stats.
(0 ratings)
Hoo WinTail
Hoo WinTail is a real-time file viewing Windows utility like the Unix tail -f utility. It can be used to view the end of a growing file. It is ideal for viewing application traces or server logs in real time, as they are generated. Quickly viewing the last part of a large file without the need to load the entire file. Hoo WinTail is a file viewer. It makes no changes to the file that is opened. It opens the file in read-only mode. As new lines are written to the file by another program (such as would happen with a log file, for example), Hoo WinTail reads the new lines and displays them. Hoo WinTail can read and display any text file. It cannot support .doc files, .xls files, or other proprietary formats. Hoo WinTail can capture and display OutputDebugString (Windows Debug API) and TRACE (MS Visual C++ Debug Function) output as well.
(0 ratings)
Deep Log Analyzer
Analyze web site visitors' behaviour and get complete web site usage statistics. Deep Log Analyzer features hierarchical reports presentation with interactive navigation, convenient graphical charts and open database format. View how statistics change over time, compare reports for different time intervals, dig deeper into your site data with the unique hierarchical reports and reveal hidden patterns in your site stats. Get reports about accessed site resources, visitors' activity, referral sites, search engines and keywords, browsers and OS, search spiders, server errors and more. Create your own custom reports; access the website statistics database in other applications. Analyze log files from all popular web servers including IIS and Apache, download log files via FTP, process logs archived in gz or zip on the fly without extracting them. Print or export reports into html. Use Deep Log Analyzer to create and view advanced reports with marketing, SEO or technical information.
(0 ratings)
Web Log Storming
Web Log Storming is an interactive, desktop-based web log analyzer for Windows with Hybrid (combined log file and JavaScript) analysis support. A whole new concept of website statistics makes it clearly different from any other web log analytics software. Browse through stats to drill down into details - down to an individual visitor's session. Check the pattern of individual visitor behavior and how it fits into your goals.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Web Log Suite
Web Log Suite is a powerful log analyzer. Highly detailed and easily configurable reports can be generated in various languages output to screen, ftp, email, file or network directories. Web Log Suite supports more than 25 log file formats and can recognize log file formats automatically, extract compressed log files (Zip, GZip, and Bzip2) and read multiple log files.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.90
AlterWind Log Analyzer Professional
An unparalleled web statistics package for professional webmasters. In addition to standard log analyzer features, such as multiple log file processing, compressed logs support, 50+ pre-configured reports, advanced filters and sorts by any field, Alterwind also introduces unique features for professional SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and advertising campaign tracking. Build customized reports and use a database of 430+ search engine templates.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 125.00
IAS Log Viewer
posted byrayinLog Analyzers
The IAS Log Viewer program helps read and interpret the log files from Windows 2000 Routing and Remote access service. With the IAS Log Viewer you can view log files at user-friendly form.
(3 ratings)
Web Log Explorer
How do you tell the difference between a good log analyzer and a great one? Good log analyzers create "multilevel" and cross-linked reports. But only the best log analyzers give you the full freedom of exploring the data. Web Log Explorer is one of the best. This program creates dynamic reports on-the-fly. It allows you to dig as deep into your log files as you need to. Explore your site, proxy or other logs without any limits!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
WebLog Expert
WebLog Expert is a feature rich web server log analyzer. It will give you information about your site's visitors: activity statistics, file access statistics, paths through the site, information about referring pages, search engines, browsers, operating systems, errors, and more. Flexible filters will help you perform comprehensive research. The program generates HTML-based reports with tables and charts. WebLog Expert supports log files of Apache and IIS servers and can read GZ and ZIP compressed logs. It can also download logs via FTP and HTTP, upload reports via FTP or send them via e-mail. Other features include the multithreaded DNS lookup, built-in scheduler, IP to country mapping, tracked files reports, creating PDF and CSV reports, and more.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Results 1-11 of 11