2CheckOut Integrator
2CheckOut Integrator binds your site and account in 2CO payment system. Now managing your payments becomes easy and convenient. Features: * Manage the style of your "buy" buttons * Real-time statuses of the payments (updated automatically) * Export to .csv * Statistics of views/clicks * Full payment details available * WYSIWYG editor for PDF invoices * Events Handler (you can manage the behavior of the system depending on events. For example automated email notifications or account creation once the payment is approved) From the back-end you will see the real-time statuses of your payments - if they have passed through the validation successfully, if the payment is received, etc. With usual extensions you will never know the actual status of your payment, and will have to login to your 2CO account to check them manually. Our 2CheckOut Integrator makes life much easier; it will always display the actual real-time statuses of the payments.