A-AST FFmpeg Installer v2.0.4 Unified Installer
The A-AST FFmpeg Installer v2.0.4 Unified Installer installs FFmpeg and provides a local, non-system installation of FFmpeg with several external encoding libraries. Apart from this, it also includes several relevant codecs and pre-sets required by FFmpeg for transcoding and other FFmpeg functions. With the the Advanced FFmpeg installer v2.0.4, you have the freedom to choose whether or not you want a Clipbucket compatible FFmpeg installation with FFmpeg-php (the php module for FFmpeg). This installer has been tested with 3 major video conversion softwares – PHPmotion, Vidiscript and Clipbucket. * Advanced FFmpeg installer v2.0.4 provides ffmpeg-php + ffmpeg 0.9.1 (Clipbucket Compatible Version) OR ffmpeg-php + ffmpeg 1.2.2 (Clipbucket Non-Compatible Version) Assistance to install using the script is available via our support Portal. You can chat with our technical support 24/7 from our website to know more details.