Absolut Engine
Absolut Engine is an advanced news publishing system. It features 3 layer access (admin/chief/editor), article posting, editing and deleting. Absolut Engine includes a powerful image managing tool, file manager and related articles manager are also included. Rich text editing is provided via built-in WYSIWYG editor that produces XHTML 1.0 Strict compliant code. Absolut Engine is easy to extend via module functionality - any required addons/plugins can be created and added to the system. It is fully configurable and easy-to-use for unexperienced users, too. Modules include Discussions, Surveys, RSS Feed, Search Engine Optimization and message system for better communication between users. Absolut Engine produces webstandards compliant valid XHTML 1.0 Strict & CSS semantically correct code in PHP & MySQL with WYSIWYG editor. It is accessible, usable, complies to W3C web standards - built with accessibility, usability, correct XHTML semantics, XHTML valid code in mind. News publishing system = Content management system (CMS) = News script = News publishing software = News publishing script = Blogging software = Blog software - PHP/MySQL content management system with WYSIWYG and valid XHTML Strict support.