AdiInviter Pro - Contacts Importer And Tell A Friend System
The ultimate contacts importer and tell-a-friend system for your website. Allow your website visitors to import and invite their contacts to your website from various webmail and social network services around the world. With the help of AdiInviter Pro, your website visitors can import and invite their contacts to your website from Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Outlook, Linkedin, AOL, iCloud, Viadeo, MailChimp, GMX, T-online, and many other services. Ready-made integration for Wordpress, Joomla, JomSocial, Drupal, Boonex, phpFox, BuddyPress, bbPress, Community Builder, IPB, vBulletin, XenForo, CodeIgniter, Expression Engine, Laravel, CakePHP, Zend Framework, Yii Framework and lot more. Standalone Version For Any PHP Website : Standalone version of AdiInviter Pro can be installed and integrated with any kind of website or platform coded in PHP.