Advanced Video XML Gallery
- the possibility to change brightness, contrast, color gamma of the clip; - the possibility to point the clip (intro clip) which will be proposed for viewing before choosing the other clip; - it is set up in the xml file –it is convenient to those who doesn’t want to know the detailed work of flash; - it has the full screen function; - it has the convenient menu with the thumbnails of the video albums which are fully set up in the xml file. - it has the convenient menu with the thumbnails of the video clips which are fully set up in the xml file; - there is the function of the copying of the embed code – any person can easily copy this code and install the player in his site without loosing the functional; - it has the function of the direct link to the clip- it is convenient because we can insert this link to the blog or send to friends by e-mail, Scype,Msn,ICQ .. - it has the convenient interface of controlling of the sound;
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