Ajax-Controls.NET component is designed to provide developers with an easy-to-use tool to AJAX enable standard ASP.NET controls and 3rd party controls in ASP.NET applications, which allow you to update page content without postback and loss of scroll position. The short response time combined with the smooth interface transitions result in superior user's experience and a level of interactivity, which can only be found in desktop applications. It hides the complex structure of AJAX behind a simple object model that allows creation of complex AJAX Enabled ASP.NET application with few lines of codes and eliminates the need for writing complex JavaScript. Due to the fact that Ajax-Controls.NET can update standard ASP.NET controls without using callback wrappers, development of AJAX enabled ASP.NET application is exactly similar to any standard ASP.NET application. You can also purchase 100% Source code for complete control and flexibility in your application development process.