Ajax Powered MySQL Table Editor
MyAjax Editor, is a powerful Ajax MySQL Table Editor that replicates the functionality of an Excel spreadsheet, allowing you to click from cell to cell to make changes. The Ajax search quickly narrows down the data that you are looking to view or make changes to. Rows can also be deleted, and inserted via quick and easy Ajax controls. Features: * Fast inline data editing via Ajax * Quick Ajax Search * Ajax Sort, and Paginated results * Insert & Delete rows * Built on jQuery Javascript framework * Designed for PHP and MySQL (can be used on other systems e.g. SQL Lite) * Ideal for LARGE amounts of MySQL data * Only loads and displays data that is required Config Options: * Show only select fields. * Custom CSS styles per column (e.g. Text colour, font size, column highlighting, etc) * Results per page. * Which field Ajax Search should be performed on. * Field to initially sort on + direction (asc/desc) * Set column width.