AllWebMenus Sliding Menu Add-in
The "AllWebMenus Sliding Menu Add-in" allows you to easily give your web menus a "slide menu effect” - otherwise known as "expandable menus", "collapsible menus", or "accordion menus". Simply put, a submenu group pushes the items of its parent group downwards when it opens (slide down), and pulls these items upwards when it closes (slide up). The AllWebMenus Sliding Menu Add-in allows you to create sliding menus where the subgroup will "hide" when not needed and "show" when necessary. You can easily create your web menus and set the submenu group to appear either as "drop-down" (non-sliding, standard menu mode) or as "sliding" (slide menu effect mode). If selected to appear as "sliding", the sliding submenu group will push the items of its parent group downwards when opening and in the same manner, it will pull items upwards when it closes.