Amazonlib -- API for's web services
AmazonLib is an API for's Web Services. It is written in PHP. It simplifies the process of writing applications using Amazon's Web Services. AmazonLib consists of four main components: 1) nurest.php -- a REST parser class which parses Amazon's XML responses into an associative array. 2) amazonrest.php -- a REST API class for all of the API calls in AWS 3.0. 3) amazonsoap.php -- a SOAP API like amazonrest.php. I use, and include, Dietrich Ayala's nusoap.php SOAP library. 4) amazonseller.php -- a beta API for's seller interface. AmazonLib has a few nice features. It should run on any PHP4 distribution and it will also log most error messages. Like nusoap, it's distributed under the GNU Lesser Public License.